by Max Barry

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by The Frozen Northern Wastes of Empire of Beldemark. . 53 reads.

Kaisereich: 2nd American Civil War rp

Unlike the last one, this rp is based after the Kaisereich dlc, and will follow the same factions and....well I guess features of Hoi4! Care to join?

AUS- Me!
CSA- The New Ruski Empire
New England-
Pacific States-
Federalists(USA)- Rockemsockem

Foreign Nations
Legionary Italy-
Commune France-
French Empire-
Canada- Wrangleria
Union of Britain-
Germany and GEA-
Transamur Republic- Russain republic
Qing Empire-
Ottoman Empire-

Huey Long, a politician and Businessman from Louisiana, one of the poorest and uneducated states. During the election of 1928, he was elected as Governor of Louisiana, and set to work quickly. He won the majority with his popular slogan, “Every man a king, but no one wears a crown!” He tapped into the class resentment of rural Louisianan's and proposed government services far more expansive than anything in Louisiana history.
Once his control over the state’s political apparatus was ensured, Long pushed a number of bills through the 1929 session of the Louisiana state Legislature to fulfill campaign promises. These included a free textbook program for schoolchildren, support of night courses for adult literacy and supply of cheap, natural gas to Louisiana.
Long began an unprecedented public works program, building roads, bridges, hospitals, and educational institutions. His bills met opposition from many, but Long used aggressive tactics to ensure passage of the legislation he favored. By delivering his campaign promises, Long achieved hero status among most of the states rural poor population.
