by Max Barry

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by Enchanta. . 27 reads.

Enchanta National Anthem

*Clasp hands together*
The Ancient Kingdom

Your beaches so much admired
With palm trees all adorned
Your coat of arms and flag
Is the proudness of us all!

Knowledge send us,Heavenly Mother
Grant us wisdom from above

Gird your loins and join the battle
Gainst fear,hate and poverty
Each succeeding,all acheiving
Live in Peace where you are free!

Oh how radiant are your daughters!
And how wealthy are your sons!

True patriot love in all thy sons command.

Valients of Enchanta,
Let us sing with strong feeling
And let us show to the world
Our glorius banner!

All hail Enchanta
Bathe in waters blue
We give our loyalty
Full to thee
And pledge allegiance forever true.

