General Assembly
Since the rise of the World Assembly from the ashes of its predecessor, the Bureaucracy That Cannot Be Named, WA member nations have worked tirelessly to improve the standard of the world. That, or tried to force other nations to be more like them. But that's just semantics.
Below is every World Assembly resolution ever passed.
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General Assembly Resolution # 761
Repeal: “Standardized Passport Arrangements”
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
General Assembly Resolution #717 “Standardized Passport Arrangements” (Category: Political Stability; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
The World Assembly,
Understanding that travel between different nations is a necessity in the current state of the world and the benefit that passports provide to nations in facilitating such movement legally;
Acknowledging that GA#717 attempted to protect passport and travel rights amongst all WA member nations with the introduction of the Passports, Nationality and Refugees Administration (PASA);
Displeased with the mandate in clause 2a that all WA member states must follow templates laid down by PASA, stifling potential passport innovation and ingenuity with unnecessary and potentially burdensome requirements;
Distraught by PASAs unabashed overreach in clause 5, wherein PASA is allowed to issue passports solely at its own discretion, with no restrictions on issuing passports to individuals belonging to a WA member nation that may otherwise be disallowed from having a passport by the laws of that WA member nation, allowing for the potential to circumvent the home rule of any WA nation;
Dismayed by the further overreach of PASA in clauses 5c and 5d, wherein with clause 5c, PASA is permitted to issue passports to citizens of collapsed WA members with no distinction on how this is to be determined thereby allowing for potential corruption of the system, and with clause 5d, wherein PASA is allowed to issue passports to individuals rendered stateless by non-WA member nations, which is a wholly unnecessary action for a WA body, and has the potential to pull the entire WA into disputes that the WA otherwise has no business being in;
Perturbed by PASAs ability to interact with non-WA member nations at its own discretion, as stated in clauses 2f and 6b, as this body feels that PASA interacting with non-WA member nations is an opportunity for non-WA members to take advantage of the WA, gaining benefits of the WA without being a member subject to any of the rules and regulations that the WA may otherwise impose;
Disappointed that the end result is a committee with powers far extending from what should be acceptable from a WA regulated organization;
Hereby repeals GA#717 Standardized Passport Arrangements"
Passed: |
For: | 10,887 | 83.4% |
Against: | 2,170 | 16.6% |

General Assembly Resolution # 762
Repeal: “Sustainable Forest Management”
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
General Assembly Resolution #291 “Sustainable Forest Management” (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: Logging) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
The World Assembly,
Acknowledging the necessity of combating the disastrous ecological effects of unsustainable logging,
Applauding GA#291s admirable intentions to address this international crisis,
Disheartened that GA#291s noble aims are entirely voided by its meandering contents that accumulate into a bloated resolution with a preposterously vast jurisdiction used for bizarre ends,
Alarmed that the GA#291 imposes significant restrictions on the harvest of lumber for commercial use within member states, thereby forcing simple artisans, traders, and other craftsmen who may seek to profit from the fruits of their labor to choose between the following processes:
Petitioning an international body to approve their wooden media, regardless of the scale of their logging operation,
Paying for imported lumber that can be more efficiently harvested in non-member states, which may be subject to price-hiking tariffs,
Paying for lumber that was harvested within member states by large enterprises which possess the administrative resources to comply with GA#291's parameters, thereby creating a exclusionary market that is disadvantageous to individuals who do not fell on behalf of said large enterprises (EXEMPTS),
Perplexed by GA#291s inability to consistently declare its intentions and stipulations, such as its creation of two potentially overlapping types of protected forest zones which are sourced from different authorities within the World Assembly (CREATES d. i.; URGES),
Confused by GA#291s endorsement of deforestation for urban development while also expressing concern for the expected consequences of developing previously forested areas ("REQUIRES" c. i.-ii., "BELIEVING" a.-d.),
Baffled by GA#291s expressed scientific illiteracy, which enables environmentally destructive practices such as:
Encouraging member states to reforest areas that are destroyed by natural disasters such as wildfires and inundation, thereby resulting in unsustainable ecosystems in which trees that typically germinate in the final phase of ecological succession are denied access to soil replenishment from undergrowth and pioneer microorganisms ("ENCOURAGES"),
Granting member states and private entities unregulated logging rights to forests that are affected by blights, creating an opportunistic loophole that neuters any intention to contain blights ("ALLOWS"),
Concerned by GA#291's establishment of different standards for each member state ("CREATES" c.), as tailoring and enforcing over 18,000 varying regulatory policies would not only be a gargantuan task for the WAFC to handle, but also an astounding waste of World Assembly resources, and,
Confident that future resolutions will be able to address these concerns and other problems associated with internationally coordinated measures pertaining to foresting and logging,
Repeals GA#291 Sustainable Forest Management.
Co-authored by Syldis
Co-author: Haymarket Riot
Passed: |
For: | 9,525 | 77.6% |
Against: | 2,750 | 22.4% |

General Assembly Resolution # 763
Repeal: “Volcanic Activity Convention”
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
General Assembly Resolution #565 “Volcanic Activity Convention” (Category: Regulation; Area of Effect: Safety) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
The World Assembly,
Recognizing the humanitarian intentions of GA #565 to help cooperation in the event of volcanic events, and the importance of coordinating international responses when one or more member nations are affected;
Concerned that the legislation focuses heavily on the actions of individual member preparedness and response, while largely avoiding how nations may best leverage an international body to aid in the preparation and recovery of such a catastrophe when promoting international co-operation as the supposed main goal;
Recognizing that the main provisions and duties of GA #565 are duplicated, expanded upon, or more detailed in other resolutions, making it unnecessary; for example;
GA #51 "Humanitarian Aid Coordination" establishes the IHACC, the International Humanitarian Aid Coordination Committee, which would already be responsible for the deliverance of humanitarian aid for both manmade and natural disasters and has been employed in subsequent resolutions;
GA #570 "Disaster Precautions and Responses" provides for emergency responses and preparedness for a variety of natural or manmade catastrophic events, which covers both volcanic eruptions but also secondary non-volcanic activities; and
GA #585 "Emergency Broadcasting Standards" requires that member states create, maintain, and employ emergency broadcasting systems when necessary, which may include before, during, and after volcanic and non-volcanic activities;
Believing that the original legislation's articles and mandates used ambiguous or passive language making implementation or integration a possible challenge with other extant legislation, and;
Understanding that removal of this legislation causes no detriment to natural disaster preparedness in the case of volcanic activity due to aforementioned resolutions, while causing unnecessary bloat in the legislative body;
Repeals GA#565, "Volcanic Activity Convention"
Co-authors: The Ice States,
Passed: |
For: | 10,706 | 91.1% |
Against: | 1,050 | 8.9% |

General Assembly Resolution # 764
Regulating Astronautical Procedures
A resolution to enact uniform standards that protect workers, consumers, and the general public.
The General Assembly,
Acknowledging the potential for poorly directed or maintained international space programmes between member-nations.
Recognising that this potential for poor or utterly mismanaged space programmes between member-nations poses a potentially severe environmental and economic impact, especially in cases in which there may not exist standards regarding spacecraft quality.
Appalled at the further possibility of poor-quality spacecraft potentially leading to safety oversights, which could lead to fatalities among astronaut and civilians crews operating both on the potentially compromised spacecraft, and others which may be affected by the spacecraft in any of a myriad of ways.
Defining, for the purposes of this resolution:
'Outer space', to refer to the interstellar medium, or the wide expanse of nearly-empty space separating various astronomical objects, such as stars, planets, moons, and other entities.
Noting that 'outer space,' in contrast to a terrestrial body, for the purposes of this resolution, is defined as beginning at the point in which atmospheric pressure reaches 0.1% of the pressure as it would otherwise be on the surface of the terrestrial body.
'Spacecraft', to mean either:
Any commercial, scientific, military, or private instrument intended to remain in space for any length of time.
Any launch or reentry vehicle intended for travelling between any terrestrial body and outer space.
'Space programme', to mean any organised entity, funded privately or publicly, which has the goal of launching spacecraft in outer space, maintaining them (as necessary), and operating them throughout their missions.
Clarifying that this resolution aims solely to impact international space programmes, which consist of jointly-run space programmes between various member-nations, rather than the space programmes of individual nations.
Implementing the following, to ensure that spacecraft meet minimum quality standards for the sake of their potential passengers, scientific instruments, the aim of prematurely reducing the chance of causing major space debris, and to ensure a minimum of pollution during terrestrial launches and returns:
That all spacecraft must be verified to be completely structurally sound prior to launch, such that any mechanical failure- such as the risk of a leakage involving fuel or other chemicals -is minimised to the maximum possible extent.
That all spacecraft are verified to be fully operational, thus that they are ensured to last long enough to fulfil the entirety of their mission.
That any potential detachable spacecraft boosters that are intended for surviving reentry towards a terrestrial body are verified to have a minimal environmental impact over the course of atmospheric reentry.
That reusable spacecraft boosters should be stringently observed during refurbishment, and that they are mechanically uptight and complete to ensure proper function before and during every mission in which they are to be used.
That any and all spacecraft or spacecraft components which are intentionally- or planned to be -released into outer space without any native propulsion ability, are mandated to not be smaller than one cubic metre, for the sake of ease of debris clean-up.
That all spacecraft launch sites are located- at a minimum -three kilometres away from any settlement populated by one hundred or more individuals.
That the member-nation operating the spacecraft launch site has the capability to clean up any potential waste materials resulting from failed or explosive launches.
Enacting thusly, that if for any reason a spacecraft is found to be faulty or there is otherwise a violation by a member-nation with respect to the above enactments, the member-nation is compelled to postpone the launch in the case of it being a singular faulty spacecraft, or postpone all launches from the member-nation completely until the fault(s) or violation(s) is/are remedied.
Firmly condemning those international space programmes which pollute the planetary or stellar environment, cause economic harm through mismanagement and being underresourced, and those which cause any scale of loss or injury of life through the operation of mechanically faulty spacecraft and launch sites.
Co-authors: Dushina,
Passed: |
For: | 7,617 | 73.7% |
Against: | 2,719 | 26.3% |

General Assembly Resolution # 765
Repeal: “Pre-Packaged Food Labels”
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
General Assembly Resolution #724 “Pre-Packaged Food Labels” (Category: Regulation; Area of Effect: Consumer Protection) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
The World Assembly,
Acknowledging the genuine intent of GA 724 to increase safety;
Recognizing that food labels are important for the safety of the consumer;
Disappointed, however, that GA 724 Pre-Packaged Food Labels places excessive and impractical demands on labeling requirements, including complex considerations that extend beyond feasible implementation;
Concerned that such broad and thorough labeling requirements could make food labels overly complicated and difficult for consumers to interpret, potentially obscuring vital information and creating confusion rather than clarity;
Troubled that the resolution mandates labels to be "customized for the sapient inhabitants of that WA state" including additional customized standards for inhabitants "in different stages of their life cycles, complicating standardization, risking labeling inconsistency, and unnecessarily requiring labeling that is legible for sapients at all stages of life, including infants;
Further noting that the fastidiously demanded documentation of additives, allergens, processing technologies, and warnings, as indicated in clauses (4.a), (4.b), (4.g), and (4.h), can overwhelm consumers by providing too much information at once, detracting from clarity and undermining the core purpose of safety labeling;
Worried that the target places substantial burdens on smaller producers, who may struggle to meet aforementioned requirements due to limited awareness of product sources, manufacturing technologies, and contaminants, thereby limiting product diversity and availability, and also limiting the ability of small business owners to self-determine;
Deeply concerned that the resolutions call for specific cannibalism warnings introduces culturally and species-specific interpretations, which can lead to unnecessary warnings that consuming a particular dish would constitute cannibalism and could confuse consumers for whom it would not constitute cannibalism;
Concluding that the overly burdensome, inconsistent, and impractical nature of GA 724 outweighs its intended benefits and hinders its ability to effectively promote consumer safety;
Hereby repeals GA 724 Pre-Packaged Food Labels.
Co-author: Haymarket Riot
Passed: |
For: | 10,651 | 83.2% |
Against: | 2,156 | 16.8% |