by Max Barry

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by The Kingdom of America jnb. . 51 reads.

The Three Kings Constitution

Article 1
TDR Founders

Section 1. The Founders of The Democratic Republic shall be referred to as, The Sovereign. The TDR Founders shall be the Founders of The Democratic Republic region.
Section 2. The Democratic Republic Founders shall be the head of State and Commander of the Armed Forces of The Three Kings. The TDR Founders shall also serve with the power to grant a reprieve and pardon to any individual other than themselves for any offense against The Three Kings. The reprieve and/or pardon may not affect an impeachment process.
Section 3. The TDR Founders shall have the ability to sign or veto any law passed by the Legislature of The Three Kings, with the Legislature being able to override with a 2/3 majority vote.
Section 4. The TDR Founders shall also have the power and authority to grant Citizenship, Honorary Citizenship and even remove Citizenship.
Section 5.The TDR Founders shall have the ability to create and propose any Treaties with other regions, with the consent of a supermajority vote of the General Assembly. The General Assembly may veto the closure or the opening of an embassy by a Supermajority vote.

Article 2
Prime Minister

Section 1. The Prime Minister shall be head of Government of The Three Kings and shall have the power to create government policy.
Section 2. The Prime Minister shall be appointed by the legislature every term with a majority vote. The Prime Minister must also be a member of the Legislature.
Section 3. The Prime Minister shall also be the presiding officer of the legislative body, managing the debates and legislative agenda.
Section 4. The Prime Minister shall also have potency to issue Executive Orders, which shall act as law with the full force of law behind it. The orders may not go against this Constitution or be used to abolish or amend anything to it.
Section 5. The Prime Minister shall nominate members to the High Court when there is a vacancy on the aforementioned Court for the General Assembly to approve with a supermajority vote. The nominee must be a Citizen of The Three Kings.

Article 3
Executive Cabinet

Section 1. The Prime Minister shall be assisted by a cabinet to fulfill his daily responsibilities. The Cabinet shall be nominated by the Prime Minister and approved by a majority of the General Assembly.
Section 2. A member of the cabinet shall not serve in the courts while serving in the cabinet.
Section 3. The Cabinet shall consist of:
Minister of Defense - Unofficial head of the armed forces, responsible for implementing the defense policy set by the Regional Government. Has de facto executive authority, in which he makes the key day to day decisions on the use of the armed forces and management.
Minister of State - Manages the foreign policy of The Three Kings, advising and aiding the Chancellor on all matters relating to embassies, foreign regions and external threats.
Minister of Interior - General job of upkeeping and managing the Interior of the Region and Government.
Attorney General - head of The Three Kings Department of Justice. The Chief law officer of the regional government who helps the government minimize it's legal risks. Helps the Government in enforcing regional law.

Article 4
General Assembly

Section 1. The Legislative authority and power of The Three Kings shall be vested in the General Assembly. The General Assembly shall be presided over by the Prime Minister.
Section 2. The General Assembly shall consist of five members, nominated by the King and confirmed in a public vote, a general election. The General election shall occur every month on the first day.
Section 3. The General Assembly shall have the responsibility of enacting laws known as Acts and Substantiation of nominees to the Cabinet and Court. Confirmation of nominees to the Cabinet require a simple majority while nominees to the High Court require a supermajority vote.
Section 4.Every passed law before taking legal effect shall be presented to the King of The Three Kings, who shall either sign it into law or veto it. Veto's and Executive orders may be overridden by a Supermajority vote of the General Assembly.
Section 5. The Three Kings Constitution may be amended by, firstly a supermajority vote of the General Assembly, which shall be a 70% majority for. Secondly, the Amendment then must be put up in a public poll by the King or the Prime Minister for 24 hours and pass by a simplemajority vote before being added to the Constitution.
Section 6. The Democratic Republic Constitution shall be the most supreme law of the land in The Three Kings.

Article 5
High Court

Section 1. The Judicial branch shall be made up of the High Court which shall be composed of three Justices who shall accommodate for life, except in the case of impeachment, resignation, leaving the region perpetually or any other situation of removal from office provided in this Constitution.
Section 2. The High Court shall be presided over by a Chief Justice. The Chief Justice shall be chosen by basis of seniority on the High Court. The Chief Justice shall oversee the correct functions of the High Court and shall write the Rulings and Judicial opinions.
Section 3. The High Court may issue decrees with a majority vote of the High Court. In a trial, only one Justice is needed.
Judicial Decision is a decree which mandates that a nation(s) adhere to the law, or carry out an act which the Court requires. They also settle a dispute brought afore them or which nullifies previous court Decisions. Judicial Decisions set precedent in The Three Kings law system. The Decision must be Constitutional.
Judicial Veto is a decree which averts the passage into force of a Senatorial decision/legislation, Executive order, and a member of Cabinet's decision. The High Court may not Veto the nomination of a Justice. The High Court may not issue a decree which does not fall under the category of an Decision or Veto.
Section 4. The Court must in every case, give the incriminated the right to forfend themselves and the Prosecutor the right to outline their position.

The Kingdom of America jnb
