by Max Barry

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by Aussandries. . 67 reads.

Inormation regarding the future of the slide countries


1) Article 1, the rights of member regions
Section 1, the rights of all member regions
1. All member regions shall have the right to establish, maintain, and/or change their own government as they see fit
2. All member regions shall have the right to have a senator to voice their concerns to the rest of the confederacy
3. All member regions shall have the right to choose their own senator, and to change who holds this role as they see fit
4. All member regions shall have the right to conduct diplomacy with one another as they see fit (with exceptions mentioned later in the treaty)
5. All member regions shall have the right to open or close their borders to other regions, both inside and outside the confederacy as they see fit
6. All member regions and their leaders shall have the right to govern their own citizens
7. All member regions shall have the right to create their own militia, composed of their own citizens
8. All member regions shall have the right to one vote in the senate
9. All member regions shall have the right to voice opposition to confederate policies, and can attempt to change them, but must comply with them unless they are repealed
10. All member regions shall have the right to establish embassies with other regions, both inside and outside of the confederacy
11. All member regions shall have the right to call upon the confederate government to dispatch troops form the confederate army to defend them in times of need
12. All member regions shall have the right to call upon the confederate government to dispatch troops from the confederate army to aid a current regime in quelling unrest in times of instability
13. All member regions shall have the right to leave the confederacy with one month’s notice, provided they have stated their reasons for doing so, and the upper council deems these reasons just
14. All member regions shall have the right to persecute crimes committed to themselves by their citizens, whether it by by trial or extrajudicial means
15. All member regions shall have the right to change the appearance of said region(s) as their government or people see fit
16. All member regions shall have the right to establish and maintain their own press’
17. All member regions shall have the right to organize raids, or support their allies in raids using troops from their militia(s), so long as they have received permission from the Head of State beforehand
Section 2, forbidden actions of member regions
1. No member region shall have the right to more than one senator, and vote in the senate
2. No member region shall have the right to infringe upon the sovereignty of another member region in any way
3. No member region shall have the right to enter diplomatic pacts or treaties to which the confederacy as a whole is not already bound
4. No member region shall have the right to declare war upon any region, both inside and outside the confederacy that is not at war with the confederacy as a whole
5. No member region shall have the right to meddle in the government affairs of other member regions
6. No member region shall have the right to perform subversive activities within other member regions
7. No member region shall have the right to unilaterally declare independence
8. No member region shall have the right to establish a standing army
Article 2, the responsibilities of member regions
1. All member regions shall have the responsibility to provide some troops to the Confederate Army, the number of which shall vary depending on the size of the region
2. All member regions shall have the responsibility to choose an able senator, who will attend all gatherings of the senate, and voice their regions’ concerns after consulting the regions leader and/or people
3. All member regions shall have the responsibility to place the good of the confederacy as a whole above their own in times of war and internal struggle, but need not do so otherwise
4. All member regions shall have the responsibility to aid in defensive and offensive wars in which the confederacy is involved. If the confederacy gets into a war, all member regions will participate
5. All member regions shall have the responsibility to respect the authority of the confederate government, and yield to its authority when instructed
6. All member regions shall have the responsibility to abide by this document, and all confederate legislation lest any legislation be repealed by the senate
7. All member regions shall have the responsibility to side with the confederacy in WA resolutions that it decides to take a stance on
8. All member regions shall have the responsibility to establish embassies with allies of the confederacy
9. All member regions shall have the responsibility to be self sufficient for the duration of their membership. Though member regions may call for aid from confederate government for whatever purposes, they cannot expect it to be permanent
10. All member regions shall have the responsibility to be open to cooperation with regions of other ideologies
11. All member regions shall have the responsibility to pin this dispatch at the top of their list of dispatches
12. All member regions shall have the responsibility to place the flag of this confederacy in the top left corner of their flag, or edit their flag otherwise to display the colors of the confederacy, to show to all that they are a part of this organization
Article 3, the structure and powers of the confederate government
Section 1, composition of the confederate government
The confederate government will be composed of 3 entities. The Senate, Upper Council, and Head of State.
-The Senate shall be composed of senators from all regions and shall be the source of civilian legislature. Aside from domestic legislation, The Senate will have the role of resolving disputes between member regions in a non biased manner. All legislation proposed by senators will be passed by a majority vote. Any narrow votes will be brought up for review by the Upper Council. Should a majority of the council vote in favor of the bill, it will be passed. The Senate will convene at the end of every other month.
-The Upper Council will be composed of the leaders of the largest regions of the confederacy, appointed by the Head of state. Along with these leaders, in it will be the Head of State and Supreme Commander of the Confederate Armies. The Upper Council will have the purpose of reviewing narrowly passed legislation from the Senate, giving input on the diplomacy of the Confederacy, determining the stance of the Confederacy on WA proposals, advising the Head of State, deciding whether or not secessionist regions should be allowed to leave, and managing military campaigns in times of war, acting as the high command of the army. It shall also have the authority to raise minimum troop count in times of war. Regions on the Upper Council are given the privilege by the Head of State, and they will be the regions that contribute the most troops to the Confederate Army, and the most citizens to the confederate populace. The Upper Council will convene after every senate meeting or when deemed necessary by one of its members. Members of the Upper Council will maintain a seat in the senate.
-The Head of State will be the single leader of the confederacy. The position of Head of State will be held by one nation for life. The Head of State will have the authority to decide whether or not regions are eligible for membership in the confederacy, conduct diplomacy with regions outside the confederacy, declare wars upon regions or organizations outside the confederacy, establish alliances with regions outside the confederacy, appoint members of the Upper Council, appoint a Supreme Commander to lead the Confederate Army, veto bills proposed by the Confederate Senate, veto amendments proposed by the senate with more detail in Article 7, and manage the placement of Confederate troops in member regions in times of need. This includes in times of unrest, dissent, or revolution in member regions. The Head of State May also propose legislation in the senate. Lastly, the Head of State May order construction of military bases to house troops of the Greater Army of the CIR
Section 2, contingency plan for sudden destruction of the Head of State, or the extended absence of the Head of State
In the event that the Head of State ceases to exist for any reason, the Supreme Commander will take his place but will retain his command of the armies for 2 months. After the 2 month period, a new Supreme Commander will be appointed. If the same fate befalls the Supreme Commander the powers of the Head of State and Supreme Commander will be passed down to the Upper Council (maintaining the majority vote procedures) for a period of 6 months. After the six month period a moot will be convened amongst the members of the Upper Council to select a new Head of State from their ranks. Once elected, the leader must get his affairs in order, move to the capital region, become delegate, appoint a new Supreme Commander and a new leader for his region. In the event that the Head of State takes a period of extended leave, the Supreme Commander will take his place until his return.
Section 3, the procedures for a gathering of the Senate of the Confederacy of Independent Regions
1. The Head of State shall formally open the session.
2. It will then be confirmed that a majority is present (by the Keepers)
3. The Head of State will call for motions, topics to be discussed. These will be submitted by any Senator who wishes to do so to a keeper
4. The keepers will decide the order, finalize debate time, and commence debate on the first topic
5. For every topic, the Head of State will call for speakers, and choose the order of speakers
6. The speakers will speak for an equal time each until the allotted time has elapsed, at which point the Head of State shall choose to either vote or continue debate
7. When voting, votes in support shall be counted first, then against, then abstentions
8. A vote needs a simple majority to pass. If it is a narrow vote, it shall move to the Upper Council and the Senate will move on to the next point of debate
9. When all topics have been discussed and voted on, the Head of State shall ask for any final topics or motions, if there are none, the Head of State will formally close the session.
Article 4, the composition of the Confederate Military and it’s leadership
Section 1, the Army
Officially the Greater Army of the CIR, The Confederate Army will be composed of troops (WA puppets) from all member regions, the number of which must be contributed will vary depending on a regions size. The Confederate Army will have the following responsibilities,
1. peacekeeping within the confederacy
2. fighting for the confederacy in wars
3.defending allies of the confederacy from raids
4. defending member regions from raids if their
militias are unable to do so
The Confederate Army will be lead by the Supreme Commander, who shall have absolute authority over the Army. The Head of State may give orders for the Supreme Commander to carry out, but otherwise the Supreme Commander has full authority. This includes, but is not limited to,
1. Organizing offensives and raids
2. Stationing troops in allied regions with the consent of that region’s government and the Head of State
3. Organizing defenses of member regions
4. Dispatching troops to pacify insurrectionists
Section 2, the militias
Every region must have a militia, the minimum size of which is detailed later in this treaty. The duty of militias is to guard the region it protects, and conduct raids for that region. Militias are composed not of WA puppets, but by main nations who are in the WA who stay at home and endorse the WA delegate of their region at all times. This prevents raiders form easily taking Confederate regions, and ensures that the Confederate Army can go on the offensive in times of war, and not stretch itself too thin with defenses. Militias are allowed to be used for raids, but such raids must be approved by the Head of State. Militias are technically part of the Armed Forces of the CIR, but control of the militias is entirely in the hands of the member region they serve. No officer of the Confederate Army has authority over a regions militia, nor does any member of the confederate government, unless the leader of a member region says otherwise.
Article 5, procedures for integrating regions
Section 1, the eleven barred ideologies
Some ideologies are not welcome to join the Confederacy. Such ideologies include:
1. Anarchy
2. Matriarchy
3. Patriarchy
4. Communism in all its forms (not including Dem.socialism or syndicalism)
5. Anarcho-communism
6. Anarcho-capitalism
7. Staunch progressivism
8. New Leftism
9. Alt-Right
10. Racial nationalism
11. Nazism (Fascism, and its forms, are recognized as distinct from nazism)
Section 2, other necessary eligibility traits
To join, a region must have a minimum of 6 nations, 4 of which must be in the WA or one of the 4 can have a WA puppet. One to be delegate, two to be in the applicants militia (who will endorse the delegate), and one to join the Confederate Army (which can be a WA puppet). A region applying for membership must also have an established government, not necessarily a constitution, but a clearly defined leader at the least. A region wishing to join must also be ready to appoint a senator.
Section 3, process of applying for membership
Should a region wish to join the Confederacy of Independent Regions, that region must be eligible, and its leader must contact the Head of State directly, stating that they wish to join the Confederacy. The leader will then be instructed to read this document completely, and agree to its laws. Afterward, should they meet the requirements and the Head of State accepts them, they shall join either effective immediately, or within 1 week’s time. Should they choose the latter, they are to finalize their withdrawal from diplomatic pacts, designate a senator, pin this document, and display the flag of the Confederacy in the top left corner of their flag. Afterward, they will be free to enjoy the rights of member regions, and attend senate gatherings.
Article 6, sizes of member regions, and mandatory troop donations and militia sizes
Member nations Minimum militia Troops
6-9. 2. 1
10-16. 5. 3
17-25. 8. 5
26-45. 10. 8
46-60. 15. 10
61-80. 20 12
81-110. 28. 18
111+. 30. 20
Article 7, process for the amendment of this treaty
Section 1, proposal of amendments
All senators may propose amendments if told to do so by the leader of their region. If an amendment passes by the procedures dictated in section 2 of this article, it will be ratified 1 week after passing. Amendments can nullify, add, or modify articles or sections of articles of this document.
Section 2, passing of amendments
In order for a proposed amendment to be passed, it must achieve any majority vote in the Senate, the Upper Council, and must be approved by the Head of State. Should the Head of State veto the amendment, it must be brought back into the voting process, and must achieve a majority vote of at least ¾ in both the senate and Upper Council. Afterward, it will be brought to the Head of State again, who may proceed to postpone its ratification for no more than 1 month, or may ratify it immediately. Upon ratification by the Head of State, the amendment, and all changes to this treaty it has made, will apply to the entire confederacy.
Article 8, the addition of powers, government offices, and regional classifications through processes other than amendments
Section 1, extraordinary extension of executive powers
In the event that the Head of State feels an extension of his powers to be necessary, he may issue a request for these powers to the Upper Council, by summoning then to an extraordinary congress. If the Upper Council permits the addition of powers by a majority vote, they shall be granted to the Head of State. The Upper Council may revoke these powers as well. Should they be revoked, the Head of State may issue a request for a formal extension of powers via an amendment at the next gathering of the senate.
Section 2, extraordinary extension of confederal authority
The Head of State shall have the authority to order extraordinary meetings of the Senate. During these extraordinary congress’ the Head of State, or any senator may propose an immediate extension of confederal powers. If this request passes by a majority vote, it shall be brought into effect, and ratified at an ordinary senate meeting.
Section 3, the addition of regional classifications
The Head of State may create new classifications for regions associated with the Confederacy (ex. Protectorate), and their powers and rights within the confederacy by issuing an executive order class 1. The Senate and Upper Council, through a combined vote, may abolish these classifications at the soonest gathering of the senate.
Section 4, the addition of government offices
The Head of State may also establish new government offices, and their powers, by issuing an executive order class 2. The Senate and Upper Council, through a combined vote, may abolish these offices at the soonest gathering of the senate.
Section 5, the establishment of new branches of government and the military
The Head of State shall have the authority to establish new branches of government(ex. A confederate government court) and new government organizations by issuing a request to the Senate and Upper Council. The Senate shall also have the authority to establish new branches of government, and government organizations at its meetings. The Head of State shall also have the authority to establish new branches of the armed forces by issuing an executive order class 3.

These are a series of telegrams I have received from Cossack, a representative of a future Confederacy of Independent Regions, a body that the supreme council are discussing joining with the most likely option being we join it. These telegrams are my attempt at being transparent in the intentions of this Confederacy, and allowing this information to be presented to you all. The oldest telegram is at the bottom. More may be added as the negotiations continue.

Dear Aussandries,
I am glad to hear that the Supreme Council members think that this is a good idea. And to answer your question, yes, there is a democratic process within the CIR. There will be two bodies, the Senate and the Upper Council. All member regions must send one senator to represent their region in the Senate, which is the source of all civilian legislature. The regions in the Upper council will be chosen by the Head of State based on merit and contribution, and this will also be technically democratic, although in practice it would compare better to a committee that pools their ideas and discusses freely.
I hope I have answered most of your questions, which were all very good. I will send you the joining regions as soon as I get a proper list, right now we have a document with interested regions, we need to turn that into signatories in February. Don’t worry about being away, I will be in contact with a Supreme Council member of your choice for logistical purposes.
Until next time,
-Cossack Khanate

Dear Aussandries,
To answer question 1 directly, representatives and region mates of member regions are encouraged to recruit other members towards the Confederacy. To answer the same question personally for you, I reviewed the Micro Union with my other collaborators and a conclusion was drawn that Micro Union may be unsuitable to join the alliance. The reasons were
Micro Union takes a definite strong stance against fascists,constituting extremist feelings towards a subject or idea, and
Micro Union is communist, which is one of the 11 barred ideologies.
I do regret not able to have Micro Union in our alliance, but I do agree with the reasons above for leaving them out. I don’t want anyone to feel left out, but as a founding principal of the Confederacy, enshrined in our constitution, we have barred some ideologies. This is merely to prevent discord within the Confederacy, not to be biased toward any ideological leaning. For example, we have also barred Nazism, racial nationalism, staunch progressivism, stuanch anarchy, as well as other. The others are listed in the constitution, which I have put below in the spoiler. As we haven’t officially founded, we haven’t put it in a dispatch, so I do apologize for the huge spoiler. Again, I am sorry that we had to leave one of your allies out, but I do have a piece of good news. As the Confederacy is non-ideological, we won’t take action against any of the barred ideologies. Therefore, you can still keep your close friendship with Micro Union, and if they do ask, please convey my regret. Thank you for your support and your understanding.
We will definitely meet again
Until next time,

Dear Aussandries,
No worries about my name, I often misspell it myself.
To reply to your telegram, I’ll answer the questions you had, and feel free to take your time on your region’s decision, because we only form in early February.
1) Which other regions are considering joining
An excellent question. Some confirmed regions are Tatenda, Zentari, Farkasfalka (my region), Teutonic Empire, and Monarchist and Democratic Alliance. We also have several regions who are debating their joining within their government, like Union of Democrats, Simul, The Reich, Novus Lucidum, Hetalia, and some others. We have also sent telegrams to over 20 other regions, who haven’t responded yet. We mainly have democratic or RP regions, or regions interested in diplomacy.
2) What are the primary aims? Defence? Raiding? WA intervention?
Mainly defence and WA intervention (by this I mean voting as a whole in the WA, and making proposals). Also, we aim to conduct diplomacy as a single entity with other regions or alliances.
3) What are the mentioned "laws" in place to stop "meddling"?
The mentioned laws are:
Article 1, Section 1, Clause 6, “All member regions and their leaders shall have the right to govern their own citizens”
Article 1, Section 2, Clause 5, “No member region shall have the right to meddle in the government affairs of other member regions”
Article 4, Section 2, “No officer of the Confederate Army has authority over a regions militia, nor does any member of the confederate government, unless the leader of a member region says otherwise.”
As well as others. We define meddling as “an action that makes an attempt to change, alter, or redirect a government or government affairs without the prior consent of the receiving government.”
4) What is the underlying purpose of the Confederacy?
The purpose is to promote cooperation and unity on a non-ideological basis while maintaining the sovereignty of its members. Basically defense, diplomacy, and unity
5) How will our representatives communicate?
A capital region will be built, and I suspect that many representatives will want to utilize Discord and/or forums to communicate, so that will most likely be the case. Currently we have a development discord server
Until next time,

Dear Founder of The Slide Countries
My allies and I are in the recruitment stage for a new inter-regional alliance, which we call the Confederacy of Independent Regions. As the title suggests, this is not a merger or a restrictive federation of any sort. We even have laws in place to disable the Confederacy government from meddling in your region’s matters. The Confederacy is not an ideological one, it is just a confederacy for inter-regional cooperation and peace.
Anyway, I’ll get to the point as not to take up too much of your time. We see that your region is an active region, and one that is in a perfect ideological and political balance. We would love to have your region on board with us when we formally found the Confederacy, which is estimated to be in about early February. If you want more information, as I have been rather vague in this telegram, just reply to this telegram and I would be glad to send you some more info. Thanks!
Until next time,
Cossack Khanate
Konzul of Farkasfalka


