by Max Barry

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by Khoronzon. . 793 reads.

The Inner Circle (very WIP)

Dossier on the Emperor's Inner Circle
Compiled by the Central Information Repository of the Divine Supremacy of Khoronzon

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Ever since the 2320 Gateway coup, Khoronzon has had no official cabinet-equivalent within its government. The previously existing Ministry Council, which was comprised of the highest officials within each main branch of the state, was abolished and replaced by Evehxhas alone, along with all the respective offices of its members, whose tasks, functions, and authorities have been wholly absorbed into the Office of the Sovereign. However, Evehxhas does still maintain an advisory council of sorts in the form of the so-called "Inner Circle" - a largely unofficial grouping of individuals close to him who, while mostly lacking in de jure political authority, possess considerable standing and notoriety for their status as the Emperor's closest associates, and are widely seen as being his eyes, ears, and mouthpieces in the absence of his more "direct" personal proxies. Owing to its informal nature and the veil of secrecy around many of the Emperor's activities, the exact number and makeup of his closest associates are difficult to discern - however, the four most notable and high-profile of these are known to be Xhasthrai of the Gateway, Vasilyas SVZ75, Ashya SSK81, and Siyun XGV59.

I. Xhasthrai

"Reality exists to be transcended. Tear down the walls of rationality. Be free."

Xhasthrai, born Irinsi LKT61, is the longest-time associate of the Emperor and the official spokesperson of the Gateway clergy's upper echelons to the Khoronzonite public. A personal friend of Evehxhas since childhood, his connection with him bears unique status even within the cadre of the Inner Circle, with a lengthy history of being his sole trusted companion through much of his early life.

In progress...

⠀Birth date:

12 Oct., 2298 (29yo)


Khoronzonite (V-class)

⠀In office:

2318 - present (9 years)

II. Vasilyas SVZ75

"There are few things as inescapable as savagery. Like an insidious disease, it creeps into the minds of those who think themselves civilised, and must constantly be held at bay lest one find oneself dancing to its wicked tune."


One of the few remaining baseborn Khoronzonites, particularly within positions of power, Vasilyas hails from a nomadic community of outlaws that resided in the North of the Ural region, traveling around the Gulf of Ob and scraping an independent living mainly from fishing and occasional raids on cargo deliveries. His early childhood remained relatively peaceful, albeit with intermittent turbulence and insecurity - however, this state of affairs would swiftly come to an end as tensions rose in the wastelands following the emergence of the militant, lysophylaxic-aspirant Daybreak Order, setting off the chain of events that would give rise to the East Arctic War. Wanting nothing to do with the violence wrought by Daybreak, Vasilyas' group took all measures to stay clear of the warpath; however, on Vasilyas' eighth birthday, they were encountered by raiders affiliated with the Order, and, upon their refusal to willingly submit themselves, were promptly decimated in the ensuing attack. The survivors, including Vasilyas himself, were made into slave soldiers, ordered to capture more slaves to feed Daybreak's noophaging rituals and eliminate any who resisted.

As the war escalated into full swing over the next few years, spreading out from the barren stretches of rural Khoronzon into the Borealis Compact's dwellings in the Kara Sea, Vasilyas turned from a fearful and shaken recruit to a broken-in, hardened killer, his family and former community reduced to distant memories as his mind grew numb from servitude. At the age of eleven, he had taken part in raids on outlaw settlements, passing ships, and Boreal hab-islands alike, witnessing and engaging in levels of bloodshed few his age could imagine. Not once was he allowed to even witness the secretive rites enacted by his masters, let alone take his share of the spoils, but that mattered little to him - feelings of injustice nagged him from the back of his mind, yet fear, routine, and an ever-creeping sense of sadism kept him in line, well away from any notions of mutiny or desertion.

In progress...

⠀Birth date:

16 Mar., 2300 (27yo)


Khoronzonite (baseborn)

⠀In office:

2320 - present (7 years)

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III. Ashya SSK81

"At the end of the day, what am I, really? Strip away the prestige and the fanfare, and what you get isn't anything more than a soldier. A weapon to be pointed against the enemies of my kind. That's all I've ever been."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec lacinia ex sit amet sodales cursus. In a urna in magna finibus blandit. Sed nibh felis, ultrices iaculis condimentum et, pulvinar hendrerit turpis. Nam ante tortor, aliquam non tempus quis, gravida ac neque.

In progress...

⠀Birth date:

5 Jul., 2296 (31yo)


Khoronzonite (V-class)

⠀In office:

2320 - present (7 years)

IV. Siyun XGV59

"The cogs keep turning, the beast keeps feeding, everything fits into its place. The show goes on and on. Try to enjoy it, at least, while you're here."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec lacinia ex sit amet sodales cursus. In a urna in magna finibus blandit. Sed nibh felis, ultrices iaculis condimentum et, pulvinar hendrerit turpis. Nam ante tortor, aliquam non tempus quis, gravida ac neque.

In progress...

⠀Birth date:

11 May, 2293 (34yo)


Khoronzonite (S-class)

⠀In office:

2323 - present (4 years)

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