World Assembly
Since the rise of the World Assembly from the ashes of its predecessor, the Bureaucracy That Cannot Be Named, WA member nations have worked tirelessly to improve the standard of the world. That, or tried to force other nations to be more like them. But that's just semantics.
Below is every World Assembly resolution ever passed.
View: All | Historical | General Assembly | Security Council
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General Assembly Resolution # 751
Repeal: “Cannibalism Act”
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
General Assembly Resolution #691 “Cannibalism Act” (Category: Moral Decency; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
The World Assembly,
Hereby expresses, in its opinion:
Horrified that the practice of cannibalism puts WA states at risk of major public health crises, due to incurable and fatal neurodegenerative disorders deriving from cannibalism affecting sapient species, such as humans, that are very hard to detect based on technologies common across the multiverse, have devastating effects on the physical and mental ability of infected, and inevitably terminal for sapient individuals affected;
Even more terrified by the idea that the target resolution allows "person-sourced meat" to be sourced from those granting "the affirmative and notarised written consent of every person from whom it was produced", which neglects that, due to WA laws on legal competence (GA299), allow the ghastly situation of legal parents or guardians granting consent to themselves to eat their own children without their children's consent;
Noting that consent to be consumed should be able to be withdrawn at any time but that humans near death may not be able to rescind such so-called affirmative and notarised consent, such as the lack of access to a notary, the cost of a notary, or through their own substantial health issues;
Convinced that the collective benefits of avoiding horrible, painful deaths from consuming, even if inadvertently, food derived from cannibalism all WA states multiverse outweigh the minor infringement of autonomy on the part of the dead or the living, or the failure to satisfy the culinary preferences of a tiny portion of the populace;
Flummoxed that the said resolution's blocker in clause 6 means that humans can be force-fed meat from other humans under some circumstances, against the consent of the consumer;
Noting that an outright ban on cannibalism across WA states is not possible because of the blocker in clause 6 of the target resolution, where the WA "disclaims all authority to impose additional restrictions on cannibalism or person-sourced meat";
Urging the World Assembly to give careful as to whether a replacement is even necessary in the first place, and, if deemed so, to vote in favor of an outright ban on cannibalism;
Hereby repeals GA691, Cannibalism Act.
Passed: |
For: | 8,852 | 73.9% |
Against: | 3,124 | 26.1% |

Security Council Resolution # 516
Commend Yodle
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.
The Security Council,
Applauding Yodle, a nation with an unshaken, exceptional commitment to maintaining a successful, thriving community over more than eight years, weathering hardships and long periods of inactivity,
Recognizing the fabled beginning of Yodles story, when under a former name they founded The Place That Has No Big Banks, a region which tragically succumbed to invasion by the forces of HYDRA Command,
Acknowledging that Yodle, undaunted by the invading forces and ever loyal to the citizens of the now-occupied TPTHNBB, quickly went on to found The Region That Has No Big Banks, a haven for refugees from the fallen region,
Praising Yodles dedication to their fellow citizens, exemplified in their establishment of the regions first democratic elections, the assembly of the regions first government, and their authorship of the first iteration of TRTHNBBs Constitution,
Acclaiming Yodles long-lasting presence in TRTHNBB in which their activity only grew, expanding their commitment to an extensive number of projects both regional and interregional, including:
The establishment of The Social Reformer, a regional newspaper which has documented TRTHNBB's internal and external affairs, serving as a important archive of regional history over the past seven years,
The institution of the Endotarting Initiative, a project which greatly increased TRTHNBBs regional influence by awarding active citizens for endorsing one another, leading to the regions acquisition of Very High Regional Power status in late 2022,
The co-authorship of SC Resolution 218: Liberate South Pacific, a resolution which continues to safeguard South Pacific from invaders,
Lauding Yodle's dedication to TRTHNBB over the years, safeguarding it through a lengthy period of inactivity and eventually instituting a new government which led to a wholesale revival of the region's activity,
Celebrating Yodles unending passion for highlighting the accomplishments and talent of newer nations, illustrated by their willingness to pass the torch to new generations of leadership within TRTHNBB, including:
Former Provisional Governor and Prime Minister,
Aya Democratic Republic, whom Yodle began mentoring in early 2020 following a period of inactivity, eventually elevating them to the position of Provisional Governor. During this nations term as Provisional Governor, Yodles advice and experience proved instrumental in reviving the regional roleplay and Parliament, two institutions which inspired the presence of new, active citizens,
Long-standing Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and former Delegate,
New United Common-lands, who aided Yodle in fully revitalizing regional affairs by assisting in the administration of regional elections, instituting many of the regions cultural events, and overhauling the foreign policy of TRTHNBB, expanding its interregional presence,
Former Speaker of Parliament, Minister of Domestic Affairs, and current Delegate,
America the Greater, who became the primary author of the regions Constitution upon being inspired by Yodles first iteration and authored legislation following in the footsteps of Yodle's extensive work,
Highlighting Yodles extensive accomplishments under this new generation of leadership, including:
A continued dedication to crafting legislation for TRTHNBB and refining its institutions, including the establishment of the regions judiciary via extensive legislation,
The custodianship over TRTHNBB through their role as Governor, Delegate, and Chief Justice, serving as an impartial mediator for regional disputes, including the authorship of critical legal documents and court case rulings which led to the establishment of a number of limits on the power and jurisdiction of regional moderators,
The expansion of TRTHNBBs interregional presence through assisting in the administration of its highly successful cultural events, including SummerFest and the Twelve Days of No Big Banks,
Exalting Yodles contributions as an avid collector of International Artwork, with such notable collections as:
The world's most extensive collection of artworks depicting guinea pigs,
A completed collection of all animated artworks from the latest collection of international artwork,
A collection including artworks from every nation calling itself a resident of TRTHNBB,
An interregional effort which successfully acquired artwork from each citizen of Declansburg,
Asserting that Yodles unending drive to maintain and expand their community have borne fruit in the continued existence of an active region with extensive cultural significance and a thriving political environment, breathing new life and longevity into TRTHNBB through the mentorship of generations of leadership and continued dedication to refining the regions cultural and foreign affairs,
Hereby commends Yodle.
Co-author: New United Common-lands
Passed: |
For: | 10,510 | 93.8% |
Against: | 690 | 6.2% |

Security Council Resolution # 517
Repeal: “Condemn The Black Hawks”
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Security Council Resolution #52 “Condemn The Black Hawks” shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
The Security Council,
Recognizing the role that Condemnations have played in denouncing and challenging the shameless villains, bloodthirsty warmongers, and purveyors of evil across the multiverse, and that no region has been labeled with such harsh opprobrium as the Black Hawks, who once bore two Condemnations from this council,
Stating that SC#52: Condemn the Black Hawks is an affront of a resolution, misleading the multiverse as to the danger and destruction the target is capable of and built on faulty grounds even for its time,
Pointing out that the Concerned clause, which highlights the Black Hawks invasion of hundreds of regions, potentially overstates the impact and trouble caused by the target by implying that regional bans were used in all of these raids, when in reality, the vast majority of raids were tag raids, which leave little lasting impact on a region and certainly not to the extent of instituting regional bans,
Elaborating further that this single clause is, flabbergastingly, the extent of any evidence of wrongdoing provided in the resolution, and that even if the resolution did not intend to overstate the Black Hawks efforts, the stated examination of threat is vague, lacking literally any evidence, and fails to elucidate the point to a level not even seen in the earliest of Condemnations, such as SC#38: Condemn Unknown, which details a particular instance of infamy by the target, or even SC#1: Condemn Macedon, which at minimum names victims of the target,
Taking issue with the Recognizing clause, which references the attempted passage of a self-commendation for the region as a condemnable action such actions have been taken by any given number of regions, most usually diminutive bad actors hardly worthy of any action or recognition by this council, and the clause completely falsifies the nature and actual occurrence, making a relatively innocuous public attempt to self-commend a region out to be a sinister machination,
Noting further that the practice of self-Commendation was far easier to bring about in the early ages of this Council when clear regional policy and institutional frameworks were ill-equipped to bar such self-commends or proposals of dubious quality or content from succeeding, such as SC#22: Condemn Ninja Pirate awesome town, SC#42: Condemn Kalasparata, and SC#43: Commend Tiago Silva, making any malice inherent to the actual attempt and its successive failure to reach quorum even more derisory,
Making it clear that the latter half of the resolution is self-defeating; that any cooling effect on free speech and the democratic process, a claim that had no evidence to support it at the time, clearly has failed in any effect, given the clear inability on the Black Hawks part to deliver on the threat that half the resolution hinges on, which is reflected in the Security Councils active drafting and passage of proposals, as well as its continued Condemnation of raiders, both immediately and since the resolutions passage,
Driving home further that while noble in intent, the argument surrounding free speech and the democratic process is clear fluff even in the context of its time, demonstrating how this resolution acts as little more than filler and a shame on the Council's precedents for Condemnation, where its contemporaries like the repealed SC#74 Condemn Lone Wolves United, despite their many flaws, at least name the targets and most afflicted of the Condemned, and illustrate in some manner the destruction and havoc the Condemned has inflicted on the world, as opposed to vague statements based in falsehood and unfulfilled ideological posturing,
Asserting that the target resolution is factually inaccurate, poorly-written fluff even among its contemporaries, and heavily reliant on disproven fear mongering, and hoping that villainy and iniquity across the world should still go punished, but whilst still retaining the tenets of veracity, upholding principles of quality, and delivering in full force swift retribution on the enemies of peace,
Hereby repeals: SC#52 Condemn the Black Hawks.
Passed: |
For: | 7,435 | 64.9% |
Against: | 4,029 | 35.1% |

Security Council Resolution # 518
Commend Philosophers
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.
The Security Council:
Establishing that Philosophers is the natural progression of Philosophy 115 [colloquially P115], born only of necessity, but sharing a common history, analogous culture, and hosting all P115s former nations. As such, this commendation of Philosophers as successor also serves as symbolic commendation of P115, the historic cradle of its culture and accomplishments.
Recalling the formative days of this multiverse, and the establishment of Dr george, a distinctive nation with a culture combining theology, educational arts, and the highest proficiency in philosophy. Dr george brought all of this to bear in founding a region where others could approach life rationally without unfounded assumptions. This was Philosophy 115, the multiverse's first 'teaching region' specifically dedicated to understanding the intricacies and nuance of sentience. It quickly became home to over 200 nations.
Affirming that P115 distinguished itself as campus to higher thought and education. In its first decade, hundreds of nations under the direct tutelage of Dr george took residency in P115 via the 'extra credit' recruitment program. The region hosted myriad discussions, debates, and thought experiments, and promoted the causes of logic and reason. These activities were always hospitable to the nations of other regions, establishing P115 as welcoming cultural hub, and a place to flex intellectual muscle.
Admiring the maintenance in P115 of a tolerant platform in which to put philosophical theory into practice, both in national development and occasionally, in the execution of the Delegacy: Consider Ragaskan, who as Delegate engaged for over a year in an unwavering policy of 'radical centrism', voting 'no' as a default on every matter before the Assembly. This doctrinaire political position rooted in absurdist philosophy took the region on an entirely experimental tangent; but it was accepted in the spirit in which it was being conducted. Few regions would have permitted such a thing, but P115 stood apart.
Lauding P115 for inspiring other regions to incorporate an open debate and educational apparatus into their forums, where P115's nations could visit and engage in long form discussions 'off-campus'. Through this ebb and flow, P115 forged some of the longest lasting regional friendships in this realm. Alignment with like-minded regions including Forest, Anarchy, 10000 Islands, and Hell would eventually inspire and evolve into the embassy infrastructure we now take for granted, and the collegial society we enjoy today.
Noting that this collegial, inclusive tone was also reflected through P115's unique relationship with LGBTQ+ region Gay, where Dr. Georges alternate, Bearnation also served as elected founder and long-standing Delegate. P115 stood as proud ally at a time when the multiverse was less diverse, and often less tolerant. Further, Philosophy 115 spawned Philosophy 101, an entrée region for those new to philosophy and wishing to learn at beginner levels. P115 was also central to The Philosophy Consortium, gathering a variety of philosophy-based regions under one unifying banner.
Recognizing the stewardship of historic nations like Red star of the west, Sunrise from the Sea,
Central Kadigan,
Kingdom of Cambria,
Telgan, and
Terra Amore, for sustaining P115 through a period of founder absence. The region stood as a model of cooperative proxy leadership until Dr George's return in 2020, inspiring a renaissance in P115. Regional population swelled to 400 nations. WA membership increased tenfold. Joint international events were planned, including groundwork laid for P115 to host a debate event as part of 10000 Island's inaugural Olympic games. Sadly, that momentum was thwarted when the founder fell finally inactive, imperiling the region, and making the exodus to Philosophers a heartbreaking necessity.
Acknowledging those steward nations for securing P115 for posterity, and, for coordinating the seamless passage of all natives to Philosophers, where safe, open borders can be maintained.
Appreciating Philosophers for preserving P115s culture and for continuing to promote critical thinking, expression, and tolerance. Historic embassy partnerships established by P115 over a decade-and-a-half ago remain an intrinsic part of Philosophers continuing mission. The region is again engaging in international events and alliances. Commitment to growth has led to a new regional map created by MountAye. As in P115, international nations are always welcome to join in regional discussions, highlights of which are now shared with the world via newsletter.
Celebrating the approaching 20th anniversary of Philosophy 115, which now stands as secure monument to history, and, lauding the living continuation of all that was P115 in Philosophers - an equable place in the multiverse where any nation may still take a moment to ponder existence and wax philosophical.
Hereby commends Philosophers
Passed: |
For: | 8,127 | 73.7% |
Against: | 2,893 | 26.3% |

General Assembly Resolution # 752
Civilian Air Compact
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.
The World Assembly,
Recognising that the repeal of General Assembly Resolution 342: "Civilian Aircraft Accord" has caused a lack of internationally recognised security measures for civilian aircraft.
Noting the arguments made in General Assembly Resolution 678: "Repeal Civilian Aircraft Accord" to have intended for an improved resolution to take the place of the resolution which it had repealed.
For the purposes of this resolution, defining:
"Military" to mean any state or non-state entity which incorporates the use of weaponry and/or organised violence against another state or non-state entity of the same criteria to exercise control over a set territory.
"Civilian" to mean any non-military entity.
"Pilot" to mean any individual who exercises manual control over an aircraft (defined as a vehicle capable of flight), whether it be from within the craft, or remotely from the ground.
"Civilian pilot" to therefore mean any pilot acting on behalf of any commercial, personal, or otherwise non-military interest whilst acting in their capacity as pilot.
"Civilian aircraft" to mean any unarmed vehicle which is, 1) capable of carrying at least one occupant, 2) piloted by one or more civilian pilots, and 3) capable of sustained flight.
By proxy, defining an "aircraft" as any vehicle which is capable of carrying at least one occupant, piloted by an individual, and capable of sustained fight.
Acknowledging that civilian aircraft are essential for the role they play in facilitating global travel and in the greater international economy as a whole.
Believing that it is the duty of all nations to protect innocent lives regardless of nationality, including during civilian flights over conflict zones.
Resolving thusly to set forth sensible policies which will promote the safety of civilian aircraft in member-nations' airspace, including the maintenance of reliable communication networks by which civilian aircraft may signal if they're in distress.
That all civilian aircraft, regardless of their flight plans, should be adequately tracked whilst airborne for the sake of avoiding collisions and redirecting in the event of unfavourable atmospheric conditions.
That all civilian aircraft itineraries should, if at all economically feasible, be planned to go around conflict zones.
All civilian aircraft which are required by their flight paths to fly over conflict zones must maintain constant lines of communication to their nation of origin so long as the aircraft is within the communication range of the aforementioned nation of origin.
That if the conflict zone which the aircraft is to fly through exceeds the communication of the home nation, the aircraft must maintain constant lines of communication with the nearest neutral nation to the conflict zone.
That all member nations should ensure that adequate crew training is conducted to mitigate the risks of flying a civilian aircraft through a conflict zone to the highest possible degree.
That all member nations should provide ample warnings to passengers regarding the potential for their flight to fly through a conflict zone.
That the onus is on the pilot alone as to whether or not the aircraft they're in control of should comply with any instructions of any combatants within the conflict zone.
Considering prior General Assembly legislation regarding the tracking, security, international law, and miscellaneous handling of aircraft, as enacted in prior resolutions, to supersede this resolution.
Realising that, regardless of however many precautions are taken, the inherent risk posed to civilian aircraft flying through conflict zones is enough to warrant necessary precautions being taken on the part of all member nations in the event that a civilian aircraft signals that it is in any sort of distress.
Mandating that all member-nations maintain a sufficient vehicular fleet that has a range of up to one hundred kilometres away from their overland borders or coastline to aid distressed aircraft, and if need be, rescue the survivors of any civilian aircraft crash.
Acknowledging that not all member-nations may have the budget required to afford a vehicular fleet for the purposes of both aid and rescue, and thus exempting such nations which are wholly unable to fund these measures.
Co-author: Dushina
Passed: | |
For: | 8,682 | 69.4% |
Against: | 3,834 | 30.6% |