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by The Retired Cartography Haven of Valsoran Cartographers. . 1,691 reads.

The Suiliasystem


Valsora: 2030
A publication by the Society of Valsoran Cartographers

Est. October 8th 2018
Current Cartographer: Plazland


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In the vast twirls of matter and emptiness lies a star. One of many but the one and only provider of the only known planet to bear life in a cold, desolate, beautiful universe; her name is Sulia. She is a star billions of years old, though she is young compared to her peers in her galaxy of Galileo. Her passionate fury and flames make her temperatures rise up to 5.7 thousand Kelvin; yet, she is careful to give only her best light and softest warmth to her children. Sulia is known to bathe herself and her surroundings in a splendor of colors ranging from bright purple to burning blue to brighten up the Suliasystem and the life she watches over. She is a burning pillar of strength in the darkness.
Description written by Zukchiva
Salibe, a warm planet, covered in a dense, swirling mist. A rotating cloud belt swathes the planet in a soft grey pallette, and the tips of mountains poke out tantalizingly, forming swirls of turbulence in the clouds. A dense magnetic field protects the planet from the rays of the sun, making it seem temptingly suitable for life. A rocky belt, with one moon, surround it, along with metallic shards and glittering clouds of fragments of crystal. This results in brilliant rings, that shift and break apart over time, before returning to their natural place in what is reminiscent of a slow dance.
Description written by The angel of charity
A burned world, set amidst a slow orbit that effectively melts the planet as it approaches Suilia. The slow rotation of the world has made the surface uninhabitable, melting against the sun's heat and cooling as it turns away. As such the surface is ashen and covered in swirling surface metals and large plateaus, ravines, and lumpy hills from the constant cycle of melting and cooling into place. The world has no atmosphere or ozone, making it functionally inhospitable to any form of biology-aside from the never-ending lava flows, of course, which make the world even more violently inhospitable. However, while entirely uninhabitable, Rtascina as a result has beautiful swirls of color due to the incompatible metals and elements swirling between each other. The surface is constantly shifting and changing with each pass of Suilia. It offers a unique opportunity to see how certain metals interact, though.
Description written by Agrykkyskas
The brighter of Valsora's two moons, Iota is a world far warmer than its frigid Sister Moon, Eta, though the abundance of silver ore and other especially shiny materials give it a distinctive brightness in the night sky. Iota is theorized to once have harbored water and possibly life, though now whatever water was once on Iota is surely either dried up or frozen. Iota is home to one of the highest peak in the solar system as well, nearing 39,000 feet in the air. This titanic formation is volcanic, and can be seen from some locations on Valsora.
Description written by Agrykkyskas
Eta is Valsora's farthest moon, and as such its dimmest-but also its most intriguing. Eta, though a frigid wasteland on the surface, has a planetary ocean under the ice composed of Ethane, Methane, argon nitrogen and a small amount of Hydrogen. It is believed that Eta may harbor life under the ice at theorized geothermal vents or possibly freely swimming in the waters of the distant moon itself. Regardless, Eta is a world of great opportunity and even greater mystery.
Description written by Agrykkyskas
Phylos is a rocky inner planet made famous by its proximity to Valsora and the "guardian angel" moon of Dibegria that has sucked in many would be apocalypse asteroids. Unlike its moon, Phylos has weak gravity, only strong enough to hold in Dibegria and a few smaller natural satellites. The atmosphere of Phylos is thick and filled with unbreathable nitrogen, although some theorists say that there might have been life adapted to its conditions. Generally dark grey, Phylos is covered in strange and marvelous rock formations, and a thin veil of ash from an ancient supervolcano's eruption. Mountains, volcanos, canyons, and other natural structures are outshone by the extensive and seemingly connected cave system, deep holes in the sides of mountains worn out over time by ancient water that has since evaporated. These caves are so deep that no signals can be transmitted through the thick rock, and the few probes that have been sent are storing data for an eventual return to the surface. Some have suggested that these caves might even reach past the crust into the dormant supervolcano under Phylos. Conspiracy theories about the planet are numerous due to the "guardian moon," and some believe it to be the home of a pantheon of powerful celestial beings- gods, while others say it is the home of advanced and ancient aliens. These are just crackpot theories, however, and any past life on the planet has been snuffed out.
Description written by Lerasi
Dibegeria is a moon known for being covered in great dry calderas and immense craters. Dibegria holds a special magnetism, unlike other worlds, and seems to drag in even more asteroids than its anchor world of Phylos or the titanic worlds of Accam or Aurora. As such, the small rocky moon that is otherwise uninteresting have a small, thin, dark grey ring. Some believe that Dibegria may just be lucky-or unlucky-and just be in the right place to drag in asteroids and all manner of space junk from the Belt of Tears, some believe it to be a blessed protector of life on Valsora and Phylos by a divine being or several divine beings, and some believe that is may be implanted with alien tech to drag in asteroids, for whatever reason may be to do such. Regardless of what causes this phenomenon, it is deeply appreciated by the Valsorans for keeping possibly apocalyptic asteroids at bay.

Dibegria has no atmosphere though a thin ozone layer constantly punctured by Asteroids. The world itself is a solid grey hue, and the surface is extremely uneven and completely covered in asteroid impact craters. Dibegria is also in an advancing orbit, and might one day break free from Phylos and begin to orbit Suilia or drift off into the void of space as a rogue world.
Description written by Agrykkyskas
The Belt of Tears:
Named as such because of its glimmering abundance of asteroids covered in crystals and ice, the Belt of Tears is more infamous for having mass collisions that can send asteroids hurdling towards unprepared worlds.

The Belt of Tears also is known to emit a low, wailing sound due to ancient vibrations that are mysteriously radiating through the field, similar to a tragedy-stricken wail of gravely terror or sickened mourning.

The Belt of Tears is, though a wonder to the outsider, an annoyance to the spacefarer or astronomer, since the vibrating wails of the asteroid field disrupt sensitive equipment and the vast amount of space rocks tend to snag and severely damage passing probes.
Description written by Agrykkyskas
Aurora is a gaseous Outer Planet made up of swirling orange gas, lined with yellow highlights, and accented by occasional splotches of brown— storms. The brilliant rings of Aurora, made from space dust and an overcoat of crystals and ice torn from the Belt of Tears at moments in Aurora's orbit where it leans towards the belt and its strong gravity takes hold, or when asteroids destined for the Belt of Tears lean too close to the strong gravity well of Aurora.
Description written by Lerasi
Erecuni is a brilliantly yellow moon, mottled with hues ranging from a brilliant orange to a dull brown which, although beautiful, are an ongoing legacy of inconceivable violence. As the moon orbits its parent world, Aurora's unrelenting gravity alternately stretches and compresses its innards, melting the rock within. This oozes up through cracks in the blistering regolith and spreads across the surface, hardening into a fresh crust which is in turn buried by freshly expelled molten rock. As one gazes across the churning limb of this moon, they may observe etheral jets of vapor and lava spewing into the dark void of space, mushrooming out into a rainfall of cooling sulfur. But as the moon drifts across the remote disk of beringed Aurora, some of the material ejected by Erecuni diffuses along its orbit, forming a mist of dust which slowly builds up upon the hulls of unwary passersby.
Description written by Stellar Colonies
As its name suggests, Azure is a bright blue moon. Due to its distinctive color, astronomers have been able to many times without sending instruments past the Belt of Tears, and the combined images yield a Linkfairly high resolution reconstruction. From that image, they have discerned a complex storm system around the equator and a high concentration of azurite mineral on its surface. It may also be home to boronated diamonds. Azure is almost 1.7 times larger in diameter than its sister moon Chorus.
Description written by Evrigenis
in the wings,
Chorus always sings
a lovely lethal mel’dy
To unlucky passerby of every
Kind. Its mysterious cosmic serenades
will last even after humankind waxes, wanes, and fades.

Description written by Evrigenis
Namesake of a historical Valsoran continent, Mefugris is well-studied. Due to its highly eccentric orbit and difficulty of observation, there used to be some debate among the scientific community as to whether Mefugris was a planet, an asteroid, a dwarf-planet, or something else. However, the 1976 calculation of mass (2.6758085e16 kg) and 1984 discovery of Navir cemented its planetary status. Its boring pale grey surface of hematite, magnetite, and acanthite can be deceiving; a few craters reveal a brilliant rainbow interior of corundum and lapis lazuli deposits. Home to the Suliasystem's largest cryovolcano, Mefugris occasionally supports a thin ammonia-water vapor atmosphere.
Description written by Evrigenis
The most recently discovered moon, Navir is an enigma. No satellite has been able to orbit it for more than an hour, and most evidence of its existence is indirect. Gravitational disturbances in Mefugris' orbit suggest Navir has nearly two thirds of the mass of its host and that it may orbit retrograde with a period of about 8.4 Valsoran days. Due to its spectroscopic signature, many astronomers conjecture Navir was a renegade asteroid that was ejected from the the Belt of Tears in the early stages of the Suliasystem's development. If so, Navir could help explain the origins of the wailing. Only two grainy photographs of the planet have been seen in Valsora, and their source—a terraforming spacecraft—was mysteriously destroyed during the transmission. Some speculate intelligent life-forms exist on Navir and their wish for privacy is the reason for the craft's demise.
Description written by Evrigenis
