by Max Barry

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by The Astorian Dominion of Aelitia. . 374 reads.

Join the World Assembly!

Join the World Assembly!

Note: Before following the steps below, make sure you have a valid email address entered for your nation in the Settings page. You may only have one WA nation at a time per game rules.

Why join the World Assembly?

The World Assembly grants you the ability to become significantly more involved in The East Pacific and in NationStates as a whole! Here is a brief list of some benefits:

Help protect The East Pacific by endorsing our Delegate Marrabuk and the appointed Viziers Aelitia,Bachtendekuppen, and Todd McCloud.

Vote on resolutions in the General Assembly and Security Council and help shape the NS World through legislation.

Submit your own resolutions to the World Assembly and get them to vote.

Apply to join the East Pacific Sovereign Army and protect our region, defeat our enemies, and help our allies in war.

Get other nations to endorse you which will increase your regional power and influence in The East Pacific.

How do I join?

On the left panel of the screen, select the option for the World Assembly.

Click the button to Apply to Join.

NationStates will send you an email to the email address in the Settings on your nation in order to confirm your membership, click the link in the email and click the button to confirm your membership.

Once you're in the World Assembly go to our Delegate's nation page by clicking on this link: Marrabuk.

Scroll to the bottom of the nation page and click the button to Endorse Marrabuk.

Important Links
