by Max Barry

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by Enchanta. . 49 reads.

Enchanta Govt.

Government type-Democratic Socialists
Government Power in Enchanta
Rachel Alpin can never be voted out of power however she can give up her position and make it possible that her children can't get government positions. The other 9 members of the Equality Council have 6 year terms.

Legislative branch-The legislative branch is run by the Equality Council. Rachel Alpin,the leader will choose which bills will be voted on. The other 9 members write bills and then have a vote on it. If the majority of people vote for a bill then it becomes a law. If the majority of people vote against a law then it will be added to the Graveyard, a library of discarded bills. A bill only has a voting period of 3 months . If there is a tie in voting the bill will be voted for by the citizens .

Executive branch-The executive branch is run by Rachel Alpin. She makes sure no one is being unfairly treated and that government papers are up to date. If a citizen is being unfairly treated by a business or service they can call the Discrimination Hotline to carry out a full inspection. If a citizen's paperwork is outdated they must get it updated at once. Failure to apply for updating within 6 months will result in deportation. Rachel also handles immigration laws. More on that below.

Judical branch- The Judicial branch is run by the Cheif Court. They handle national and international crimes like terroism. If there is a crime commited by a government official , the court will decide how severe it is and whether or not the official can keep their job.

Immigration Laws in Enchanta
All immigrants who are not on the Enchantan Watch List , do not have physiological or mental illness and have the proper passport will be allowed into Enchanta. Children cannot be seperated from their parents under any circumstance. Immigrants that come illegally into Enchanta but meet the above criteria will be given a temporary passport and be allowed into the country but they will be expected to get the proper documentation. Refugees fleeing to Enchanta will be held at the refugee camp as they await legal documentation. Refugees who commit a crime in Enchanta will be taken into military custody and are no longer eligible for citizenship. Refugees who commit a crime and try to leave will be taken into military custody but the country they came from and or tried to go to will need to settle the issue with Enchanta.

