by Max Barry

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by The Once and Future Delegate of Budgie Snugglers. . 125 reads.

Rejected Realms Culture Calendar - Issues Day

The Rejected Realms'
★ Culture Calendar December 2020 ★

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Hello, I'm your new Culture Officer, Nakari or Budgie Snugglers! And this is the Rejected Realms Culture Calendar. We've got a bunch of activities planned and this month will be full of chances to make friends, have fun, and win awards. Check out the calendar for activities you're interested in - there are explanations of every event at the bottom of this post - and come join us!

Each day is assigned a kind of activity, but we won't always have an activity. This month the activities are every other week by default, but if we get lots of people participating in some events, those might take place more often, and I'm going to test out new activities and see what people are interested in.

You can join in no matter what region you're in, and you don't have to participate in every activity - just show up for what you think sounds fun! If you have any questions, you can telegram me (Budgie Snugglers) or message me on Discord (Nakari#3538). And if you want to get involved in planning events, check out the LinkCulture Office or message me!

Today's Activity - Issue Day

The unicornian isles is facing four issues right now, and it needs your help deciding! This nation has had all its issue answers decided by the Rejected Realsm community. You get to decide: will it be an anarchy? A capitalist paradise? A dictatorship of vat babies? Have a look at these issues and let me know what The unicornian isles should do! You can telegram Budgie Snugglers or DM me on Discord at Nakari#3538!

Sample ballot
Issue 1 - option 3
Issue 2 - option 2

The issues this week:

An unprecedented spectacle unfolded yesterday when Minister of Energy Don Lamancha was attending a conference on alternate energy resources. Lamancha is reported to have attacked a wind turbine with an improvised spear, all the time shouting loudly that it was trying to kill him. It turns out that the minister was suffering from schizophrenia, which he had not previously disclosed for fear of losing his job.

Option 1: “My behaviour was completely uncalled for,” apologizes Lamancha. “My medication timings were a little mixed up by all the travelling, and I genuinely believed for a moment that the wind turbine was a giant. I assure you, I am still capable of doing my job, and it would be a good thing for this country if you were to show some kindness here. No-one should be discriminated against because of mental illness.”

Option 2: “He must stand down!” grandiosely demands your Secretary of State Sigmund Narcissus, stepping directly in front of the Energy Minister with clear intent to exclude the man. “It’s fine for mentally weak people to participate in low-level jobs like pizza delivery or drink-bottling, but they have no business being in government. Imagine the danger that we would face if we left cruise missile launch codes with a psychotic individual! Politicians with mental disorders must be given the sack.”

Option 3: “That doesn’t go far enough!” screams your National Security Advisor, who appears to be wearing a highly-reflective helmet. “How can we be sure that people with mental disorders won’t poison our food or sabotage our infrastructure in a fit of madness? We must bar them completely from all forms of employment. That way-” He stops abruptly and glares suspiciously at a nearby television. “Can we adjourn to another room? I think we’re being spied on.”

Enthusiastic sports fans have been petitioning the government all week to apply for the much-coveted honour of hosting the next Regional Olympics. While most citizens are excited at the prospect of a the Rejected Realms-wide competition in their own country, some have expressed reservations about the enormous expense hosting would incur.

Option 1: “WAHAAAAY!” screams Jenna Chew, captain of The Unicornian Isles City’s premier division ballroom dancing team. “Finally, a chance to show the world exactly how great I am! Everybody’s always complaining that The Unicornian Isles never does well in sports and you know why? It’s because we’re never in front of the home crowd, that’s why! We’re going to need a great big stadium! No! TWO stadiums! WHOOP! OL-YM-PICS! OL-YM-PICS!”

Option 2: “Oh great,” mutters Montgomery Jamieson, spokesperson for the Angry Taxpayer Society. “That’s all we need, more things to pour money into for no obvious reason. Surely it would be easier to just let another country host the Olympics and keep the cash? Then maybe it could go to something useful, like, I don’t know... my wallet?”

Option 3: “We’d be missing an amazing opportunity if we pass this up,” says Sun Powell, your Minister of Sports. “But we’ve got to be in it to win! Simply building new stadia won’t be enough, we need to be funding new sports centres and hiring the best coaches for our entrants! You could put more money into public facilities too, like gyms or something. Also, a little something from the government to show our appreciation to the athletes that bring home gold wouldn’t go amiss. Then no one can accuse you of wasting everyone’s tax kronor!”

Option 4: “There’s nothing like a feat of strength to please the dull-witted masses, is there?” sighs Beverly Wiener, flipping through ‘One Hundred Gambits for Advanced Go Players’. “It’s so boring. Why can’t more intellectual pursuits be given the spotlight, like chess or debating matches? Ban organised sports and make our dreams come true! I think you’ll find it comes at a far lower price than the populist Olympics ever will.”

A Unicornian Islesian cruise ship ran aground last week in the treacherous waters off the southern coast. The captain, Ryan Rikkard, had infamy bestowed upon him after it was found that he abandoned ship before all of the passengers on board safely made it off, defying centuries of maritime tradition.

Option 1: “Twenty people drowned in that accident, and that scum-bag decided his life was more important?” rhetorically asks Al Zahm, one of the surviving passengers of the ship, still visibly shaken by what had occurred. “Ship captains should always see to it that everyone on board gets off safely before they do – after all, they can’t direct the rescue effort if they aren’t on the actual ship! If they don’t, we must punish these cowards to the fullest extent of the law!”

Option 2: “Let’s not be too hasty about assigning blame here!” counters Captain Rikkard, who’s remarkably shorter and skinnier than you expected him to be. “I’m just as traumatized as anyone else. I was actually helping coordinate the rescue operation, albeit from the safety of land. It’s not my duty to add to the death toll, is it?”

Option 3: “That captain is nothing but a lily-livered land-lubber!” scoffs Rear Admiral Farnsworth. “When The Unicornian Isles first took to the seas, the ship’s captain was obliged to go down with the ship, even if they were within spitting distance of the shore! It was the honourable thing to do back then. We should return to our maritime traditions and any captain that doesn’t like it should be given a good ol’ keel-hauling!”

Rumors tell that the Order of Violet has infiltrated schools in The Unicornian Isles to brainwash the youngest generations. Fears of Violetist takeover have prompted all other faiths to unite for the first time ever.

Option 1: “Preposterous!” dismisses Steve Barber, the head of the The Unicornian Isles City District School Board, while hiding an Order of Violet signet ring. “Our schools are performing well, and the children are merely learning to understand different points of view. The only hatred I see is from the hypocrites and paranoid kooks who have no problems forcing their values on our innocent children.”

Option 2:“Terrorists! Terrorists everywhere!” shouts Attila Goldsmith, a controversial and xenophobic politician, who inevitably tries to win every debate by claiming all opposing views equate to supporting terrorism. “Screen all teachers, headmasters, and aides for possible Violetist ties. Force the schools to adopt an unapologetic pro-Unicornian Islesian curriculum. We all know these Violetists hate everything The Unicornian Isles stands for! Anyone who disagrees is a terrorist-sympathizing, Violetist-loving traitor!”

Option 3:“That doesn’t go far enough,” claims the leader of The Tranquility of Yellow, an ancient religion that has a just-as-ancient feud with Violetism. “These heretics have been a danger ever since the Grand Schism, and they must be dealt with accordingly. I suggest we start up an inquisition. My people will find these Violetists, and see if they can be converted to our true religion or renounce their faith. Whichever one the government prefers. We’re not picky. If not... the stake. BURN THEM ALL! Or hang them. Just get rid of those creepy Violetists, okay?”

Option 4:“What are we? Barbarians?” queries popular agnostic speaker Fanny Morgan, whose personal motto is ‘Question Everything’. “I don’t see anything wrong with teaching Violetism. Not every Violetist is some crazed wacko, you know. However, schools should teach all different faiths, including non-belief, in a neutral and understanding way in the interest of fairness. If we want to eliminate hatred, the schools are a good place to start.”

This Month's Calendar





















Game Day - Spyfall + Among Us


Theme Tuesday

Puzzle Day - Communal Jigsaws

Card Day




Wacky RMB Rule Day

Themed Music Night

Puzzle Day- Sudoku


Issues Day

Start of Rejectmas activities!

Game Day


Theme Tuesday


Card Day

All Our Events

Wacky RMB Rule Day

On these days our Regional Message Board will be given a specific rule. For example it could be something like "all sentences must be written backwards" or something else silly. All posts made on the Regional Message Board will have to follow this rule or the Regional Officers will suppress the rule-breaking posts with extreme prejudice. Don't test us!

Theme Tuesday

On Tuesdays, we give out a theme and see who can fit the theme best!

We have done this for a while on Discord - based on the theme, members of the Discord server change their nicknames and profile pictures to fit. At the end of the day, the Delegate and Officers consult with each other to decide whose picture and name they liked the best out of everyone who participated. Creativity is encouraged! You can join our Discord server here:

We are also going to run a gameside version this month. You can change your flag, motto or pretitle to fit a theme, and the Delegate and Officers will pick who they think fits the theme best. Make sure to mention me on the RMB so I can see you are participating!

Puzzle Day

Do you consider yourself someone with a high IQ? A great problem solver? A word smith? A Mensa member? Well for all of you brainiacs out there you can put your thinking skills to the test on our Puzzle Days. On these days we will release a puzzle in this dispatch and you'll just have to submit the answers. Don't ruin it for anyone else though! And by the way, the types of puzzles we're talking about are not the jigsaw kind. They're more like word puzzles or codes. There will be some variety week to week like Cryptograms, Sudoku, and more.

Cryptograms are basically coded passages where the true letters of the message were replaced by other letters. The goal is to search for patterns and crack which letters represent which so you can see what the real message is. Here is an example below.

The solution is: Style and structure are the essence of a book; great ideas are hogwash.

Sudoku is a number puzzle wherein there is a 9x9 grid with 3x3 sub grids where the goal is to fill the digits in using 1 through 9 such that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 subgrids that compose the grid contain all of the digits from 1 to 9. Here is an example below.

Boggle is a word game where letters are arranged in a 4x4 grid and you make as many words as you can by connecting adjacent letter tiles. In our Modified Boggle version you will be given the board and you will have to find as many words 6 or more letters that you can. Maybe that sounds hard but this one isn't timed like the original version so you can handle it. Below is an example of how you connect letters in Boggle. The word created is "super".

Card Day

Did you know NationStates has a trading card game? Every time you answer issues, you might get a card pack, which contains trading cards of other nations. On Card Days, we'll give you a theme and to participate, you show us a card you own that fits the theme. (You don't have to already own the card - you can trade for one that fits the theme, too.) Let us know how your card fits the theme - maybe it's the flag, the name, the motto, or maybe you have a really creative explanation!

Also, if you're interested in cards, you might enjoy TRR's own card group, the Discarded League!

Issue Answering Day

Ever wish you had more issues to answer? Ever wonder what are The Rejected Realms' community political beliefs? The unicornian isles started as an Inoffensive Centrist Democracy, but all its issue answers have been decided by the people of TRR. The direction the nation takes will be entirely up to you and how you vote. On Issue Answering Day, we will provide a list of the 5 issues facing the nation and you will have the chance to tell us how you want the issues answered. The options with the most votes will pass into law! We encourage you to have fun with this and maybe even campaign your fellow nations to vote certain ways on certain issues.

Trivia Day

Who doesn't love trivia? It comes in all shapes and sizes and helps you look smart. For all you big brains out there come join us for our Trivia Days and show off all that useless knowledge you have squirreled away in your heads. The categories for a trivia day could be anything really from music (Popmaster), to movies, to history, and everything in between. Most of our trivia activities take place on our Discord server: Linkclick here to join!

Game Day

The Rejected Realms has been known to enjoy various games on discord like Werewolf, Codenames, and Spyfall. On this day every week we'll pick a time to all play together so as many people can join in as possible. Most of our games take place on our Discord server: Linkclick here to join!

Codenames is a word game splitting the group of players into two teams as evenly as possible, Red Team and Blue Team. Each team has a Spymaster and the Spymasters are in charge of giving out the clues. The game board is split into a 5X5 board of cards with words on them. Each card on the board falls into one of 4 categories: a word that red team is trying to guess, a word that blue team is trying to guess, a neutral card, and an assassin card that ends the game and causes the team that guesses it to lose the game.

The Spymasters take turns giving clues that would help their team guess the words they have to in order to win. Clues must be 1 word and not contain any of the words on the board. Clues will also say how many words the clue is for. For example a Spymaster might give the clue Water 2, if its team needs to guess Lake and River on the board. The Spymaster's team, must take at least one guess per round but if it doesn't feel sure about the other words for the clue it can pass the rest of its turn to the next team. If a team guesses as many of their words as the Spymaster numbers in the clue, then that team earns a bonus guess if they so choose. There is no number limit you can give in your clue. First team to guess all its words without uncovering the assassin wins the game.

The game is called Spyfall and how it works is all the players except one are told the secret location out of 20 listed locations. That one person is the spy. Players take turns asking questions to other players that help them to figure out who knows the secret location and who doesn’t. However they must be careful not to be too obvious, because at any time the spy can declare themselves and guess what the secret location is. If they are right, the spy wins! The rest of the players win if the spy guesses wrong or if they open a vote and unanimously determine who the spy is.

Werewolf is a social deduction game also known as Mafia and similar to Town of Salem. At its most basic it pits a team of werewolves who know each other against a team of villagers who do not know who the other villagers are nor do they know who the werewolves are. At the start of the game, each player is secretly assigned a role affiliated with one of these teams. The game has two alternating phases: first, a night role, during which those with night killing powers may covertly kill other players, and second, a day role, in which surviving players debate the identities of players and vote to eliminate a suspect. The game continues until the villagers kill all the werewolves or up until the werewolves outnumber the villagers.

New Events

These are new activities we're trying out this month. If you like the ideas, come join in and help them survive to next month!

Themed Music Night

This one's pretty simple; we're just gonna chill in the Discord server voice chat and listen to music fitting a theme. Send in any music you want that fits the theme!

Puzzle Day - Communal Jigsaws

I've found a site where we can solve jigsaws together ( Again pretty simple, I'll post some puzzles and we can work together to solve them!
