by Max Barry

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by The Eternal Prince of Trigori. . 12 reads.

KR Z-Day Policy

In order to survive the upcoming zombie apocalypse as effectively as possible and using previous experience to do so, these rules shall be observed for the duration of the event:

0. There shall be absolute discipline.

1. The region shall be put on lockdown until the zombie threat inside is eliminated.
2. You will have three options how to deal with the zombies. All nations shall research a cure. This will allow complete national population restoration.
3. Cure missiles shall be struck in a concentrated fire ordered by the current commander. Priority targets shall be those that can be active in aiding the effort and have a large population of zombies. Wait for orders, because if you hit someone, you reset their firing cooldown.
4. The current commander shall be Huben until further notice.
5. Orders will be posted on Discord and the RMB.
6. Those that will participate in the event but won't observe all points shall be ejected from the region for the duration of the apocalypse.
7. Merry Z-Day!

REMINDER: You can be logged into a different puppet on each of your devices and through incognito modes. This allows you to spam cure missiles at an increased rate.

The Eternal Prince of Trigori

