by Max Barry

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by The Sunny Balkans of Kubrath. . 41 reads.

List of Amendments to the Arctic Constitution

Amendment #1:

Article III. The Regional Assembly

3.3. Powers and Responsibilites of the Regional Assembly

    3.3.3. The Regional Assembly may enact, amend or repeal laws and proposals by a majority vote. [When a law or proposal is put to a vote, every Regional Assembly member must cast their vote within 7 days. If a Regional Assembly member fails to cast their vote within 7 days, their right to vote shall not be considered in the estimation of the majority vote.] No law may contradict this Constitution.

Amendment #2:

Article X. Amendments

In both of these cases, the proposed amendment will be subject to a vote in the Regional Assembly and will require a two-thirds majority to pass [in accordance with Article 3.3.3.]

Amendment #3:

Article VI. The Constitutional Court

    6.1. The Arctic Constitutional Court will try all criminal cases, resolve conflicts or ambiguities in the law, and review the constitutionality of laws or legality of regional government policies by request of an affected party.

    6.2. The Arctic Constitutional Court shall consist of an odd number of Justices, at least 3 and at most 7. These Justices will select a Chief Justice among themselves.

      6.2.1. If there are no sufficient member-states to be appointed to the Arctic Constitutional Court, the Founder shall act as an interim Chief Justice. The interim
      Chief Justice shall hold all the powers and responsibilities granted to the Arctic Constitutional Court.

    6.3. The Chief Justice will administer the rules of the Arctic Constitutional Court. Where no rules exist, the Chief Justice may use their discretion.

    6.4. The official opinion of the Arctic Constitutional Court in any trial or review shall be binding on all Government bodies and officials.

    6.5. Justices shall be elected by the Regional Assembly by a plurality vote every 12 months.

Amendment #4:

Article III. The Regional Assembly

3.3. Powers and Responsibilites of the Regional Assembly

    3.3.3. The Regional Assembly may enact, amend or repeal laws and proposals by a [plurality] vote. When a law or proposal is put to a vote, every Regional Assembly member must cast their vote within 7 days. If a Regional Assembly member fails to cast their vote within 7 days, their right to vote shall not be considered in the estimation of [a] majority vote [or a plurality vote]. No law may contradict this Constitution.

Amendment #5:

Article III. The Regional Assembly

3.3. Powers and Responsibilites of the Regional Assembly

3.3.5. The Regional Assembly shall settle any territorial disputes between Arctic nations by a majority vote.

The Sunny Balkans of Kubrath

