by Max Barry

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by Mantesa. . 5 reads.

Relative to the Thalrenian revolt

We, the government of Mantesa, offer our full support to the nation of Thialrer. We believe those criminal breakaways are not to be looked upon as “freedom fighters” but as traitors to their fatherland. We offer the support of our military to Thialrer and we will not allow Mantesan Banks to lend money to the rebels. Similarly, we promise to arrest any rebel leader that comes to our nation and send him back to be trialed in Thialrer. The only condition we put is to have respect for human rights. If we find proof that Thialrer violates human rights, we will take the adequate measures. We hope this decision is the correct one. We await an answer from Thialrer.

Gott mit Uns!

Diego Fernando De Vizcaya Pictor, President Minister of Mantesa.


