by Max Barry

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by Reinstein. . 21 reads.

Reinstein Prime Minister Library & Archives

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This is an OOC Archive
Reinstein Prime Minister Library & Archives

I know I'm not Jimmy Carter, but I feel he's a leader that would be similar to me

~Reinstein, Former and longest serving Prime Minister~

Welcome to the Archives of Reinstein. Here are former records of dispatches, from the Modern RP and not, significant RP events about Aussie & Euro Rein involvement as well as Big RP Times. One thing you'll notice is the use of Jimmy Carter pictures to represent the events. No, I'm not Jimmy Carter, but he is an idol of mine and I see my time as PM being similar to his time in OFfice.

The Prime Minister of the OEU
"We Must never forget that the best thing this region has to offer are it's players"
- Prime Minister -
Term: 89 Days
Inauguration: November 20th, 2016
Left Office: February 20, 2017
Party: Liberal Democratic

Reinstein was the Prime Minister of the OEU from November 20th, 2016, to February 20, 2017. In his 89 day term, he saw the rise of the European Union from a region of 17 to a region of 85, multiple famous RP's. Reinstein occupied his European spot while Prime Minister.

Reinstein first came into the government after winning the Minister of Foreign Affairs election by a slim 3 votes out of 15. He was inaugurated and worked to establish embassies with 9 other regions. While Minister of Foreign Affairs, he got his name well known in the Liberal Democratic party, and quickly rose through the ranks to the top, becoming Party Leader in Early November.

He continued his work as MFM and Party Leader, and on November 20th his party gained more members then the Conservatives, and the next day was officially inaugurated as Prime Minister.

Upon becoming PM, Reinstein's main goal in his job was to make sure the region was well connected with other places in order to garner more members and Roleplayers. It worked, and 10 days after being inaugurated the region hit 50 RPers.

Around the 15th day into his term, the region got a number of raid threats from outside nations, which along with the Minister of Defense were dealt with accordingly.

Soon after, the term became more quiet, until around December 2016 when the region began slipping into it's activity depression.

The OEU Depression was one that involved a massive lowering of activity, and in early 2017, multiple nations began to CTE. Upon seeing the upcoming crisis, Reinstein, along with the founder Chricoma, quickly held meetings and such about activity, which unfortunately came to no avail. Despite efforts to garner RP, the RMB went from an average of 50 posts a day to about 5, and once prominent figures began dissapearing.

"It's the equivalent of the Detroit, a once booming region began to dwindle" Reinstein told his friend and adviser Covvia.

As the depression continued, it seemed the region was in for an avalanche, however along with the help of the now late Greece, new solutions were thought up and the region was saved. Due to Greece's big help with the saving of the region, and the long tenure, Reinstein officially left the Office of Prime Minister on February 20th, and Greece replaced him.

When asked why he decided to hand the reins to Greece and not to keep going, he stated, "I've been PM for 89 days. That's a lot. In this crisis Greece has been a major player in ensuring new solutions to keep up activity. I figure it's his time now to lead."

Greece would serve for another Three weeks before the Centrist Party took a majority, with Covvia being elected PM.

After leaving the PM Office, Reinstein sort of left his political life to be a regular RPer, and for a bit took a break. He did serve as an Interim Chancellor for a few days while a replacement was being searched for, but other than that he sort of had a Bush post presidency, just living happily.

"We have to keep in Mind that we are one RP Region, not a bunch of smaller ones"

"In order for us to actually be good at what we do, we need to know what we do"

"Despite this Depression, we have to keep one important thing in mind, which is that it's gonna be us who gets us out of it"


From Reinstein's entrance to the OEU in 2015, the nation placed itself not in Australia but in a tiny spot in Europe. The mecca of a liberal democracy, the nation was arguably the freest in the world. Despite being small, it's voice was big. The HQ of NATO, the nation was a big epicenter for Western Nations to meet and keep the world safe.

Euro Capital: Lochburn
Euro PM: Matt DeVries

Archive Industrial Times

After his long sleep, Reinstein moved to a new spot for a fresh start, Australia. The land was further away from the commotion of Europe, yet it was still a big power in the world. It is where he resides today.


