by Max Barry

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Least Corrupt Governments: 11,442ndMost Rebellious Youth: 12,008thMost Compassionate Citizens: 21,217th
The Confederacy of
Liberal Democratic Socialists Open-Minded Education State
In diversity we thrive
Civil Rights
Political Freedom

Overview Policies People Government Economy Rank Trend Cards


Population1.365 billion


The Confederacy of Igg is a massive, socially progressive nation, renowned for its anti-smoking policies, irreverence towards religion, and devotion to social welfare. The compassionate, democratic population of 1.365 billion Iggians love a good election, and the government gives them plenty of them. Universities tend to be full of students debating the merits of various civil and political rights, while businesses are tightly regulated and the wealthy viewed with suspicion.

The medium-sized, socially-minded, outspoken government juggles the competing demands of Welfare, Defense, and Education. The average income tax rate is 40.1%, but much higher for the wealthy.

The sizeable but underdeveloped Iggian economy, worth 56.2 trillion Coins a year, is driven entirely by a combination of government and state-owned industry, with private enterprise illegal. However, for those in the know, there is a slick, highly efficient, fairly diversified black market in Information Technology, Arms Manufacturing, Soda Sales, and Woodchip Exports. The private sector mostly consists of enterprising ten-year-olds selling lemonade on the sidewalk, but the government is looking at stamping this out. Average income is 41,196 Coins, and distributed extremely evenly, with little difference between the richest and poorest citizens.

Increasing inclusiveness is a sign of the times, Leader's new door-knocking campaign has the sweet taste of success, members of majority races are forced out of their homes to make way for Bigtopians, and witnesses have to run a gauntlet of mob enforcers to testify at trials. Crime is totally unknown. Igg's national animal is the sheep, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests.

Igg is ranked 131,576th in the world and 21st in Liberty Islands for Highest Average Tax Rates, with 40.05 Effective Tax Rate.

Least Corrupt Governments: 11,442ndMost Rebellious Youth: 12,008thTop
Most Compassionate Citizens: 21,217thNicest Citizens: 21,776thMost Inclusive: 22,323rdMost Secular: 23,295thMost Beautiful Environments: 34,391st

National Happenings

Most Recent Government Activity:

  • : Following new legislation in Igg, witnesses have to run a gauntlet of mob enforcers to testify at trials.
  • : Following new legislation in Igg, members of majority races are forced out of their homes to make way for Bigtopians.
  • : Igg was reclassified from "Left-wing Utopia" to "Liberal Democratic Socialists".
  • : Following new legislation in Igg, Leader's new door-knocking campaign has the sweet taste of success.
  • : Following new legislation in Igg, increasing inclusiveness is a sign of the times.
  • : Following new legislation in Igg, kindergartners' favourite dance move is the stop-drop-and-roll.
  • : Following new legislation in Igg, college students make ends meet by selling their kidneys.
  • : Following new legislation in Igg, hospitals fear government fines more than terrorist ransoms.
  • : Following new legislation in Igg, for some reason the census focuses on daily banana ingestion and hourly quip rate.
  • : Igg was reclassified from "Liberal Democratic Socialists" to "Left-wing Utopia".

