by Max Barry

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by The Holy Federal Monarchy of DACOROMANIA. . 106 reads.

Public Administration and Governorates


Founded November, 2018

Roman Byzantine Union

- Public Administration and Governorates -

( Articles 25 - 27 of the Union Constitution )

A) Government Administration

1)- Presidency Office
- Consulars: Basileus DACOROMANIA and Symbasileus Palsada

2)- Vice-Consular Office
- Vice-Consular:
- Deputy Advisor:

3)- Praetorian Prefecture Office
- Praetorian Prefect:
- Deputy Prefect:

4)- Ministry of Internal Affairs & Communications Office
- Minister:
- Deputy Minister:

5)- Ministry of Foreign Affairs Office
- Minister:
- Deputy Minister:

6)- Ministry of Defense Office
- Minister:
- Deputy Minister:

7)- Ministry of Special Affairs Office
- Minister:
- Deputy Minister:
- Vice-Commander:

8)- Ministry of Justice Office
- Minister:
- Deputy Minister:

9)- Praesidens Concilium Office
- Praesidens Concilium:
- Tribune of Senate:
- Chief of Plebians:

10)- Special Agency Office
- Chief of Special Agency:
- Deputy Chief:

11)- Supreme Council of Magistracy
- Magistrate President:
- Magistrates:
- General Prosecutor:
- Chief Judge of Supreme Judicial Court:

12)- Department of Role-Play and Geography
- Role-Play Officer:
- Geographum Veni/Geographer Officer:

B) Civilian Collegia

What are citizens supposed to do once they are in a Collegium?
The whole point is that a member of a collegium should not wait for orders to be of some use. Citizens are encouraged not to sit idle. Write something nice for the WFE, design flags, anthems, find cool videos, recruit, do ANYTHING you think could empower and make our Union better!

1)-Collegium Artium: Greater Balticia (ad honorem), Socialist Democratic Republic Romania, The greater nile

2)-Academia Scientiarum: Lion Clan, Insulo esmeralda, The Empire of Palmyra

3)-Collegium Apollineum:

4)-Collegium Mercatorum: Byzantine exarchates, Gelia

5)-Collegium Geographorum: -arcadia (ad honorem), Union state of eurasia

6)-Collegium Fabrum: Quarxnocia (ad honorem)

7)-Academia Necatoria: TOP SECRET

8)-Taberna: Delta force alliance commander, Canarmybrat

C) Decorations and Medals

As based on the Article 9 of Constitution, the Presidency shall have the powers to confer decorations and titles of honour and to make promotions to the ranks, also to acknowledge the abilities, activities and merits of the Union citizens. All decorations and medals recognize the involvement and work of the members with warm thanks.

1) High Decoration "Roman Eagle Star":

2) High Decoration "Faithful Service": Palsada

3) High Decoration "Silver Star":

4) Decoration "Bravery Virtue":

5) Decoration "Military Virtue":

6) Decoration "Comemorative Star":

7) Decoration "For Merit": The united people of russia, Calebon, Byzantine exarchates

8) Medal of Faithful Service:

9) Medal of Freedom:

10) Medal of Cultural Merit: Greater Balticia, -arcadia, The Empire of Palmyra, Andalusian union

11) Medal of Merit: Goldgamia, Misty havens

12) Honorific Sign "For Merit": Quarxnocia, Willy landia, Cathernias, Comestia, Socialist Democratic Republic Romania, Elliotus, Alta californians

A) Merging Governors

-> Governor A & Local Council (his staff, if exist); Prefecture: Office of Praetorian Prefect;

1) Governor: Cathernias
2) Governor: Willy landia
3) Governor: Calebon

B) Local Governorates

-> (Founder) Governor B & Local Council (regional gov); Prefecture: Local Prefect;

1) The Global Democratic Union
- Governor: Goldgamia
- Local Prefect:

- Governor:
- Local Prefect:


