by Max Barry

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by The Grand Anglo State of Kingdom Of Englands. . 777 reads.

Master Dispatch for all Laws of Institute of Cellulose

Master Dispatch for all Laws of Institute of Cellulose

Kingdom of The Wooloo Pact
Constitution of The Wooloo Pact
We, the citizens of The Wooloo Pact, in order to protect the rights of freedoms of all, to ensure that justice is fair for all people, and to maintain these freedoms through a government elected by the people, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Kingdom of the Wooloo Pact.
Article 1
1. The Kings of The Wooloo Pact shall be the utmost authority on Executive matters and shall have executive discretion. However, Some actions done by the Kings must be approved by the Parliament through a simple majority vote, and be approved by the Prime Minister
2. The Prime Minister of The Wooloo Pact shall have executive authority and has the right to implement laws passed by the Senate. He or she shall be elected by all citizens of The Wooloo Pact through a national election to be held every two months, and the winner shall be chosen through a simple majority. The Prime Minister has the power to appoint and dismiss Ministers of the different Departments at will.
3. The Prime Minister of The Wooloo Pact shall be assisted by a Deputy Prime Minister, who shall be chosen by the Prime Minister. The Deputy Prime Minister shall temporarily take over The Prime Minster duties in case of absence of any kind, and shall immediately be appointed as Interim Prime Minister if the Prime Minister is to resign, be impeached, or cease to exist.
4. The Prime Minister and their deputy shall have a limit of three consecutive terms of office, after which they may not run for office until after the next term.
5. The Prime Minister shall, upon election, have Two weeks to form a government through the appointment of Secretaries of the different Departments. He or she may also retain the ministers of the previous President. If he or she fails to do so, then another election shall take place
6. The Prime Minister of The Wooloo Pact shall be the Commander in Chief of the Army, and shall have full discretion over strategic planning and defense.
7. The Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister of The Wooloo Pact may be impeached by the Parliament through a simple majority vote if the Supreme Court declares them guilty of any major crimes.
Article 2
1. The Parliament of The Wooloo Pact shall be the utmost legislative authority. It shall be composed of ten MPs, who shall be elected in a national election every One month
2. The Parliament of The Wooloo Pact shall have the power to pass laws, which shall be approved by a simple majority vote. The law shall then pass onto the Prime Minister, who has the discretion to veto the law. If he or she accepts it, then the law shall be considered official. The Parliament of the Wooloo pact shall also have the power to amend and repeal laws, also with the approval of the Prime Minister.

3. The Parliament shall elect among itself through a simple majority vote a parliamentary chairman, who shall preside over all Senate meetings and keep order in discussions. The parliamentary chairman shall be appointed Interim Prime Minister if both the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister cannot tend to their duties or are ousted for whatever reason.

4. The Parliament of The Wooloo Pact shall have the power to create or destroy Ministries through the amendment of this Constitution, which are executive branches that specialize in certain areas.

5. The Ministries are the Ministry of The Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of National Defence and Ministry of the Treasury

6. Each Ministry is to be headed by a Minister, who shall be appointed or dismissed by the President as stated above. Only one Secretarial position may be held by one person at a time.

7. Ministries shall have the power to create Bureaus under them, which are further specialized. Each Bureau shall be headed by a Chief Officer, who is appointed by their corresponding Minister
Article 3
1. The Supreme Court of The Wooloo Pact shall be the utmost legislative authority. It shall be composed of five Justices, who shall be nominated by the Prime Minister and be confirmed by the Parliament. The Justices shall choose among themselves a Chief Justice, who shall act as the presiding judge in court cases. (If all else fails, Chief Justice will become PM)

2. A trial may be held when a citizen of The Wooloo Pact has been suspected to have committed a crime, which is to be defined as a violation of any rights under this Constitution, as well as further Parliament legislation. A citizen may also sue another citizen if they feel that the person they are suing has committed a crime. In a trial, both the plaintiff and the defendant have the right to choose a lawyer or be granted a public defender if they so wish. They also have the right to call upon evidence and witnesses to further their stance. The plaintiff, defendant, lawyers, witnesses, and judges are required by law to speak the truth and nothing but the truth, and to do so otherwise is considered perjury.

3. The defendant may be declared guilty if the Supreme Court is certain that they have committed the crime. Their punishment is defined by the crime and the legislation that declares it as a crime. The verdict shall be enforced swiftly and immediately.
Article 4
1. All citizens of The Wooloo Pact have the right to keep private their personal opinions, the right to speak their political opinions freely, the right to practice whatever religion freely, the right to free speech in the press, and the right to peacefully assemble.

Thanks to Old zealand founder for Baseplate
Read factbook

Institute of Cellulose RMB Rules
First Written By Central european kingdom
Adopted On Jan. 3, 2021

Section 1

Rule 1: All members have rights and responsibilities. All have free speech but cannot have their free speech infringe on the free speech of others. Violation of the rights and freedoms of others granted to them under this rule will result in a punishment decided in accordance with the severity of the violation.

Section 2

Rule 2a: Members are not allowed to share their or others' detailed personal information in the RMB. All such posts will be suppressed and the member that posted it should self delete the post. If the member refuses to self delete the post, Mods will be called in to fully suppress the post.

Rule 2b: A member may never try to hack or impersonate another user. If caught, the member will be banned without hesitation by the Admins, and Mods will be contacted to further deal with the problem.

Rule 2c: A member may not threaten another user in any personal way when posting. The post will be suppressed, the member banned by Admin, and the post reported to the Mods.

Rule 2d: Members may not use real money to gamble in the RMB. Posts that include details for a real monetary transaction will be suppressed, the member that posted it banned by an Admin. Moderators will take over in punishing the offender.

Rule 2e: Members may not joke about self harm on the RMB. If this happens, the post will be supressed. Members might also be warned or banned by Admin, and countries may also be disbanded by Moderators for violation of this rule. (Added On Jan. 28, 2021)

Section 3

Rule 3: In order to participate in RP, countries must have land claimed on our region maps, or be a rebellion in another country's map land. Any RP action made by countries that do not follow this requirement will be voided.

Section 4

Rule 4a: Countries may not do unreal things in RP. All such actions will be voided. Countries also may not modify the rules of science. All such modifications will be voided.

Rule 4b: Countries may not terraform maps without permission from the map owner. Any action involving terraform without permission will be voided. Countries also cannot destroy maps unless they are the map owner. Such actions that are not made by the map owner will be voided. No member may make their own separate RP system or map without permission. Such actions will be voided.

Rule 4c: When RPing a war, the attacker must give the country being attacked some time to respond to each action, and actions must have basic detail in its description. A country may not continuously attack another country if it is offline. Breaking these rules will lead to the action being voided.

Rule 4d: A member may not kill or seriously injure another member's characters without permission from the owner of the character. Actions involving the killing or serious injuring of a character by a member who does not own the character will be voided.

Section 5

Rule 5a: Admins reminding a member that they are breaking a rule does not count as a warning. A reminder is given when a user might not know they are breaking a rule. A warning is when a member knows they are breaking a rule but does not stop. Bans that are a result of a nation being reminded will be overturned, and warnings given to members that are unaware they are breaking a rule will be converted to a reminder.

Rule 5b: When banning a member, the Admin banning must openly state the reasons for the ban on the RMB. Telegramming the reason to only the member being banned is not valid. The ban will be overturned if this rule if violated.

Section 23

Rule 23a: Members may not spread false claims with the intent to corrupt the view of others. Doing so will get the member warned for violating this rule.

Rule 23b: You may not edit other members' posts on the RMB when quoting them with the intent to make false evidence or to make them look bad. Such posts with edited quotes will be suppressed, and the member that posted it shall be warned.

Rule 23c: Members are allowed and are encouraged to edit posts when quoting them to censor bad language. If a post with super bad language is quoted but the content not censored, the post will be suppressed until the member that posted it censors the quoted post. There is no punishment for not censoring, but some posts may be suppressed in order to be safe.

Section 24

Rule 24a: Posts with flaming, uncensored swearing, and spam, as well as other posts out of order, will be suppressed by an Admin on RMB. Serious flaming must be withdrawn. Refusal to withdraw by the offending member will lead to the member being warned under this rule.

Rule 24b: Quadruple or more posts are illegal and will be suppressed under this rule. The member posting may be warned depending on the situation.

Rule 24c: If three or more warnings are given to a member under rules 24a and 24b, and a majority of active admins agree on enforcing this rule, the offending member will be suspended in accordance with this rule for a time that will be decided at the point of suspension.

Section 25

Rule 25a: Members may not evade a ban, definite, indefinite, or permanent. Evading a definite or indefinite ban will result in a permanent ban if the member is warned more than two times and a majority of active Admins agree to enforce this rule.

Rule 25b: A member may choose to message the Admins and appeal a ban, but they cannot use a alt and post on the RMB. Doing so is violating rule 25a. Appeals must be sent through telegrams.

Section 26

Rule 26a: RP actions that are way too overpowered and almost impossible, also called godmoding, is not allowed. Such actions will be voided.

Rule 26b: Taking control of another country's actions or characters without permission, also called godmodding, is not allowed. Such actions will be voided.

Section 69

Rule 69a: Any crab supporting country will be bombarded with melons. The Geneva Convention rules may be broken to further enforce this rule. (Removed On Mar. 23, 2021)

Rule 69b: A country may not attack the spectator planet Pluto. Any attack will be automatically voided in accordance with this rule.

Rule 69c: Melons, as the meme country, is immune to all actions of agression in relation to his memes, and other countries may godmod to support Melons in meme related wars. (Removed On Mar. 23, 2021)

Read dispatch


Embassy Policy for IoC

by Ethics committee of the scpf

Below listed are the requirements for having a embassy with IoC (this is subject to change)

1. Embassy region must have at least 5 members

2. The embassy region cannot have the tags of raider or fascist

3. The embassy region must have active members

4. Embassy region cannot be there just for the purpose of being a puppet storage or refounded region.

There is also exceptions to certain regions such as The Embassy

Read dispatch

  1. Date progression

    1. 1 day IRL is 1 year in normal RP.

    2. 1 day IRL is 1 day in special RP.

    3. The region is loose on character aging, but be within reason and avoid creating immortal characters if outside your tech limit, unless you enlist help from other nations.

  2. No god modding.

    1. You may not, alone, use technology outside the scope of your Scientific Advancement. Due to the complexity of in-universe technology, RP mods will determine if one has broken the rules of the SA chart or not.

    2. You may not mobilize a certain amount of forces that constitute a massive fraction of your national population. Otherwise, RP the repercussions of mass mobilization as well. Around 10% of the population should be the cut off.

    3. You may not control the actions of another nation unless permitted to.

    4. You may not dictate the actions of another nation's character, or force a nation to kill off said character unless permitted to.

    5. You may not metagame. Anything done out-of-character (OOC) such as discussing a planned invasion of a nation, should not be acted upon by said nation because in-character (IC) they do not know it is happening, unless they are able to detect among other things, mass mobilization.

  3. No casus belli, no war.

    1. As war is generally a messy affair, you need a good excuse, a "casus belli" to declare war.

    2. Due to the flexibility of what counts as a valid casus belli, and what is just expansionism, this law is enforceable only with a proper consensus among the RP moderators.

    3. Casus bellis formulated from OOC circumstances such as insults and metagame knowledge are never allowed; Fabricated casus bellis are also not to be considered, while expansionism is generally not permitted.

    4. A minor exception to the above is if both sides of the conflict accept such casus belli for RP. If such conditions are met, any casus belli may be used to initiate such wars.

    5. As an addendum, wars once declared may only be completely voided if it satisfies two criteria - Both sides of the conflict agree to its voiding, and simple majority of RP moderators agree to the void.

  4. Do not argue with the RP mods.

    1. Disagree with a mod ruling? You can always appeal, have several mods discuss the issue, but please don't make a mess of the RMB. Ultimately, the moderators are the ones maintaining RP for a reason, so do not cause arguments.

  5. Respect Special RP events.

    1. Special RP is a scheduled system in which a nation creates a character RP to advance a certain storyline. Though not something that one is required to participate in, interference with special RP is generally not allowed.

    2. You may not declare war during a special RP, against any nation, largely as it will affect the international situation much more rapidly than the characters in a general vicinity could keep up, and it forces characters to leave RP to help their country.

    3. You may not interfere with the special RP schedule, if a nation has scheduled a special RP before you, wait for that RP to end before you create your own, or before you declare war among other things.

  6. Relevant Statistics

    1. Population

    2. Average Income

    3. Industry: Automobile Manufacturing

    4. Scientific Advancement

    5. Economy

    6. Industry: Information Technology

    7. Health

    8. Lifespan

    9. Economic Output

    10. Human Development Index

    11. Government Size

    12. Industry: Arms Manufacturing

    13. Public Healthcare

Read dispatch


The laws of Banning's and Warning's

Point 1: warnings are given out in accordance with are Law's and Rules
If you have a faliure to comply with the Law's and Rules warning's may be given out to the nation in question

Point 2: a active warning is a warning that has happened in the last week, if it is older than one week it is considered inactive and will not be counted

Point 3: once a nation has reached three active warning's it will be banned for a period of one week

Point 4:

Permabans [a forever lasting regional ban that cannot be revoked or appealed]

for a permaban to be in order a review with at least two ro's one king and the pm will be taken to ensure non biased permabanning.

If not all are present member's are there the nation will be temp-banned till all are present and the review can be in session

At the end of group disscusiion, the conversation will be overlooked by are minister of justice and they will have the final say on wether the nation deserves the permaban

Read factbook

"I am pleased to announce the Election Fraud Prevention Act, by the Democratic-Republic of Tranzoria, the Parliament Speaker/Chairperson, has officially, passed! And with it, the first of many acts to come to this great Region under the new Parliament!
For the Isles!

Meadrin, add this to the rules:
Election Fraud Prevention Act
Goals: To stop election and voter fraud in upcoming and future Government elections
-A Regional Lockdown one day before any Government Election, with the Password only known to the Founder and Co-Founder
-The Minister of National Security, Zarbik, to be active during the election and to watch out and report any suspicious behavior or voters
-And updated list of alt accounts to prevent such alt account from voting if their main/other alt account has already voted

Signed, The Nuke-happy Oregonians of Tranzoria"
-2nd draft, what changed was the removal of an election "inspector" whose role was given to Zarbik
-First Proposal/Act/Bill given by the Parliament

The Proposal Compliance Act
Goals: To prevent immediate vetoes of unrevised proposals within the ranks of the three government branches; the Ministries, the Monarchy, and the Parliament
-Barring all governments officers (All three branches) from vetoing unrevised proposals
-Mandating that all proposals must first undergo quality assessment for potential revisions, which after revising, can be vetoed accordingly with valid reasoning
-Creating a new system wherein all proposals must first be approved by the majority of Parliament, as well as the Parliament Speaker and the Prime Minister. Once approved, it is put to vote by the Monarchy and ratified upon the King's acceptance.

Signed, The Nuke-happy Oregonians of Tranzoria, The Machine Empire of Orange Creek
-3rd draft, what changed was first the last standard not being there, and then the last standard existing yet being badly worded, which was edited by Orange Creek for the 3rd and final draft
-Emergency passed in the Isle Of Wooloo Kingdom, then lawfully done so in the Institute of Cellulose
-First two Standards taken word for word by Orange Creek's RMB post, which was inspiration for this, thus she helped make it and deserves credit
-The last standard was already put into place for the first act, but was made official for this one
-Edited much after the bill was passed due to a Government system flip

The Reformed Justice Act
Goals: To create a field of Justice and security throughout the Institute via a new Government role
-The switch of roles from the Minister of the Interior to the new Minister of Justice, a Regional Officer part of the Ministries branch that has the task of being in charge of deciding trial court times and deciding if said trial is fair afterwards.
-The MOJ also will play a role in the Supreme Court to decide the final say of the trial.

Signed, The Disputed Territories of Calcalla, The Nuke-happy Oregonians of Tranzoria, The Machine Empire of Orange Creek, The Monarcho Federalist Union of North American Imperial State
-The act was held off for three days due to it being put to the side by the busy government
-Calcalla, Tranzoria's alt, wrote and had the bill passed as Tranzoria was waiting for the Isle Of Argimin embassy to the Institute of Cellulose to be built
-The North American Imperial state suggested the idea, Orange Creek tinkered with it, and Tranzoria wrote the bill, so all three deserve credit
-Major edits much time after due to Government reforms

Alternate Account Mapping Act
Goals: To prevents too many Alternate Accounts of main nations from claiming spots on maps to use for later, unfair purposes
-A check on puppets of nations with the updated puppet/alternate account list once a new nation registers for ANY map, even if claims are on different planets then others
-A ban on puppet nations claiming land if their main has already done so

Signed, the Nuke-happy Oregonians of Tranzoria
Your turn.
-Third draft; what changed was two standards that allowed at least minimum puppets in maps to exist, and then the same thing again, and then this

Proposal Designation Act of 2021
A resolution to enhance our ability to categorize Parliament legislation and proposals.
1. Mandates that every proposal from this one out be given a designation.
2. Said designation is to be in this format: P-(Proposal Number Here).
3. Any additions or amendments to any legislation will carry the designation as the original along with a letter, from A-Z, and so on (AA, BB, etc.), in the order of which one came first.
4. All proposals, if they become legislation, will permanently carry the designation.
5. Proposals that don't make it through will be removed of designation, and the designation code may be reused as many times as needed before it becomes an official code for legislation.

Signed, Untecna
-First and Final Draft
-First bill with 2nd Parliament
-First bill that Tranzoria did not help create
-Bill overlapped Meadrin's idea and thus later bill of Proposal Designation, causing a scuffle

Read factbook
