by Max Barry

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by The United Federal States of Ivorica. . 11 reads.

Stock Market of Ivorica

Merryweather Weapon Production and Manufacturing (MWWPM): $2,018
Avon Weapon Supplier and Producer (AWSP): $1,997
Columbus Manufacturing Goods (CMG): $1,801
Seattle Moreson Trading Federation (SMTF): $2,507
Nova Morumin Coal Supplier (NMCS): $1,007
Martian Club of Producers (MCP): $2,506
Mors Porgrassion Insurance (MPI): $1,901
Pegasus Private Service Cooperation (PPSC): $1,780
Dentynemartet Services and Production (Dentynemartet)(DMSP): $2,497
Technocra Institute and Research Center (TIRC): $1,980
Dracke Agriculture Production Manufacturing and Tool Supply (DAPMTS): $1,150
Home Owner Association (HOA): $1,650

Background Information:
Merryweather Weapon Production and Manufacturing (MWWPM)-
MWWPM is one of Ivorica's biggest weapon producer for the military and for the public. Founded in 1689, a man named Klostrer Dan Merryweather was a military weapons designer for Ivorica, Old Utopia, Koranistan, and in Telders. With huge amount of wealth he makes his own company to make his own weapons. Soon the weapons over took the Ivorican Muskets and cannons in a short time of 5 years. The Ivorican Military was using Ivorian Weapons Production to make the weapons. Which soon went into more in quantity rather then quality. As the business grew, IWP went bankrupt after the government cut all ties which was soon bought my MWWPM. MWWPM soon started to spread across Ivorica is a professional and trustworthy weapon manufacture and are starting to plan to expand to other nations. makes many high powered rifles to pierce through many objects as well as bodies. The company was also the first to create sharp pointed projectiles rather then the regular projection which was round in ineffective at piercing. The company also built a new type of shells, where the shell was pointed to breach walls much better. The designed was carried into naval warfare where a naval designed cannon was able to fire the new type of shell. The company also made a explosive shell as well, where when the shell makes contact at something with high enough speed, it would explode. Soon making the Krupp Gun for the military to use and a new type of armor to slow down the bullets. Just to wound the soldier rather then killing the soldier.
Avon Weapon Supplier and Producer (AWSP)-
AWSP were made after MWWPM was made but on the other side of the continent. The company design was to supply the making of all weapons and produce few weapons. AWSP was made by Avon Lord Baker. A middle class man who was bored at baking and quit. He bought a manufacturing company and turn it to a weapon producer. Soon spreading all over Ivorica. Eventually the company partnered up with MWWPM. AWSP also made few muskets and 2 rifles. All weapons were long ranged based and had a huge piercing ability, which the military soon adopted the rifles and put it towards the sharp shooter branch. A perfect sniper for the sharpshooters although it can only hold 1 bullet. The company was dubbed the most trustworthy company for 21 years, winning awards 6 times a year.
Columbus Manufacturing Goods (CMG)-
CMG were created in the early days of the Democracy of Ivorica, the company was made just to make stuff and supply it across the city. Which it soon spread towards the Province, then the state, and soon across the nation.
Seattle Moreson Trading Federation (SMTF)-
SMTF is the trading company across Ivorica. A trustworthy company which was made to well, trade and protect trading. With many business owners joining it for security against their rivals. Which soon eased off extreme rivalries across Ivorica. The company is also thinking about going international.
Nova Morumin Coal Supplier (NMCS)-
Nova Morumih Coal Supplier or the NMCS is one of the very few remaining coal suppliers left in Ivorica, after taking over multiple businesses. The coal business would usually supply the military or supply the factories across Ivorica. Soon spreading towards the colony to collect more coal.
Martian Club of Producers (MCP)-
The MCP is one of the biggest market producer across Ivorica. Having selling food, tools, and many other things besides fire arms. Although it is being competed against.
Mors Porgrassion Insurance (MPI)-
The MPI is a special group and the first in the world. People can pay a small fee when they join the Insurance, then pay a small monthly fee. When a property gets damaged or a domesticated animal dies, the company would pay for it. Although they would replace it only twice a month. Many category falls under the company such as domestic transportation, agriculture defense, home owner defense, tool replacement, transportation replacement, property replacement, clothing replacement, weapon replacement, and furniture replacement.
Pegasus Private Service Cooperation (PPSC)-
PPSC is a private mercenary company. People can hire the mercenaries to guard or do stuff with them. Many people were skeptical by it until after many years the company only carried out it's mission and never betrayed their clients. The company also never failed a mission which led the government hire the best mercenary to guard valuable stuff.
Dentynemartet Services and Production (Dentynemartet)(DMSP)-
Dentymartet is the same exact thing like Martian Club, except created on the other side of the nation. With a huge rivalry with Martian Club.
Technocra Institute and Research Center (TIRC)-
The TIRC is a private research company to make their own things for the people. All though the company is small they do have huge complexes across the nation.
Dracke Agriculture Production Manufacturing and Tool Supply (DAPMTS)-
DAPMTS is a agriculture provider. Making many farms, supporting them with tools and making even food out of them and selling them to huge markets like Martian Club or Dentymartet.
Home Owner Association (HOA)-
HOA is a home owner organization to build homes as well keep homes from doing shady things like a illegal business or having non pleasant props. HOA also keeps many homes secured.
Each company have their business very predictable.
There are also many old Companies that very few are alive and some are bought in by the present companies.
Microluniom Services and Production (MSAP): Disbanded
Bavaruim Mercenary and Protection Services (BMPS): Present
Sachin Market Ways (SMW): Present
Ivorican Weapon Production: Present
Karatana Production Manufacturing and Sponsoring (KPMS): Disbanded
Hertz Private Enterprise of Manufacturing Goods and Producing Goods (HPEMGPG): Bought In
Elsa Sewing Land (ESL): Present
Utopian Agriculture Production, Manufacturing, and Organization (UAMO): Present
Potematic Federation of Trade (PFT): Bought In
Company Networth A
Company Networth B
Top 8 Richest Man (Part A)

The United Federal States of Ivorica

