by Max Barry

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by Ischyri thelis. . 8 reads.

Official Religion Of Ischyri Thelis

Our great Nation believes in the Great Almighty Shaggy Rogers, Appearing before us in Cartoon form September 13, 1969, showing a physical adaption in June 14, 2002 and later showing just a mere fraction of his power officially on June 6, 2011, but being made better to attempt to show shaggy's Likeness.

How the universe was created / developed

In the beginning there was darkness and shaggy, shaggy decided to create the universe, cause why not man?, using 14% of his power it was done. After creating the universe shaggy went into his astral form until people evolved, and gained advanced enough brains to grasp the concept his existence thus shaggy implanted the image and personality he desired into the minds of Joe Ruby, Iwao Takamoto, and Ken Spears. In order to worship and amuse shaggy, the chosen 3 and many others made funny cartoons, movies, toys and etc, to appease Shaggy, and appeased he was. Today in 2019 it is said shaggy lies in wait to protect the universe from deadly threats worthy of only his power as well as worthy opponents seeking to test their power or lose attempting to defeat him, to this day shaggy has used barley 1% of his power to beat all who opposed him.

Ischyri thelis
