by Max Barry

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by The Bridge of New Terabithia. . 69 reads.

Bithiaball (Archived)

The Nationball on the Right are Atlantia, New zongo and Trinniadad. They were the nations that colonized the continent that New Terabithia is on.

The Nationballs on the left are New Terabithia's Pink Cult and The Communist Dictatorship. They are the reason why New Terabithia hates religion and Communists.

The Biggest Nationball is what New Terabithia is currently. The Nationball on top of current New Terabithia is their colony The New Arcadian States.

The Nationball next to current New Terabithia is Past Terabithia and Past Arcadian States. Past Terabithia is before the Lithian Party won the Election. Past Arcadia is before it changed flags. Past Arcadia is holding potato.

The Nationballs the current New Terabithia is thinking of is Tera and Bithia fighting. Tera and bithia fought over the city Titanopia. They united when a foreign power invaded Lithia.

The Bridge of New Terabithia

