by Max Barry

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by Polis diamonil. . 3 reads.

Entropist Proposal Criticized as "Brute Force Medicine"

A recent policy review estimate published in Diamonil's healthcare economics sector has dealt a considerable blow to the opening agenda of the nascent Entropist faction, as a group of fourteen researchers have published a policy analysis indicating that substantial and "excessive" expenses in the policy. "It amount to expressing a preference for expanding lifespan at the expense of healthspan, as greater labors would be needed out of the economy to support a group with intrinsically and predictably reduced productivity."

A greater stir arose from the personal words of one of the researchers, who in their public notes archive stated, "The Entropists want us to engage in brute force medicine. Instead of improving our results by improving our fundamental grasp of medical science, they want us to very expensively expand provisioning for the treatments that we already believe in. What if we're making errors in this system already? We could end up compounding them."

Despite the existence of polite support for their position, anti-Entropist rhetoric has been clearly placed on the harsher side of Diamonil's political line. The appearance of this particular divide in discussions has had some observers looking to the ice-blue cryotemples for answers, but the Daughters of Teyzaw have thus-far refused to endorse a position for or against the proposal.

The refounded Martyrs of the Unknown soul have retained their position in favor of the Entropist proposal, and have entered into affiliation with the Entropists. Rumor is that they would rather keep developing the Entropists under current conditions "until later in the Era".

(What is buried is true, is it not? In proof therefore have I buried it. If ye like not the terms, ye ought not so set them.)

Polis diamonil

