by Max Barry

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by The 🔅🔅Aurrelian Empire🔅🔅 of Dingoy. . 108 reads.

NEWS! Aurrelian Advocate Issue One

🗞️ Aurrelian Advocate 🗞️

📅 Monthly Update 📅

Hello! Welcome to the first edition of the Aurrelian Advocate. Brought to you by the Department of the Arts. Take a look at this dispatch to get a better understanding on what has been going on in the last few months! I'll try to make things as simple as I possibly can!

⚔️Aurrelian Legions⚔️

First off, we recruited some new junior members (Munifexes) in the Aurrelian Legions! Cranmangolandia and Ceasers lost legion are our newest members! With training from Centurion Pinkwashing and Legatus Dingoy, they'll soon grow to expand Aurrelius!








Ceasers lost legion



In our last raid, we managed to get 16 hits! Congrats to Dingoy and Pinkwashing for the successful raid.
If you want more consistent updates on this we also set up our own forum thread for it! Here is the link ====>Aurrelius Gameplay thread.
Want to join in on the fun? Simply let Legatus Dingoy know so they can let you in on it. The Legions are a whole new way to play NS, so come along!

🏛️ Aurrelian Government 🏛️

So a lot has been going on in the Government, and I thought you might want some reminders as to what's been happening.
  • Cranmangolandia has been appointed as Consul of the Arts

  • Concorde Dawn II and Indusinbad have been appointed as Consuls of Colonies

Below is a statement from each consul about the rapid acceleration of Aurrelius as a region!

"As Consul of Arts I promise not to let you all down! I promise to do everything I can to help and serve for the greater good of this magnificent region." Just a reminder I made a dispatch pinned to the World Factbook Entry that explains government positions in Aurrelius in the form of Simplemachine country balls! It is pretty simple to understand and it gives you a better understanding as to how things work here! Here is the link ====>Government Positions
And through request I will more then gladly put you on the picture and will share your country ball with you! Simply ping me to let me know and I will have fun doing my job.
We're glad to be a part of this growing region!
Greetings citizens and foreigners alike! I'm Wyvern, Aurrelius's Consul of Intelligence. I've played NationStates for close to 5 years now and have had great fun in the company of some of the best communities it has to offer. Thanks to that, I know how integral it is to maintain a courteous, respectful and overall safe environment for a growing community. You may not see much of me, but rest assured I will be watching and enjoying a nice cup of tea in the background. Just kidding, everyone knows I'm addicted to coffee.
It’s great to see so many new citizens getting involved in the community, and amazing to see how the region has grown in the past month or so!

📃 Legislation 📃

Lastly, I suggest revisiting our legislation page in Aurrelius because some new changes have been made. Whatever your status is within our region, the new changes may apply to you, so make sure to have a read!

Written by Cranmangolandia,
Edited by Dingoy
