by Max Barry

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by The Regional Nation of The Northern Light. . 147 reads.

Vote For SC resolution Declaration on Hippopotamuses

Security Council Vote Recommendation

Part of the Information for WA Voters program

Resolution at Vote: Declaration on Hippopotamuses
Vote Recommendation: For

Resolution Analysis
This proposal seeks to spread information as to the size of hippopotamuses, and warn nations about their belligerence. This is a reference to several early proposals in the United Nations, entitled "HIPPOS ARE BIG" and subsequently "HIPPOS ARE REALLY QUITE LARGE", which spurred one of the longest-lasting and most prevalent jokes in the United Nations/World Assembly community.

This proposal immortalizes a joke that has had a significant influence on the World Assembly community. Despite this, it manages to not be a joke proposal, instead merely recognizing that the joke exists. This is a perfect representation of something that can be done with the new declarations category, and is important in recognizing the history of the World Assembly and helps bring out lightheartedness that, as time goes on, is increasingly difficult to find within the World Assembly.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote FOR the at-vote Security Council proposal, "Declaration on Hippopotamuses".

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