by Max Barry

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by The Happy Eagles of Flying Eagles. . 11 reads.


Food in Flying Eagles is a complicated matter. In recent times, food has diversified and expanded into the modern age.

Eagleians eat the standard three meals a day. A good, healthy breakfast is followed by a nice, big lunch at around three o’clock, and a nice late snack before going to bed under their roofs.

Back in the old days, before the advent of democracy and animal rights and all that stuff, life was different. Flying Eagles ate lots of food, and absolutely loved eating food in a communal setting. One of the favourites, which has fallen out of favour lately, is eagle soup.

Eagle soup is made by trapping and killing eagles, the national animal. One eagle has enough juicy meat to be crushed down to create a nice meal. However, in the 1950s, animal rights activists began criticizing the excessive killing of eagles for food, and new animal rights laws made the cost of killing eagles so prohibitively expensive that only the rich can have eagle soup.

Luckily, Flying Eagles’ admission into 10000 Islands has brought in replacements for eagle soup. With large swaths of the country replaced by wildlife reserves for eagles, tacos inspired by the 10000 Islands have exploded in popularity.

Usually, people desiring to make their own tacos import beef from 10000 Islands cattle farms in nations such as Woonsocket.

Yep, it’s counterintuitive, replacing killing eagles with killing cows, but we have smart people and a dumb government. Sorry Woonsocket!

In many areas of the country, Taco Tuesday is now a thing. Every Tuesday, Eagleians will grill the beef on special BBQs built partially out of LEGO (hey, we like our movies!) and put it into taco shells, add toppings, and enjoy.

Of course, all of these big, heavy, and tasty meals aren’t enough on their own. Dessert is also an important part of the Eagleian way of life. Chocolate pudding can make for a great side to all of those heavy tacos. Chocolate from lands far away is heated over LEGO BBQs and then left on the side to provide a sweet touch to everyone’s favourite taco.

Eagleians also particularly love coming together to eat food together during large holidays. Every November 3rd, is our Independence Day. Local government officals, bored after a year of the national government’s intensive bureaucracy, run out of their offices and lay out large buffets for all of the citizenry to enjoy. Hopefully, COVID-19 also runs away so we can enjoy this awesome celebration this year.

These traditional Eagleian buffets have many diverse foods to appeal to the palate of every citizen. Local chefs will often show off their favourite recipes, while some of our less creative chefs will en masse make tacos and chocolate pudding to keep everyone full.

As you can see, food in Flying Eagles is among the most interesting worldwide. A clash of modern and ancient values has created a culinary spectacle for the ages!
