by Max Barry

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by Kuhlbach. . 62 reads.

Constitution of Kühlbach - Verfassung von Kühlbach

Section I. The Monarchy

Article 1.
Königreich Kühlbach shall remain a Kingdom under the head of the House of Kühlbach, or a senior cadet line.

Article 2.
The Head of the House of Kühlbach, who is also the Monarch, shall be authorized to appoint any member of the house as their heir. This heir shall ascend to the throne in the event of the death, or abdication of the previous head. If the previous Monarch did not choose an heir, a hereditary method may be used to select the new head. This hereditary succession may not include a gender preference, the hereditary heir is the eldest child of the previous Monarch. If the eldest child has died, the crown goes to their eldest child, who is the grandchild of the previous Monarch. If the eldest child of the monarch dies childless, the crown will go to the second eldest child of the monarch, or to the second child's eldest child in the event of the death of the second eldest child of the monarch. This pattern repeats until an heir is found.

Article 3.
The Monarch is the Head of State, and not defined as a member of government, maintaining the right to veto any actions carried out by the government, and to not be withheld by restrictions to the government in this document.

Article 4.
The Monarch holds the sole right to create Royal Law, through Decree.
Sub-Article 4a. Royal Law is above Common Law in legal standing.

Section II. The Unalienable Rights of all Kühlbachen

Article 1.
Freedom of political expression is guaranteed to all Kühlbachen. This includes but is not limited to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, or the right to form a political party.
Sub-Article 1a.
Freedom of political expression does not include any expression which in and of itself violates established Royal or Common law, such as advocating violence, or racism.

Article 2.
The right to vote shall be held by citizens, and the right of citizens to vote in elections shall be respected by the Government of Kühlbach, and may not be revoked.

Article 3.
The government may not discriminate upon race, gender, sex, religion, or sexual preference.

Article 4.
Citizenship shall require declaration of the citizen's World Assembly member nation, or their declaration of non-member status within the World Assembly.

Section III. Royal Tenants

Article 1.
The Monarch may grant the title of Royal Tenant to anyone who does not qualify for citizenship. This is done at the discretion of the Monarch.

Article 2.
The Royal Tenants hold all the rights and privileges of citizens laid out in Section II.

Section IV. Government of Kühlbach

Article 1.
The Government of Kühlbach shall consist of the Volksversammlung, and the Landesversammlung.

Article 2.
The Volksversammlung shall consist of one representative per 10 citizens, or royal tenants of Kühlbach. This number is to be rounded to the nearest 10, so if there are 26 citizens, there will be 3 representatives. The Volksversammlung is to be dissolved no less often than once every 60 days. Special elections may be called by the Volksversammlung through the Volksversammlung dissolving itself via a 2/3rds majority vote, which will result in a special election to be held within 1 week of the dissolution of the Volksversammlung. If the Volksversammlung has been sitting for a total of 60 days without an election, the Monarch or the Landesversammlung must dissolve the Volksversammlung, and organize an election, which may last no longer than a period of 7 days, with at least 48 hours reserved for voting.

Article 3.
The Volksversammlung is encouraged, although not required, to elect a member of their own as Premierminister, which may be done with a simple majority. The Premierminister shall act as a representative of the interests of the Volksversammlung, advising the Monarch, and the Landesversammlung of the interests of the majority of the Volksversammlung.

Article 4.
Any member of the the Volksversammlung may make a bill or an amendment to be voted on by the Volksversammlung. In order for a bill to ascend to the Landesversammlung, it must receive a simple majority of votes within the Volksversammlung, or for an amendment to this Constitution, 2/3rds majority. The Volksversammlung may not repeal or amend Royal Law, and is limited only to Common Law.

Article 5.
The Landesversammlung shall consist of Nobility appointed by the Monarch. 2/3rds of the Landesversammlung must be affirmed by a simple vote in the Volksversammlung, with the remaining 1/3rd appointed at the leisure of the Monarch, without legislative approval required, though the Monarch may seek council from the Volksversammlung if they so choose. The members of the Landesversammlung have no term limits, and may serve until death, resignation, or dismissal by the Monarch. The Landesversammlung has no set number of members, and the monarch may appoint and nominate as many members as they wish within the 2/3rds rule.

Article 6.
The Landesversammlung holds the authority to veto any bill or amendment passed by the Volksversammlung, however their veto may be countered by the Monarch, who has the authority to ascend legislation past the Landesversammlung, without the approval of the Landesversammlung.

Article 7.
In order for any bill or amendment to become Common Law, the Monarch must approve it. The Monarch may approve or dismiss legislation as they see fit, however they may not write Common Law, only approve or dismiss what is submitted to them.

Article 8.
Royal Law is any law made by the Monarch. Royal Law does not require approval from the Volksversammlung, or Landesversammlung. Royal Law supplants Common Law, and thus Common Law may not contradict Royal Law.

Section V. The Judiciary Branch

Article 1.
There shall be a council of Judges, nominated by the Monarch, and affirmed by the Volksversammlung and Landesversammlung. Judges shall serve until death, resignation, or dismissal by the Monarch. The council's size shall not exceed 7 members. If no one is fit to be a Judge, the Monarch and the Landesversammlung may act as temporary Judges, until suitable members are found.

Article 2.
The role of the Judges is to interpret Common Law, Royal Law, and the Constitution, and to veto any Common Law which violates Royal Law, or the Constitution. The Monarch is authorized to veto any Judicial decisions.

Section VI. World Assembly Delegate / Graf von Rhine

Article 1. The Delegate of Kühlbach shall be elected by the Citizens and Royal Tenants every 2 Volksversammlung election cycles. The Delegate shall hold the title of Graf von Rhine, or Gräfin von Rhine. Upon retirement they will retain the title of Graf or Gräfin.

Article 2. The Delegate may vote in the World Assembly as they see fit.

Section VII. General Provisions

Article 1.
The Constitution may be amended by a 2/3rd majority vote of the Volksversammlung, 2/3rds of the Landesversammlung and the approval of the Monarch.
Sub-Article 1a. The Monarch may edit the Constitution as needed, but this is discouraged.

