Security Council Resolution # 38
Repeal: “Condemn NAZI EUROPE”
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Security Council Resolution #3 “Condemn NAZI EUROPE” shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
The World Assembly,
NOTING that a second condemnation of NAZI EUROPE, which addresses the region's idiosyncratic faults rather than an only an ideology referenced in the region's name, has been passed by the World Assembly,
FURTHER NOTING that there have already been five previous attempts to repeal the original condemnation of NAZI EUROPE in the past and fearing that, if no compromise is made between the large number of WA members calling for a condemnation of NAZI EUROPE and the members of the SC that are unwilling to allow WASC legislation to condemn a region for its ideology alone, the conflict over SC Resolution #3 could continue indefinitely,
UNDERSTANDING that having two condemnations of the same region is fairly redundant, and that, since the second condemnation is of much higher quality and is much more relevant to the history of the region that it condemns than the first condemnation, it is only practical to nullify the former condemnation,
ITERATING that it recognizes the poor quality of the first condemnation of NAZI EUROPE and further noting that the original condemnation of NAZI EUROPE sets a precedent of condemning ideologies, or processes of thought,
BELIEVING that, while certain ideologies may be frowned upon by the majority of the WA Member nations of the world, it is not the right or the purpose of the World Assembly to infringe upon people's right to think for themselves,
FIRMLY ASSERTING that the World Assembly is a body that normally works for the spread of freedom and therefore must not inhibit the right to freedom of thought,
RECOGNIZING that, even if the members of the World Assembly would like to abuse the institution's powers by using the WASC to condemn a process of thought, the constant repeal attempts of WASC Resolution #3 are an incredible waste of the WA's time and that the World Assembly will have spent over two and a half weeks of voting time on repeals of WASC Resolution #3 by the end of the vote on this repeal,
FURTHER RECOGNIZING that the representatives from many WA nations are getting terribly, terribly sick of all this and would really like for it to end, please, if that isn't too much to ask,
Passed: |
For: | 3,295 | 58.2% |
Against: | 2,369 | 41.8% |