by Max Barry

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by The Ludist Empire of Socialist States of Ludistan. . 52 reads.

Imperator Augustus V “the Hyperborean”

Augustus Jacques
Aetius de Hyperborea-August-Lombardo

Imperator Augustus V

Imperator of Hyperborean Unity

In office:
2514 - 2529

Preceded by: None

Protector of the Magna
and its Unity

In office:
2511 - 2529

Preceded by: King Luis X

Personal Details


Vitebscum, Magna Commonwealth




Theresa de Sobiscius


Louisa, Aemilia, Luis


Royal University of Gnesna
- Degree in Law


Augustan Kristusdom

"It is my right, by The Lord, to rule with an iron first if I please. But even if my rule is absolute, it is not tyrannical."
- King Augustus V

King Augustus V is the second out of three children and only son of his predecessor and father, King Luis X. And so despite it theoretically seeming so obvious that he should be the one to inherit the throne because of this, his ascension wasn’t completely certain. His mothers paternal grandfather, King Luis IX, had attempted to disinherit him, because of his slightly sinful lifestyle and an affair that he had when he was younger with Marie de Razafin, a Malagasy princess, that led to him becoming the father of their illegitimate son. All while he was married to Theresa de Sobiscius, who would also be unfaithful to him. Despite this he ascended to the throne as normal, for that is how it had always been done.

Early Life

When Augustus V was born it wasn’t entirely certain that his father would become the future King, as he was only married to the daughter of King Augustus IV. Of course his father, King Luis X, ended up becoming King as he was also the closest paternal relative of Augustus IV, right after his own father. But it had always been known that Augustus V was gonna be King one day, right up until the affair of course. And so Augustus V got to live the luxurious and extravagant life of a future Magna King, and he very much took a liking to this life. He couldn’t wait to become an absolute monarch.

Rise in Politics

After the affair, and after his future as King was put into questioning, Augustus would continuously argue that of course he was gonna ascend to the throne after the death of his father, Luis X, or maternal grandfather, Augustus IV, back when people weren’t certain whether or not Luis X would become King. The eldest son had always inherited the throne, and if there was no living son it would be the closest patrilineal relative. After all even Luis VI got to be King. And most people and aristocrats tended to agree with his arguments here. After the death of King Luis X it had by then become clear who should inherit the throne, and Augustus V was welcomed as the new King.


King Augustus V would find a great love in building extravagant palaces, museums, or government buildings all around the Magna Commonwealth. And when it came the Orientemian situation Augustus V wouldn’t choose to recognise them as an independent state, but he also wouldn’t claim that they were apart of the Magna Commonwealth. He would ignore them, and let them live independently as they pleased, even if he didn’t like it. He would find the idea of Xenophilia totally foreign, and would strengthen the Magna policies that kept Xenos out of the Magna Commonwealth, and he made sure that they were looked upon as people even less than before. He would boost the budget of the science departments and military of the Magna Commonwealth, as he saw the conditional surrender that the Magna Commonwealth faced in the War of the Quadrumvirate as a terrible disaster. But more than anything else he liked to use his absolute power to do what he pleased, be it to build his palaces, hunting grounds, or whatever else he would like. After getting an offer from the President of the Elevent Democratic Union of Joeania, to create a union between them and the Magna Commonwealth, King Augustus V would decide to hear them out. He would do this because he had fallen in love with the Joeanian nation a little over a year earlier, when he had bought what he named Aukusti Forest in Finnish Joeania, and built Aukusti Palace there. That Forest would become his favourite hunting spot by far. And so Augustus V would be able to come to an agreement with the Joeanians, and together they would form the Hyperborean Commonwealth, with Augustus V as Imperator of Hyperborean Unity. When he passed, a message was left behind where he challenged some of the Kristic Church’s views. Most notably the possibility of being a descendant from The Lord, through his children. And then of course Augustus V being one, as is known. And if having Sacred Blood was thus possible, which would cause quite the stir. He had planned this, and studied holy texts, for quite a long time to prepare it all. All just to make a point of his supremacy, even after his death.

For & Against

  • For: Monarchism, patriotism, Xenophobia, military, scientific advancement, Kristusdom

  • Against: Xenophilia, Xenos, democracy, constitutionalism, Atheism

Personal Information

King Augustus V would have four children, three of them would be with his wife, Theresa de Sobiscius, and one would be with one of his former mistresses, Marie de Razafin. The three that he had with his wife would be Louisa, Aemilia and Luis. And with Marie he would have Henricus, which would also be his oldest child. His wife, Theresa, would also have a child with a lover. This lover being the illegitimate son of Augustus V, Henricus. Their child would be Marcus. It’s safe to say that there isn’t a lot of love between him and his wife, but there is no longer any hate. Theresa had long wanted revenge for Augustus V’s neglect of her, and so she started sleeping with others, his illegitimate son included. But when she began seeing her not as her lover, but her spouse, as he had seen her all along, she was able to move past it. The two live in an unofficially open marriage, and are close friends. They both love the children that they have had together.

Personal Trivia

  • King Augustus V hunts regularly

  • King Augustus V loves building palaces


“Bourbon is the best friend of any man. Wine at dinner, and bourbon in the morning and for lunch.”

“A culmination of several generations of inbreeding has led to me, am I not lucky?”

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