World Assembly
Since the rise of the World Assembly from the ashes of its predecessor, the Bureaucracy That Cannot Be Named, WA member nations have worked tirelessly to improve the standard of the world. That, or tried to force other nations to be more like them. But that's just semantics.
Below is every World Assembly resolution ever passed.
View: All | Historical | General Assembly | Security Council
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Security Council Resolution # 525
Repeal: “All We Want for Christmas Is You”
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Security Council Resolution #482 “All We Want for Christmas Is You” shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
We un-festive few, recognize that:
Youre a bad one, 482.
You need to be repealed!
The time has come to strike you from this very hallowed field, 482!
Here we list the reasons that you truly have to yield!
Youre a rough one, 482.
Your lyrics have no rhyme!
When we try to sing these words, they come up all off-time, 482!
Airing such wacky phrases really should be a crime!
Youre a tough one, 482.
Christmas is not alone!
There are holidays out there that don't make us sigh and groan, 482!
Given the choice between the two of them,
Wed rather celebrate our own!
Youre a tricky one, 482.
You dress up like a child!
Your punctuation is lacking and it makes you quite mild, 482!
The two words that best describe you are as follows, and we quote,
Very reviled!
Youre a menace, 482.
Youre really quite the chore!
Youve got so many terms without defining what theyre for, 482!
How can we expect to take you seriously when the first thing that you do is sidestep the plight of zombies, nukes, and coups, while going to vote in November?
You sicken us, 482.
Your time is almost through!
Your purpose could be worthy, but you simply make us blue, 482!
The Grouchy Security Council hereby repeals Resolution 482!
Passed: |
For: | 8,778 | 71.4% |
Against: | 3,509 | 28.6% |

General Assembly Resolution # 762
Repeal: “Sustainable Forest Management”
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
General Assembly Resolution #291 “Sustainable Forest Management” (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: Logging) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
The World Assembly,
Acknowledging the necessity of combating the disastrous ecological effects of unsustainable logging,
Applauding GA#291s admirable intentions to address this international crisis,
Disheartened that GA#291s noble aims are entirely voided by its meandering contents that accumulate into a bloated resolution with a preposterously vast jurisdiction used for bizarre ends,
Alarmed that the GA#291 imposes significant restrictions on the harvest of lumber for commercial use within member states, thereby forcing simple artisans, traders, and other craftsmen who may seek to profit from the fruits of their labor to choose between the following processes:
Petitioning an international body to approve their wooden media, regardless of the scale of their logging operation,
Paying for imported lumber that can be more efficiently harvested in non-member states, which may be subject to price-hiking tariffs,
Paying for lumber that was harvested within member states by large enterprises which possess the administrative resources to comply with GA#291's parameters, thereby creating a exclusionary market that is disadvantageous to individuals who do not fell on behalf of said large enterprises (EXEMPTS),
Perplexed by GA#291s inability to consistently declare its intentions and stipulations, such as its creation of two potentially overlapping types of protected forest zones which are sourced from different authorities within the World Assembly (CREATES d. i.; URGES),
Confused by GA#291s endorsement of deforestation for urban development while also expressing concern for the expected consequences of developing previously forested areas ("REQUIRES" c. i.-ii., "BELIEVING" a.-d.),
Baffled by GA#291s expressed scientific illiteracy, which enables environmentally destructive practices such as:
Encouraging member states to reforest areas that are destroyed by natural disasters such as wildfires and inundation, thereby resulting in unsustainable ecosystems in which trees that typically germinate in the final phase of ecological succession are denied access to soil replenishment from undergrowth and pioneer microorganisms ("ENCOURAGES"),
Granting member states and private entities unregulated logging rights to forests that are affected by blights, creating an opportunistic loophole that neuters any intention to contain blights ("ALLOWS"),
Concerned by GA#291's establishment of different standards for each member state ("CREATES" c.), as tailoring and enforcing over 18,000 varying regulatory policies would not only be a gargantuan task for the WAFC to handle, but also an astounding waste of World Assembly resources, and,
Confident that future resolutions will be able to address these concerns and other problems associated with internationally coordinated measures pertaining to foresting and logging,
Repeals GA#291 Sustainable Forest Management.
Co-authored by Syldis
Co-author: Haymarket Riot
Passed: |
For: | 9,525 | 77.6% |
Against: | 2,750 | 22.4% |

Security Council Resolution # 526
Repeal: “Liberate Eclipsis”
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Security Council Resolution #501 “Liberate Eclipsis” shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
HAVING REGARD to the following paragraphs:
§1: A Moment of Clarity: From time to time, Liberations are imposed upon regions in the hope that they will prevent raider Delegates and their Regional Officers from passwording them en route to refounding and destroying them, only for those regions to be annihilated regardless, their native spark having fizzled out. Unfortunately, Eclipsis is one such region. Its Liberation is therefore in desperate, perhaps even urgent, need of repeal. It offers a false promise - a promise that Eclipsis remains open; that it may one day be saved from its captors. Yet it is now under the indefinite control of those that, in actual fact, did do it immense harm.
§2: Sunsetting Liberations: The belief that repeals of those Liberations described in §1 are themselves unnecessary and clog up the Security Council is proving increasingly popular. Yet in reality, this body has historically not hesitated to see such resolutions in a new light: it has acted to strike down the Liberations of Wonderful Paradise (via SC#66), Free Thought (via SC#69), Nationalist Union (via SC#106), Land of the Liberals (via SC#115), Region of reunited muslim states (via SC#117), Alliance Against Nazis (via SC#199), The Place that has No Big Banks (via SC#204), Dank memes (via SC#238), Femdom Empire (via SC#250), Politics Amino (via SC#280), and Yessssss (via SC#476) after their respective refounds.
§3: The Stormclouds Gather: Eclipsis was founded by
The Republic of Lunarvi - later its WA Delegate and foremost native - in December 2023. The region existed peacefully until April 7th 2024, when The Brotherhood of Malice, in consort with The Black Hawks, Osiris and Sparkalia, opportunistically seized control. Two invaders are of particular note:
The Colony of North Nebula (a vassal of
The Malicious Nation of New Sunville) planned the occupation; while Asunnia (a vassal of
The Very Volatile Vampire of Valtarre) wielded around 165 endorsements for its duration - an order of magnitude more than Lunarvi normally had - becoming the world's 16th-most-powerful Delegate.
§4: Battle by Candlelight: Contrary to widespread belief, Eclipsis was never completely abandoned. The defenders of innocent regions worldwide shone their lights on Eclipsis while it was shrouded by the fog of war, in the hopes that they could save it from raider capture as they had done with Sunland the year before. No less than 70 troops from The Order of the Grey Wardens, The South Pacific, The League and Concord, Europeia, The Rejected Realms, 10000 Islands, The North Pacific, The West Pacific, and elsewhere also sought to defeat the occupation by military force at an early stage, but were thwarted by sheer lack of numbers.
§5: Midnight in Eclipsis: Those seeking to save Eclipsis from being overshadowed by raiders were further beset by the circumstances of its ruin. Asunnia had resided there for only two fewer weeks than Lunarvi, thus accruing sufficient influence to wreak immediate damage on the region. Declarations of dubious necessity on raiding itself and slavery were pushed by Evermoria and
The Grand Duchy of Japuile, in advance of the takeover and in anticipation of any liberation efforts. Then, one week after the occupation began, the lights suddenly went out worldwide - an inexplicable development beyond any national leader's control; one with a similar scope to, and an even greater duration than, the tragedy described in SC#426 "The Holiday Apocalypse;" and one which made any practical resistance inviable for the following 13 days. Eclipsis' Liberation was, at one time, perhaps the world's best hope of preventing its destruction; by May 2nd, twelve hours after going to vote, it had metamorphosed into a vain petition of no effect, the region laid to waste.
§6: The Morning After: Lunarvi neither desires to return to Eclipsis nor is able to do so; yet since their innocent homeland was subjugated, they have lit the spark of a new Frontier community in Arborhaven, where they once again serve as Founder and Delegate. They supported an initial attempt to repeal the Liberation in October 2024, which was defeated by 6,233 votes to 4,931. They have also lent their support to this attempt. It would be unnecessarily cruel, and an unprecedented betrayal of the Security Council's usual deference to innocent natives, to deny them - the first and last known native leader of Eclipsis - the opportunity to determine the fate of its Liberation for a second time in short order.
CONCLUDING that Eclipsis should not remain Liberated, as the Liberation serves no use and the region's foremost native wishes for its repeal:
HEREBY REPEALS SC#501 "Liberate Eclipsis."
Co-author: Westinor
Passed: |
For: | 9,144 | 83.4% |
Against: | 1,818 | 16.6% |

Security Council Resolution # 527
Commend Socialist Platypus
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.
The Security Council,
Amazed that Socialist Platypus, a merry nation of collectivist monotremes that has served for some time as the Delegate of Conch Kingdom (CK) and has recently ascended to Administrator of the Augustin Alliance (AA), is not only on par with but exceeds many of its human counterparts on the World Stage in its dedication to these roles,
Endeavoring to extoll its accomplishments both in Conch Kingdom (CK), its home region, and also abroad both in the Augustin Alliance (AA) and in its capacity as diplomat for CK,
Noting Socialist Platypus nearly 1,000-day tenure as the longest reigning Delegate of CK during which it:
Maintained over 100 endorsements as delegate consistently,
Sent out weekly telegrams reminding all nations to endorse each other, placing the region regularly in the top 10 regions in the world for World Assembly Endorsements and contributing to Conch Kingdoms strong cross-endorsement culture, a singular accomplishment that few nations can claim to have done alone, leading to CK's unmatched voting power in the United Regions Alliance and among Alliance regions,
Temporarily became Governor of CK, only to peacefully transfer that power to Sandcastle as part of one of the most intricately coordinated stronghold-frontier-stronghold transition schemes in NationStates history, representing its steadfast dedication to the unity and stability of the AA and its institutions through returning control of the region to the Allied Commander,
Praising Socialist Platypus for its efforts across nine months as Minister of Foreign Affairs in CK, a position it was re-elected to twice, during which it developed the diplomatic corps into the strongest of any region in the AA, composed significant portions of the Treaty of Serious Business, which expounded on growing friendship between The League and the AA in spite of protracted diplomatic tensions, and established embassies between CK and The East Pacific, Osiris, Blue Ridge, Avaldonia, The North Pacific, The Pacific, and The League during its tenure, propounding Conch Kingdoms standing on the world stage as a friend to regions both young and old across the political spectrum,
Admiring Socialist Platypus for its dedication to developing systems within Conch Kingdom and the Augustin Alliance which create a welcoming, diverse, and inclusive atmosphere, serving faithfully as Minister of Domestic Affairs in CK for a total of nine months, being re-elected twice to the role, in that time establishing standardized procedures for recruitment, retention, legislation, recordkeeping, and elections, fortifying CK's governmental procedures to this day, encouraging recruitment for every allied region, by the hand of its leader sending out over 700,000 recruitment telegrams on behalf of multiple AA regions by itself and through puppet nations over the last four years, and above all accepting new alliance members with a positive attitude, giving out Conch Cookies whenever a new nation enters,
Saluting Socialist Platypus for its dedicated journey in the Augustin Alliances Central Strategic Committee (CSC) in which it:
Ascended to Administrator after just three months in the CSC as Culture Officer,
Dutifully served as Acting Allied Commander in
Emilines absence multiple times,
Lead the Alliance to victory during the fifth nuclear apocalypse as commander and regularly guided the Alliance's future nuclear responses thereafter to this day by coordinating with allies, distributing pamphlets to ensure alliance-wide preparation for the apocalyse, and above all committing to tireless work building up KHAN's nuclear capabilities,
Mentored and advised newer CSC members in leadership best practices, community management, and public relations, thereby ensuring the AA's continued success, diversity of ideas, and growth,
Recognizing Socialist Platypus as the primary cause of Conch Kingdoms continued position as the Augustin Alliances flagship region,
Hereby COMMENDS Socialist Platypus.
Passed: |
For: | 10,357 | 85.8% |
Against: | 1,715 | 14.2% |

Security Council Resolution # 528
Commend Kanta Hame
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.
The Security Council,
Cognizant that the nation of Kanta Hame came into existence over 9 years ago, and chose to settle its people in the historic and prospering region of 10000 Islands (XKI). Since joining the region, Kanta Hame has dedicated their nations efforts to serving XKI at an extraordinary level despite being a lesser known nation to many,
Admiring the decision of Kanta Hame to join the Ten-thousand Islands Treaty Organization (TITO) in December 2012, where it began a long career in military service. Kanta Hame would eventually be designated as a Knight of TITO in June 2015, an honor only bestowed to nations which exhibit dedication to XKI and its military interests across at least 50 successful missions,
Acclaiming Kanta Hames ascent to further leadership within TITO, which came to fruition when it was promoted to Tactical Officer in September 2015 and later Field Commander in January 2019, the highest officer rank attainable in the organization - since these promotions, its leaders have trained over 100 model defender nations, more than twenty of which have advanced to superior officer ranks and continued to excel. Those accomplished officers trained by Kanta Hamean military tacticians include Witchcraft and Sorcery, Kortexia, and Sulenia, all of whom served extensive and decorated tours as defender commanders,
Stressing the importance of Kanta Hames leaders as skilled teachers of newer and less experienced nations, civilian and military alike, in conducting defensive operations. Across several recent liberations, Kanta Hamean military leaders trained both natives of occupied regions and previously uninvolved Islander nations in aiding these valiant efforts,
Lauding the various efforts of Kanta Hame to modernize and continually improve TITO throughout its tenure as a commanding officer, notably by:
Introducing Allied Military designations in TITO military venues alongside Kortexia; This enabled TITO officers to train developing military organizations during operations. It further strengthened lines of communication between TITO and other defender militaries, while improving relations between individual members of TITO and other defender groups;
Leading TITO to conduct operations at a higher frequency since September 2017, leading to near daily operations that allowed members to become increasingly comfortable with executing military operations,
Standardizing TITO officer training for up and coming leaders in the organization by ensuring all prospective officers were adequately tutored in management and the mobilization of TITO forces,
Exalting the skill of Kanta Hame in detecting invasions before they occur, also known as spotting; Kanta Hamean military leaders caused the nation to heavily import caffeine and alcoholic beverages after spending countless nights spotting. Kante Hame received the Ananke Award from 2017 to 2020 for the tireless work of its military leaders in spotting the enemy, only surpassed in 2021 by Sulenia, a nation whose leaders were trained by Kanta Hame forces,
Praising Kanta Hames national military record through TITO, where it earned an insurmountable 1,161 battle stars, one for each successful operation it conducted, more than any member of TITO in history. This zealous level of defending included roughly 240 liberations and 500 defenses of regions at risk for long term damage,
Cherishing Kanta Hames intelligence leaders who have successfully refounded nine regions to return them to the native populations they previously hosted; regions such as Hogwarts, California, and Iran were saved from seizure and certain destruction by these efforts,
Blown away by Kanta Hames incredible commitment to recruiting for its home region, as it has produced over 250,000 communiques to new nations since it joined XKIs recruitment team in September 2021. This level of steady contribution made Kanta Hames recruiting efforts the most prolific in the region for many consecutive months,
Saluting Kanta Hames retirement as Field Commander in 2023 after an unrivaled tenure of success that few nations have imparted to a single region, its military, and the defense of innocent regions as a whole with the level of dedication and perseverance that the people of Kanta Hame have, and therefore concluding that Kanta Hame is indeed worthy of this honor,
Hereby commends Kanta Hame.
Passed: |
For: | 9,751 | 88.1% |
Against: | 1,316 | 11.9% |