by Max Barry

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by Icewindia. . 149 reads.

Dangerious Creatures in Icewindia


Arf arf

Land Monsters:

Dangerious Creature that will try to Latch onto Enemies.

Dragons are self explanatory but Video provides info on Dragons.

Dragons are Natural Predators for all ground dwelling creatures including Sentient Creatures.

Sub Species:
Noted other:

Dire Wolfs are based on Real Life Dire Wolfs.

A Dire Wolf is basically a Bigger, faster and deadlier Wolf.

There sometimes used for Calvary.

The Ender
The Ender are an Bipedal creatures of varying types. They are Corrupted Creatures Malformed from Dark Magic. There considered an Insult to Nature and abominations.

Since the times of Queen Esolda of Dragon Mountain to present all Enders are considered Kill on Sight for the safeguard of Icewindia and The World. Its noted all Ender know how to convert corpses in stage 2 and up.

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

"Fresh Dead"
For this example of Ender a Shardin is used per stages 1 - 3. This can apply to any species however. These "Fresh Dead" are made via Ender magical conversion of corpses. While these "Fresh Dead" cant convert more corpses on there own they can in stage 2. "Fresh Dead" are dangerous as they are recently converted Ender. Recently converted still have traces of who they were before but it quickly disappears as they slowly turn to stage 2. These Trace's of who they were are usually places of importance (Work Places, Homes, Favorite Spots). Early Converted Ender are known to use weapons including guns or even open doors. Its believed they inherit skills off profession of living being that came before they were converted.

It is not possible to convert living only a corpse can be converted. Yet those in a Near death experience or briefly medically dead can. This is not a Natural behavior of the Ender and any found in such a state was done on Purpose by a Sentient being who knows long forgotten ancient corrupting Dark magic Spell. Its not really know what happens to the person in question... but its predicted death is likely.

"Infectors" are the Stage 2 Ender. They lose the skills and usually clothing of previous Stage 1 "Fresh Dead". They are dumber and weaker, however they make up with speed. Fat on the corpse is converted into leg muscle for the speed and contributes to transformation changes. Upper body muscle is converted to Energy and shifted elsewhere in order to prioritize a lighter build. These changes include the sharpening of the hands in which they become more claw like. There is fluid that escapes from eyes. This Fluid sticks to the eyes and is a sign of Dark Magic or Magical corruption. Stage 2 "Infectors" are most known for mass conversion as they often spread most chaos in an initial Ender infestation. Teeth fuse to skull and are exposed showing they have become sharper. Despite some changes occurring the most amount of change happens internally.

"Grounders" are the Stage 3 Ender. Grounders take a rapid and radical shift from previous two Stage's. In which leg muscles are changed to be a stronger but lighter build. This loses the speed focus of previous Stage 2. However remaining spare energy including dissolvement of organs into energy to head to arm muscle and further final changes to the body. These Final Changes include noticeable increase in corruption to the head and increase in sharpness and force of there bite now as an attack. There Claws elongate and become razor sharp this includes arms and legs elongating including size of "Grounder" being taller then previous Stages. Yet this size increase is not always guaranteed. Additional two eyes are formed. These Ender show behavior to grab or slice at one's legs. Often they are found in groups or whole nests. Due to there speed decreased they rely on hordes or tight spaces (Urban City, Ender Ground Holes, Caves etc..) and have been noted to injure living being to lour other's in as bait.

A Tank Claw best described as a Slow Moving Death Machine. It is not uncommon for a lone traveler to encounter groups of three or more of these beasts.

12 Foot Tall, 20 Feet Long Behemoth roughly at 2,200 Pounds, They are quick in short bursts but over long distances are slow. They have been known to punch and some rumored to even Throw Small Cars around. Skin alone is Very Hard Leather making it prized for Armor Making able to withstand Sharp Claws. It has Thicker Dense Bones and Thick Muscle strands and alot of it which makes it able to take a Full Brunt of any Firepower directed towards it. It has been recorded they can send a Human Flying with a Punch. They have Bite Force of an Alligator and Sharp Claws it uses to slash but more Catch then shred. It has Spikes on its back making it hard to Choke it out from behined without impalement and has Spiked Tail allowing its tail to be weaponized. Its Feet Claws and thick/sharp to take out bigger prey to mainly rip open incapacitated Prey's stomachs open with kicks as they have been known to exhibit behaviors of butchering Animals to make it easier and gain most amount of Protein and meat possible due to there High Calorie to Muscle intake. They are very intelligent Animal who have picked up large Boulders and even ripped up Large Slabs of Concrete to throw at Prey to disable them. Also due to there High Carolie to Muscle Intake they are surprisingly peaceful often not caring about Small Prey or Medium prey. Often can walk up to normal Human without care. There sense of Smell is similar to a Dog and there Eyesight is great.

Where the Real Danger of these beasts comes in however is if they are captured, Starved and then released against Enemies in urban Environment or on Medieval Battlefield. As they normally dont eat Humans unless Starved. However they also are noted to attack Humans in the Wild who violate there Territory. There often seen in Clash Against Dragons where they form up in group's to take down Dragons who attack them. They Often rely on Ambushing or Direct Confrontation to Predators larger or as large as them. Its normal for a Tank Claw to kill and eat other Tank Claws.

One of Icewindias Most Ancient Creatures even older then the Dragons of this land. The Compsognathus are a mini-raptor like species that through Many Generations can be trained to do some tricks and eventually domesticated for there meat. Seen as an Alternative to Chickens but that can defend themselves from Foxes. They are very Fast and agile creatures for there size.

Above can be seen an Compsognathus with a Grenade.
However Icewindian Experimental Core has recently began to place wire around there neck and train them to race up to Unknown people (Specifically Humans) and lower there head to bite at enemy Ankles which pulls a string. The idea was that even if the Grenade was Dud the biting at the Ankles hypothetically could cause a wound.

They then attached Grenades on the back of the Compsognathus after training them and would release them in Urban Environments. With problem that they cant distinguish between Civilian and Soldier.

Above a "Pigeon Raptor" attacks a Lone Human Soldier.
The Velociraptor Small aka "Pigeon Raptors are small Velociraptors that too like the Compsognathus were domesticated for there meat however they soon became an Alternative to a Guard Dog due to there Pack Mentality however this made it very hard to domesticate them as a Special Trainer was needed to be the Pack Leader to control them effectively. With Often times if Special Trainer died in battle the Pack would inflight.

They are apart of the Scouting Unit to pick off potential Enemy Spotters and Isolated Sniper's.

Sea Monsters:

Loves hunting in Boreal Sea for Giant Squid and Merchant ships.

About size and shape of a Python it is however able to go into the sea and usually folklore confuses them with Serpants. They usually hunt Crabs and others. There Bite however is extremely venomous.

Often confused for a Sea Serpent this Sea Dragon is able to Breath fire and is extremely dangerious for Whalers who carry blubber. They hunt whales and swim around Artic or around Coastlines. They usually are pretty chill around boats but are territorial.

Giant Squid hunts whales and Megaladons alike and and tend to Farm Reefs protecting fish populations only to wrap around reef and eat all fish living in them but leaving some to come back and procreate. Its very intelligent often playing with Pipes and being friendly to Dolphins able to communicate with them via Sonar. There size and numbers are usually controlled by Serpants and Sea Dragons who hunt them.

However.... rumors say there is a Giant one called... "The Kraken!"

Screaming Death is a large Creature known for Hunting Dolphins, Sharks and Baby Whales alike. They are Herbivores and technically related to the Whale Family Tree. They eat Mana deposits on Ocean Floor and use it to project a spell allowing them to project a sound with there large lungs. Which sounds like hundreds of people screaming. This is to disorient Prey or scare them. Despite being peacefull there are stories saying they hunt Humans which is not True besides Rare Attack of them confusing them for a Seal or Dolphin.

A Nyrre is often described as the Nightmares of the Sea. They are aquatic species which hangs around coastlines and can lives close to the coast often relying on eating large fish populations in sea and is extremely territorial around coastline where they lay young. They are a Bipedal species in which some Cults worship them as Servants to a Darker being to there Humanoid Form. However Rekkenism views them as Demons of the Sea. They have been known to Attack people trying to fish off coast in there waters quite brutally killing them and launching there corpses far inland however are peaceful to offerings given to them. But they will kill you if you dont feed them. Even just standing near Coast with one of these around will get you killed as they will run quite litterly out of the water inland to Kill you. Though they prefer to lunge attack out of the water.

They are the Dominant Hunters in Icewindia hunting everything but dont like to go Inland due to Land Dragons loving the taste of there Flesh.

Sea Horse is a Magical Creature containing alot of Mana in its blood however it stays in horse packs and tends to stay by Reefs and migrates around in coastal Regions. There Horses of the Sea.

Long tentacles have numerous venomous microscopic nematocysts which deliver a painful sting powerful enough to kill fish and even occasionally humans.

