by Max Barry

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The Workers Front of Ukraine
Робітничий Фронт України
"Honor and glory to the builders of the new civilization!"
"Честь і слава поборникам нової цивілізації!"

Anthem of the WFU - Link"Iнтернацiонал"

The Workers Front of Ukraine was been created originally as a student organization of communists and other representatives of the leftist movement. Created in 2018, after the ban of the communist parties in Ukraine, it could not receive a sufficiently large support a priori - any communist symbols are forbidden, and any kind of public protest would be brutally suppressed by nationalists.
But by the beginning of 2019, this youth organization began to attract more and more students from the South and East of Ukraine, who were disappointed in the market economy and, by naivety, wished to give a better future to everyone. By building communism, of course.
At the beginning of 2020, the WFU builds contacts with the KPU, which started to work undercovered by that time and becomes part of the Ukrainian left-wing revolutionary movement, moving from simple propaganda and agitation to sabotage at the enterprises of oligarchs and beating the prominent nationalists.
In June, when the incompetent government of President Zelensky began to discredit himself particularly strongly, the activities of the WFU were sharply intensified.
On June 22, in Odessa, Kryvyi Rih, Kharkiv, and Kherson, rallies under red flags were held in memory of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, which the nationalist volunteers tried to suppress. These attempts were first repelled by stones, sticks, and knives. In the evening, real firefights broke out, which were suppressed by the government's Spetznaz and the police, but most of the WFU activists still managed to escape. In Odessa, four police patrols, having got involved in a fight, were beaten, without even rendering proper resistance to the protesters.
These events have largely influenced Ukrainian public opinion - for the first time in the history of Ukraine, the Communists have manifested themselves precisely as a revolutionary movement. The firefights and the defeat of the police in Odessa demonstrated the real weakness of the Zelensky regime, which further intensified the opposition movement in the South and East, forcing the president to call the National Guard and curfew in a range of regions. The Ukrainian people (who, with great dissatisfaction, endured quarantine measures, banally not observing them) evaluated this step of the government in their own way, starting to destroy police stations and beat the policemen and soldiers.
On June 30, the first congress of the Communist Party took place after its ban in 2014-2015, which was attended by the heads of the WFU. KPU and WFU consolidated their efforts by forming the left coalition of WFU and Komsomol.
These events have extremely weakened the Ukrainian government, and, according to the prognosis of the WFU, Zelensky’s regime should have fallen by mid-August.
But then... the Russians came...

Main information
Number of members - 560,000 (440,000 activists)
Leader - The Supreme Soviet of the WFU
Political position - Left-wing to far-left
Ideology - Socialism, Communism (Marxism-Leninism and others)

Money in the organization’s fund - 200,000 Euros
Monthly income - (+) 10000-25000 Euros

Regional Soviets of the WFU:
- Western (center - in Lviv) - 72,000(30,000/35,000) members(c.a./m.a.)
- Eastern (center - in Kharkiv) - 152,000(54,000/73,000) members(c.a./m.a.)
- Southern (center - in Odessa - the center of the organization's coordination) - 169,000(71,000/55,000) members(c.a./m.a.)
- Northern (center - in Chernihiv) - 10,000(5,000/5,000) members(c.a./m.a.) - under siege
- Central (center - in Cherkasy) - 109,000(27,000/60,000) members(c.a./m.a.)
- Crimean (center - in Yalta) - 48,000(13,000/22,000) members(c.a./m.a.)

Tactical and strategical information
Number of activists - 440,000
- Civil activists - 190,000

Civil activists are extremely suitable for making and distributing of the propaganda posters and general agitation. In addition, they are also good at fights and firefights, but only in large numbers.
- Military activists - 250,000
Military activists, thanks to their military past, are suitable for assaults and dot attacks on the enemy, and are used for the expropriation of money and other valuable loot.

WFU Assault Groups - 24 units
- 10,000 Military activists
- 10,000 PPS
- 20,000 Molotov' Cocktails

Operating Mode - REVOLUTIONARY
The methods of obtaining equipment are - the looting of old Soviet warehouses and bomb shelters (25%), theft from the government military bases (10%), serial production (65%)
The methods of obtaining weapons are - theft from military bases of the government (20%), private suppliers (30%), serial production (50%)
The methods of obtaining money are - armed incassation vans robberies (50%), money counterfeiting (10%), private supporters (10%), cryptocurrency and exchange manipulations (30%)
The methods of communication are - social networks, inaccessible to government monitoring (40%), personal meetings (10%), special organization-made ciphering mobile app (50%)
The methods of conspiration are - five-level 'trust and competence' system, regular relocations, codes and ciphers, regular reports and exams
The methods of agitation are - online newspapers, printed posters, radio broadcasts

Ideology and factions' information
Leading ideology - Communism (Marxism-Leninism)
Organization's unity - 85%

- Trotskyists - 1%

Ultra-radical communists, who advocate of the theory of "permanent revolution." Opponents of any changes in the doctrines of building a socialist society, dogmatically follow Marx's theory. They clash with the Marxists-Leninists, they hate the Anarcho-Communists and the "socialist" wing of the Front.
- Marxists-Leninists - 62%
Radical communists, supporters of the ideas of Lenin and Stalin about a mass party, the revolutionary vanguard. They consider revolutionary/state terror the only possible measure of combating reactionary elements, and the bureaucratic command economy the only truly working economic system. Proponents of a pragmatic political approach. They clash with the Trotskyists, hate the Anarcho-Communists, and support the “socialist” wing of the Front.
- Maoists - 3.5%
Radical communists, supporters of Mao's ideas about the "mass line" and the "new democracy." In many ways they are similar to the Leninists, therefore they are in alliance with them. They clash with the Trotskyists, hate the Anarcho-Communists, and support the “socialist” wing of the Front.
- Christian Communists - 2.5%
Communists who believe that with the help of religion it is possible to win real freedom for everyone and everywhere, and also with the help of God - to build communism. Are despised by everyone, especially by the Marxists.
- Classical Marxists - 1%
Communists, supporters of a Marxist scientific approach to everything that exists and is happening, are intolerant of dogmatism, although they themselves are prone to it. They clash with radical communists and anarchists, but are sympathetic to the Trotskyists.
- Anarcho-Communists - 2%
Ultra-radical communists, supporters of the anarchist transition to communism, "bypassing" the stage of socialism. They constantly argue with the Marxists and are hated by everyone.
- Conservative Communists - 1%
Communists, supporters of the return of the "good-old" USSR, with its "developed socialism", "Brezhnev' freedoms" and "peaceful coexistence." Many are considered naive idealists and despised.
- National-Communists - 9%
Nationalist communists who are ready to defend the rights for self-identification and for self-determination of nations even when it is not really needed. Have clashes with all except the National-Bolsheviks.
- Technocommunists - 1%
Communist nerds who are convinced that scientific and technological progress makes the onset of socialism (and then communism) inevitable, which is why they sometimes criticize the revolutionary theory. In many ways, their ideas about efficiency are similar to Stalin's ideas, therefore they are in alliance with the Marxist-Leninists. Have clashes with the Trotskyists and Reformers.
- Neomarxists - 0.5%
Communists who believe that Marxist theory is outdated and requires global modernization in order to fit modern realities. Allied with Reformers, opposed and despised by Marxists.

- National-Bolsheviks - 8%

Ultra-radical fanatical socialists with a nationalistic bias who recognize Marx's class theory, complementing it with the theory of the "clash of civilizations." In view of their policy of pragmatism, as well as the similarity of goals and priorities, they are allied with the communists and other radicals, trying to sit in all chairs. Apparent disagreements are observed only with centrists.
- Democratic Socialists - 0.5%
Socialists who advocate fiercely for Soviet democracy and freedom of speech, oppose authoritarian models of government, recognizing democracy as the only possible version of the dictatorship of the proletariat. They have disagreements with the Trotskyists and Leninists, they hate the UKRSOC and the Misanthropic Technocommunists.

- Reformers - 0%

Market socialists who believe that the planned economy has never been a sufficiently effective model and is always doomed to failure. Despised and hated by everyone.

- Ukrainian Socialists (UKRSOC) - 7%

Totalitarian socialists who aspire to the most efficient society, where everything is totally controlled by a partocratic totalitarian state for the benefit of its inhabitants. They believe that society featured in '1984' is model and ideal. They are in alliance with the Misanthropic Technocommunists, criticized by Marxists, and hated by Democratic Socialists.
- Misanthropic Technocommunists - 1%
Communist technocrats who believe that class society and inequality will be always be formed from human nature and human stupidity. In view of this, they strive for the same thing as UKRSOC - for a totalitarian state that provides a classless society. They are allied with UKRSOC, criticized by Marxists, hated by Democratic Socialists.
- 'Libertarian Stalinists' - 0.0%
Communist libertarians who are convinced that under the Stalinist model of governance it is possible to create a completely free society, based also on the ideas of libertarianism. Despised and ridiculed by everyone, most of their ideas are perceived as a stupid joke.

Equipment and Vehicles
Machine tools available - 1,250
Factories available - 20
Quality of handicraft/serial weaponry - 100%

Infantry Weapons
Carbines and Semi-Automatic Rifles
- SKS - 5,666 units
- SVT - 2,417 units

Assault Rifles
- AK-74 - 10,563 units

Machine Guns
- Maxim machine gun mod. 1910/30 - 15 units

Submachine Guns
- PPS - 257,454 units

Sniper Rifles
- Mosin-Nagant - 4,324 units
- SVD - 165 units

- Nagant M1895 - 56,295 units
- TT - 192 units
- PM - 1,558 units

- F1 - 12,891 units
- RGD-5 - 326 units
- Molotov Cocktail - 483,087 units

Vehicles (organizational + members' personal vehicles)
City Automobiles
- VAZ-2105 - 132 units
- VAZ-2107 - 135 units
- VAZ-2018 - 244 units
- UAZ-469 - 230 units
- Lada Priora - 98 units
- Lada Niva - 109 units

Cargo Automobiles
- VAZ-2120 - 122 units
- UAZ-452 - 114 units

- T-64 - 4 units

Armored Cars
- BA-11 - 6 units

- Mi-8 - 4 units
- Mi-2 - 2 units

-------- My own RP-template --------

Volkslebenian Socialist Federation
Volkslebenische Sozialistische Foderation
Фолькслебенская Социалистическая Федерация

"People! Leader! Party! Unity!"
"Volk! Fuhrer! Partei! Einigkeit!"
"Народ! Вождь! Партия! Единство!"

Anthem - Link"Auferstanden aus Ruinen" (since 2018)
Stand up! Salute to the State Anthem!

Auferstanden aus Ruinen
Und der Zukunft zugewandt,
Lass uns dir zum Guten dienen,
Volksleben, einig Vaterland.
Alte Not gilt es zu zwingen,
Und wir zwingen sie vereint,
Denn es muss uns doch gelingen,
Daß die Sonne schön wie nie
Uber Volksleben scheint,
Uber Volksleben scheint.

Gluck und Frieden sei beschieden
Volksleben, unserm Vaterland.
Alle Welt sehnt sich nach Frieden,
reicht den Völkern eure Hand.
Wenn wir brüderlich uns einen,
schlagen wir des Volkes Feind.
Laßt das Licht des Friedens scheinen,
daß nie eine Mutter mehr
ihren Sohn beweint,
ihren Sohn beweint.

Lasst uns pflügen, lasst uns bauen,
Lernt und schafft wie nie zuvor,
Und der eignen Kraft vertrauend,
Steigt ein frei Geschlecht empor.
Unserm Jugend, bestes Streben
Uns'res Volks in dir vereint,
Wirst du Volkslebens neues Leben,
Und die Sonne schön wie nie
Uber Volksleben scheint,
Uber Volksleben scheint!

Поднимаясь к новой жизни,
Побеждая зло и тьму,
Будем мы служить Отчизне
И народу своему.
Все дороги нам открыты,
Чтоб не знать нужды былой,
Чтоб до самого зенита
Солнце счастья поднялось
Над родной землёй,
Над родной землёй.

Мир и счастье для народа
Пусть Фолькслебен наш куёт!
Всем народам честно подал
Руку дружбы наш народ.
Если мы едины будем,
Все враги нам не страшны!
Мы стоим за мир, чтоб людям
Не терять своих детей
На полях войны,
На полях войны.

Дружно, братья, стройте, сейте,
Мирный труд страны любя.
Подрастают наши дети
С крепкой верою в себя.
Молодёжь — краса отчизны
И грядущего оплот!
Солнце новой, яркой жизни
Над Фолькслебеном родным
На века встаёт,
На века встаёт!

From the ruins risen highly,
To the future turned, we stand.
Let us serve your good weal truly,
Volksleben, our Fatherland.
Triumph over bygone sorrow,
Can in unity be won.
For we shall attain a morrow,
When over our Volksleben,
There is the shining sun,
There is the shining sun.

May both peace and joy inspire,
Volksleben, our Fatherland.
Peace is all the world's desire,
To the peoples lend your hand.
In fraternity united,
We shall crush the people's foe.
Let all paths by peace be lighted,
That no mother shall again
Mourn her son in woe,
Mourn her son in woe.

Let us plough and build our nation,
Learn and work as never yet,
That a free new generation,
Faith in its own strength begets!
Our youth, for whom the striving
Of our people is at one,
You are Volkslebenian reviving,
And over our Volksleben,
There is the shining sun,
There is the shining sun!

Main information
Area - 996,665
Capital - Kaiseradler
State type - Federation
Government type - One-Party Totalitatian Dictatorship
Legislature: SVlASAP-Zentralkomitee (Центральный Комитет ВФСРПФ - Central Committee of the AFSWPV)
- Upper House - Volksrepräsentantenhalle (Зал Народных Представителей - Hall of the People's Deputies) - 450 members
- Lower House - Volkshalle (Народный Зал - People's Hall) - 2,850 delegates
Number of the AFSWPV members - 14,540,000 people
General Secretary - Maximillian Volksfeld (since September of 1971)

Maximilian Volksfeld is the most respected and is the oldest politician in Volksleben, whose pragmatic decisions and progressive policies literally saved the Volksleben people, preventing the onset of post-war anarchy and famine, creating the true socialist society literaly from scratch, and also creating one of the most effective and efficient economies in the world.
Sometimes his decisions provoke real fury among the anti-revisionist circles of the party, and the yearly party purges are having less and less effect...

Official and State religion - Atheism
Believers: Atheist - 99.999999999%, Vedulist - 0.000000001%.
Official languages - German, Russian
Population - 326,848,138 people
Manpower - 163,424,069 people
Way of recruitment - Conscription
Educated population - 99.8%
Currency - Volkslebenian Mark (VM)
Main export goods - agricultural products, machine tools, weaponry, minerals, ores, steel, chemicals, coal
Top industries - agriculture, manufacturing, weapons manufacturing, mining, chemical industry, textile industry, IT industry
GDP - 9.15 trillions Volkslebenian Marks
Gained independence - in 1837, from Russian Empire.


Interior Ministry:
Leader's Powers - Generalissimus
In the hands of the General Secretary, not only the fullness of political power but also the directly subordinate Army.
Religion policy - All-round fight against religious opium
Even while the official decree on the implementation of atheism is active, some irresponsible citizens continue to go to temples and churches. It is necessary to deal with this by word and deed, and by the most radical methods and expressions!
Cult of Personality - Idolization of Leader
Our Leader is the Sun of our country!
State structure - Autonomies
The Federal States and protectorates have the right to adopt only small decrees at the regional level.
Army doctrine - Army strengthening
Si vis Pacem, para Bellum.
Type of government - Leaderism
Power is concentrated in the hands of the Leader.
Elections of the leader - For the term of life
Our General Secretary has clearly shown that there is no alternative to Him.
Conscription policy - Society militarisation
Every citizen, regardless of age and sex, must be able to handle weapons and be ready to drive the interventionists from our land!
Trade Unions - One all-state trade union
The proletariat in the Federation is one, so its interests should be represented by a one trade union.
Legislative policy - Head of the state makes laws
The right to regulate the life of the Federation rests only with our dear Leader.
Media policy - Propaganda
The media should only cover the truth. And the truth is that under the leadership of the Great Leader and the Party, life becomes better and more fun!
Arts freedom - Politically correct art
Works of art should reflect only the ideals of socialism and the relentless class struggle, otherwise, it is not art, but counter-revolutionary propaganda.
Court policy - Total persecution of dissidents
The one who does not want to follow and/or recognize the only right course of the Party and the Leader is either a wrecker or sick. In both cases, one must be isolated.
Law Enforcement authorities - Unlimited powers
Volksleben is still surrounded by foes. Our power structures must have a full carte blanche to prosecute the enemies of the People, otherwise, the taint of the degeneracy will begin to spread across our glorious Federation.

Foreign Ministry:
Containment policy - Direct violation of the Geneva Conventions
Who cares about these conventions?! We care only about our soldiers, and taking care of the soldiers of other countries is no longer our task.
Socinformbureau - Diplomatic support only
Aggression is not a method, and therefore it is worth providing assistance to the sphered countries only at the diplomatic level.
Migration policy - Iron Curtain (lies about the outside world)
Volkslebenian people should know about the outside world only what we tell them, nothing more.
Foreign policy - Coexistence policy
Peaceful coexistence of superpowers is possible, and we will prove it in practice.

Finance Ministry:
Labor policy - Attachment to factories
In order to increase productivity the State plans where citizens will work. This cuts into the population's freedom, however.
Pricing policy - Total control
Fixed pricings of goods assure no matter the situation goods will always cost the same.
Trade policy - Import substitution
Promoting the self-determination of Volksleben, all products within Volksleben are made within the borders of the fatherland.
Type of economy - State-planned economy
The State controls every aspect of the economy and means of production for the public welfare.


Conscription Law - Service by Requirement (10%)
Trade law - Limited Exports
Economy law - Partial Mobilization
Next elections - NEVER

People's Mentality

  • Construction Speed: +10%

  • Mobilization Rate: +5%

  • Recruitable Population: +5%

  • Recruitable Population Factor: 50%

  • Resource Extraction: +1.5%

  • Production Efficiency: +10%

  • Drift to Communism: +0.5

  • Ideology Drift Defense: +50%

  • Acceptance of Democratic Diplomacy: -25

  • War support: +10%

  • Stability: +10%

  • Political Power Cost: +0.20

    Gets the rule "Kamikaze Strikes"
    Gets the rule "Can send volunteers"

The ideological principles of fidelity to the totalitarian regime, Party ideas and fanatical devotion to the Great Leader have been indoctrinated into every citizen of the Federation from birth from the very end of the War. Over several generations, this yielded the expected result - a fully controlled and extremely patriotic People who would defend "their" ideals at all costs.

Echoes of the Civil War

  • Mobilization rate: -10%

  • Consumer Factories: -10%

  • Ideology Drift Defense: +50%

  • War support: -50%

  • Stability: -5%

The Civil War ended more than three decades ago, but the memories of the horrors of this nuclear holocaust are still fresh in the memory of the People.

The Great Leader

  • Stability: +15%

  • Political Power gain: +25%

  • Factory Output: +10%

  • Research speed: +5%

  • Acceptance of Democratic Diplomacy: -75

Undoubtedly, Volksfeld played a huge role in the creation of the Federation and how it became as it is. His great and wise leadership over the country, over all His People, under His control - all the power of the People’s Army. Thanks to His effective policies, the country is moving with leaps and bounds to Progress and Prosperity, leaving behind the horrors of the nuclear holocaust. He is the favorite and fear of millions. He is the Great Leader.

"The Great Optimum"

  • Stability: -5%

  • Political Power Cost: +0.10

  • Factory Output: +5%

  • Construction Speed: +10%

  • Research Speed: +5%

  • Rocket Technologies Research Speed: +5%

  • Nuclear Technologies Research Speed: +5%

  • Electronic Technologies Research Speed: +5%

  • Division Attack: +10%

  • Effect of partisans on us: -25%

  • Recruitable Population: -2.5%

From the beginning of His reign, the Great Leader contributed a lot to the process of turning the Federation into a secular state and issued a huge number of government decrees with the goal of bringing Volksleben closer to the Great Optimum. After this policy, the Cult of Progress became widespread, bellicose atheism became commonplace, the Geneva Conventions began to gradually depreciate, and "unethical" human experimentations are no longer a bad thing.

Army Elitarization

  • Stability: +5%

  • Mobilization Rate: +10%

  • Justify Wargoal Time: -10%

  • Land Doctrine Research Speed: +15%

  • Naval Doctrine Research Speed: +15%

  • Aerial Doctrine Research Speed: +15%

  • Starting Planning level of New Generals: +1

  • New Military Leader Cost: +25%

  • Political Power Cost: +0.20

The military officers and scientists of the Militarized Research Institutes are privileged layers of the Volkslebenian society by law. The Army is the dominant force in domestic politics, ensuring the safety of the Motherland from it's external and internal enemies. In response to this, the government fully provides their families with better education and takes care of their material support.

All-Federal Military Commissariat of the People's Army

  • Division Organization: +10%

  • Division recovery rate: +10%

  • Division Attack: +5%

  • Planning Speed: +25%

  • Political Power Cost: +0.10

Volkslebenian AFMCPA combines the functions of the General Staff and provides political oversight of the troops. The Commissariat is responsible for planning military operations and mobilization plans, and thanks to the existence of the Political Supervision Division, the Volkslebenian troops will always be in a fanatic fight for their country.


  • Stability: +5%

  • Division recovery rate: +5%

  • Division Organization: +5%

  • Political Power Cost: -0.40

Volkslebenian People's Commissariat for State Security is the universal force of bureaucratic and police supervision of the Federation with unlimited powers. The main tasks of the NKGB are counter-espionage, riots suppression, the fight against crime, parasitism, and corruption.


  • Stability: +5%

  • Consumer Factories: +5%

  • Factory Output: +10%

  • Construction Speed: +10%

  • Research Speed: +5%

  • Division recovery rate: +5%

  • Political Power Cost: -0.20

All-State System of Automatic Economic Management is the ultimate instrument of economic planning in Volksleben. Thanks to this system, the commodity-money system was partially abolished, many areas of labor were automated, which led to the withering away of atavistic forms of labor. The population is now guaranteed to be safe from deficits, lack of free apartment and the lack of anything in the refrigerator, taking into account that each person now definitely has a refrigerator.

Map of Volkslebenian Union (in the Europe)

Economic info:
1 VM = $1.5
Minimal wage = 12,500 Volkslebenian Marks
Price of a loaf of bread = free

Treasury - 1,855,000,000,000 Volkslebenian Marks ($2,782,500,000,000)
Annual revenues - 5,875,000,000,000 Volkslebenian Marks ($8,812,500,000,000)
- from taxes and tariffs - 1,375,000,000,000 Volkslebenian Marks ($1,875,000,000,000)
- from state-owned enterprises - 2,000,000,000,000 Volkslebenian Marks ($3,000,000,000,000)
- from commertion - 2,500,000,000,000 Volkslebenian Marks ($1,500,000,000,000)
Annual expenses - 5,375,000,000,000 Volkslebenian Marks ($8,062,500,000,000)
- military budget - 650,000,000,000 Volkslebenian Marks ($975,000,000,000)
- administration budget - 450,000,000,000 Volkslebenian Marks ($675,000,000,000)
- NKGB, Law and Order - 500,000,000,000 Volkslebenian Marks ($650,000,000,000)
- salaries and wages - 625,000,000,000 Volkslebenian Marks ($937,500,000,000)
- social care and medical budgets - 600,000,000,000 Volkslebenian Marks ($900,000,000,000)
- transport and infrastructure budgets - 400,000,000,000 Volkslebenian Marks ($600,000,000,000)
- industry and agriculture budgets - 850,000,000,000 Volkslebenian Marks ($1,275,000,000,000)
- education and research budgets - 1,000,000,000,000 Volkslebenian Marks ($1,500,000,000,000)
- propaganda budget - 300,000,000,000 Volkslebenian Marks ($450,000,000,000)
Annual balance - (+) 500,000,000,000 Volkslebenian Marks ($750,000,000,000)


Government info:
General Secretary of the SVlASAP-Zentralkomitee - Maximillian Volksfeld (communist, totalitarian, technocrat)
General Secretary of the Rat der Volkskommissare - Alexander Gordon (socialist, authoritarian, technocrat)

General Commissars of the Rat der Volkskommissare:
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für auswärtige Angelegenheiten - Anatoliy Hrytsenko (socialist, authoritarian)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für innere Angelegenheiten - Karl Mohilyov (communist, authoritarian)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Staatssicherheit - Hanna Silayev-Volksfeld (communist, totalitarian, technocrat)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Justiz - Friedrich Homelev (socialist, authoritarian)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Verteidigung - Alexander Mendelev (socialist, authoritarian)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Arbeit - Albrecht von Boyko (marxist, centrist)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Finanzen - Victor Kamreber (communist, autoritarian)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Wirtschaftsplanung - Oskar Ludovic (communist, autoritarian, technocrat)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Ernährung - Ludwig von Landkraft (socialist, centrist)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Informationspolitik - Klaus Strasse (socialist, authoritarian)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Außenhandel - Oleksandr Krabbe (socialist, centrist)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Landwirtschaft - Vladimir Rabinovich (socialist, authoritarian)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Industrie und Binnenhandel - Max Labberer (communist, totalitarian, technocrat)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Transportwesen und Infrastruktur - Ivan Karpenko (socialist, authoritarian)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Bildung und Wissenschaft - Dr. Ludvig von Ingulsky (communist, totalitarian, technocrat)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda - Hunter von Klarksen (communist, totalitarian)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Kraftwerke und Elektroindustrie - Friedrich Kalakarks (socialist, authoritarian)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Metallurgie - Max von Kree (socialist, totalitarian)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Kohleindustrie und Treibstoffindustrie - Sergey Volksadler (socialist, centrist)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Nahrungsmittelindustrie - Lidiya Irgur (socialist, authoritarian)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für die Fleisch- und Milchindustrie - Karl Lech (marxist, authoritarian)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für die Fischereiindustrie - Homer Lubavin (socialist, centrist)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für die Kolchosen - Karl Chernov (socialist, centrist)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Verteidigungsindustrie - Friedrich Smirnov (socialist, authoritarian)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Militärangelegenheiten - Hunter Zakromin (marxist, authoritarian)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Bewaffnung und Munition - Georgy Surov (socialist, authoritarian)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für den Bau von Militär- und Kriegsmarinebetrieben - Ekaterina Belova (socialist, centrist)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Luftfahrtindustrie - Inna Ribova (socialist, authoritarian)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Schiffbau - Lev Lumov (socialist, authoritarian)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Maschinenbau - Vladimir Levin (socialist, totalitarian)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Wassertransporte - Ludwig Rommer (marxist, centrist)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Werkzeugmaschinen - Anna Kuzovkova (marxist, authoritarian)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für die Baumaterialienindustrie - Friedrich Retter (socialist, authoritarian)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Textilindustrie - Konrad von Rupper (socialist, centrist)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für chemische Industrie - Max Kolesnikov (socialist, authoritarian)
General Commissar of the Volkskommissariat für Versorgung - Petro Khrennikov (socialist, centrist)

Trade partners:
Non-Agression pacts:
Gauranteeing independence:
Arms deals:
Supply agreements:

Population info:
Population - 326,848,138 people
Manpower - 163,424,069 people
Conscription law - Service by Requirement
Ideology popularity:
- Communism | "All-Federal Socialist Workers Party of Volksleben" (Stalinism) = 95% - govering

- Stalinists - 405 deputies (90%)
- Technocrats - 45 deputies (10%)

- Fascism | "Technocratic Clique" (Technofascism) = 5% - banned
- Democracy | "Fatherland" (Conservatism) = 0% - banned
- Neutrality | "Imperial Party of Volksleben" (Despotism) = 0% - banned
Population support for the current government - absolute
Political activity of the population - high (pro-government meetings)
Stability - 75% (high)
War support - 50% (medium)
Level of ideological fanatism - 100% (Fanatical loyalty and adherence to party ideology, no collaboration potential)

0% - 20% = Indifference to ideology, ultra-high collaboration potential
20% - 35% = Weak patriotism, high collaboration potential
35% - 40% = Patriotism, medium collaboration potential
40% - 55% = Strong patriotism, medium-low collaboration potential
55% - 60% = Positive attitude to ideology, low collaboration potential
60% - 75% = Favorable attitude to ideology, ultra-low collaboration potential
75% - 85% = Loyalty to party ideology, no collaboration potential
85% - 95% = Selfless devotion to party ideology, no collaboration potential
95% - 100% = Fanatical loyalty and adherence to party ideology, no collaboration potential

Research info:

Events info:
- Four-Year Plan implementation (ending - January 2024) - XIIIth four-year plan

Electric power - 1450 billion kWh (+5.5%)
Oil - 625 million tons (+4.15%)
Gas - 540 billion m3 (+3.85%)
Coal - 220 million tons (+2.33%)
Mineral fertilizers - 205 million tons (+5.13%)
Synthetic resins and plastics - 100 million tons (+5.26%)
Cellulose and wood - 2.5 million tons (+66.67%)
Synthetic fibers - 25 million tons (+25%)
Metal-cutting machines - 765 thousand pcs. (+0.66%)
Automobiles - 520 thousand units (+4%)
Tractors - 1100 thousand pcs. (-8.71%)
Cement - 565 million tons (+4.63%)
Fabrics - 2855 million m2 (+16.77%)
Knitwear and other clothes - 10200 million units (+13.33%)
Footwear - 485 million pairs (+15.5%)
Radios - 3675 thousand pieces (+0.685%)
TVs - 9050 thousand units (+1,685%)
Phones - 8450 thousand units (+12.67%)
Refrigerators - 9120 thousand units (+1.56%)
Meat - 16780 thousand tons (+25.13%)
Milk products - 50 million tons (+25%)
Wheat - 880 million tons (+29.4%)
Cotton - 25 million tons (+25%)
Steel - 650 million tons (+7.44%)
Cast iron - 310 million tons (+3.23%)

People's Army
Active personnel - 1,400,000 people
Reserve personnel - 1,750,000 people

Volkslebenian People's Ground Forces - 1 150 000 people (+1 300 000 reserve personnel)

Armoured Forces - 240 000 people

Motorized Forces - 390 000 people

Militia Forces - 150 000 people

Rocket Forces and Artillery - 170 000 people

Army Aviation - 50 000 people

Army Air Defence - 150 000 people

Volkslebenian People's Navy - 120 000 people (+250 000 reserve personnel)
Prefix: FPNV
Fleets: the 1st Black Sea Fleet ("The Red Fleet")

Volkslebenian People's Aviation - 130 000 people (+200 000 reserve personnel)

Flying Air Force - 30 000 people

Airborne Corps - 15 000 people

Air Defense - 45 000 people

Radiolocation Corps - 40 000 people

Divisions and regiments equipment info:
I. Motorised Infantry Division - 25 units
Personnel: 15,000 people
- 21 GPPT-80
- 84 IKFZ-2
- 105 MT-LBm
- 21 P-64
- 40 T-20
- 10 D-30
- 20 KPFKZ-21
II. Mechanized Division - 23 units
Personnel: 12,000 people
- 42 GPPT-80
- 63 MT-LB
- 84 P-64
- 30 T-20
- 20 D-30
- 10 KPFKZ-21
III. Marines Regiment - 8 units
Personnel: 4,500 people
- 21 GPPT-80
- 21 DKFZ-2
IV. Paratroopers Regiment - 4 units
Personnel: 3,500 people
- 42 DKFZ-2
V. Mountaneers Regiment - 3 units
Personnel: 5,000 people
- 42 GPPT-80
- 21 DKFZ-2
VI. People's Militsiya Regiment - 50 units
Personnel: 3,000 people
- 21 IKFZ-2
VII. People's Militia Division - no units (forces of last line)
Personnel: 20,000 people
VIII. NKGB Division - [] units
Personnel: 2,000 people
- 42 GPPT-90
- 21 IKFZ-1

Equipment and Vehicles
Infantry Weapons
Carbines and Semi-Automatic Rifles
- SKN - 1,750,000 units
- VS-14 - 2,350,000 units
- KNO-27 - 1,475,000 units
- KN-15 - 655,000 units
- SK-41 - 250,000 units (preserved)

Assault Rifles
- AS-57 - 3,875,000 units
- AD-35 - 257,000 units
- ShAV-16 - 6,275,000 units
- AS-9 - 4,785,000 units
- ASSU - 535,000 units

Submachine Guns
- PPS-19 - 2,250,000 units
- PPS-22 - 750,000 units
- PPM (PPSh-41) - 500,000 units (preserved)
- PPD (PPS) - 150,000 units (preserved)

Sniper Rifles
- VKSM - 450,000 units
- VKSDM - 325,000 units
- SVK - 250,000 units
- VSS - 20,000 units
- IV-19 (Mosin-Nagant) - 5,250,000 units (preserved)

Machine Guns
- PS-15 - 1,255,000 units
- PSM-73 - 345,000 units
- Maxim Gun M1910 - 45,000 units (preserved)

- PL-42 - 7,584,000 units
- PL-112 - 4,047,000 units
- PSh-78 - 17,578,200 units
- PSh-19a - 3,750,000 units
- PSh-11 - 4,755,000 units
- IR-15 (Nagant 1895) - 25,780,000 units (preserved)

- RGD-5 - 4,300,000 units
- F1 - 8,500,000 units
- RGN - 2,340,000 units
- RGO - 2,210,000 units
- RDG-2 - 6,200,000 units
- RKG - 2,900,000 units
- M1914 Granate - 1,150,000 units (preserved)

Grenade Launchers
- PG-7 - 165,000 units
- AGE-132 - 68,000 units
- AGE-5 - 217,500 units

Anti-Tank Warfare
- RPTG-14 - 1,784,000 units

Man-portable air-defense systems
- PSPVO Igla - 359,000 units
- PSPVO Strela - 537,000 units

- 2B14 - 4,500 units
- M120-15 - 1,140 units
- 2S12 - 5,210 units
- 120-PM-43 - 3,500 units

- OTRK-21 - 2,800 units
- OTRK-88 - 1,250 units
- RKMBR-18 Hammer (SS-25 Sickle) - 2,010 units
- RKMBR-28 Sickle (SS-27 Sickle B) - 1,754 units
- RKMBR-7 Holy Flame (SS-6 Sapwood) - 128 units

Nuclear Warheads
- KUKG-3 Sol Invicta (50 kT) - 25 units
- KUKG-7 Hammer (450 kT) - 75 units
- KUKG-15 Polaris (proj. 1.5 MT) - 145 units
- KUKG-23 Iskra (proj. 2 MT) - 50 units
- KUKG-30 Plage (proj. 15 MT) - 25 units

- KPFKZ-30 Smerch - 975 units
- KPFKZ-21 Grad - 840 units
- KPFKZ-27 Uragan - 110 units

- 2S1 Gvozdika - 375 units
- 2S7 Pion - 160 units
- 2S5 Giatsint - 125 units

- D-36 - 1,285 units
- D-30 - 1,560 units
- D-44 - 1,325 units
- D-12 - 3,450 units

Main Battle Tanks
- P-14 - 875 units
- P-90 - 840 units
- P-85 - 645 units
- P-64 - 5,850 units
- P-64m - 2,000 units
- P-64u - 2,410 units
- P-55 - 350 units

- IKFZ-1 - 3,670 units
- IKFZ-2 - 2,120 units
- DKFZ-1 - 1,400 units
- DKFZ-2 - 1,040 units

- GPPT-60 - 670 units
- GPPT-80 - 1,980 units
- GPPT-90 - 1,650 units
- BRDM-2 - 1,540 units
- MT-LBm - 6,870 units

Anti-Aircraft Vehicles
- ZSU-P-85 - 780 units
- ZSU-P-150 - 120 units
- FP Himmel - 4,000 units

Engineering Vehicles
- BREFZ-1 - 3,150 units
- BREFZ-2 - 2,750 units

Utility Vehicles
- KAZ-254 - 7,000 units
- KAZ-452 - 43,000 units
- KAZ-469 - 25,000 units

Cargo Vehicles
- ZiP-WM - 20,000 units
- LAZ-85 - 65,000 units
- KAZ-120 - 25,000 units

- R-W-R 250 - 150 units
- R-W-R 840 - 450 units
- R-W-R-M 120 - 420 units

Field Kitchen Units
- PK-130 - 12,600 units
- PK-125 - 8,900 units
- PK-840 - 4,760 units

- Volkslebenian MRE (4,500 kilocalories, a lot of satisfying but tasteless food, has napkins and cutlery) - INFINITY - 2 (two) variants

Gas Masks
- GM-5 gas mask - 73,500,000 units
- GM-7 gas mask - 8,370,000 units
- GM-9 gas mask - 4,250,000 units
- GM-11 gas mask - 1,150,000 units

Air Defence Vehicles
- S-50 - 40 units
- S-75 - 80 units
- S-300 - 25 units

- R-W-Z 200 - 890 units
- R-W-Z 400V3 - 20 units

- Krause K-29 - 50 units
- Krause K-27 - 70 units

- Krause K-15 - 450 units
- Krause K-21 - 120 units

- Krause AKr-10 - 115 units

- Krause AKr-26 - 135 units
- Krause AKr-70 - 25 units
- Krause AKr-8 - 80 units
- Krause AKr-12 - 17 units

- Krause Kr-8 - 425 units
- Krause Kr-16 - 230 units
- Krause Kr-17 - 140 units
- Krause Kr-21 - 190 units
- Krause Kr-27 - 25 units

- Volksfeld - 2 units
- Gordon - 5 units

- Oktyabr - 1 unit
- Kolontay - 4 units
- Iyun' - 5 units
- Stalinets - 5 units
- Vernik - 2 units

- Sovremenny - 8 units

- Welle - 4 units
- Hochsee - 2 units
- Tarantul - 3 units
- Osa - 3 units

- LP-58 Mackerel - 6 units
- LP-88 Karas - 8 units
- LP-140 Morok - 4 unit

Patrol boats
- SP-12 Kuznets-M - 15 units
- SP-20 Zhuk - 10 unit
- SP-80 Yaroslavets - 4 units
- SP-16 Tanya - 5 units

Minesweeper boats
- SM-12 Alas - 30 units
- SM-22 Luch - 40 units
- SM-28 Polluck - 15 units

Landing craft
- SD-47 Polnocny-C - 9 units
- SD-4 Akula - 15 units
