by Max Barry

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by Hadhari. . 79 reads.

Majlis As Shura

Mission & Visions


"To serve as an umbrella organization by promoting Islamic values and reflecting excellence in serving the needs of the community in the region and outside region."


"To provide leadership and services for the spiritual, moral, and intellectual development of a united community, and to promote a positive image of Islam through active participation in local issues and by visible contribution to the well-being of our NS community.”

Part One

Majlis Ash-Shura Law

In compliance with Almighty God's words:

“It is part of the mercy of God that thou dost deal gently with them. Wert thou severe or harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about thee: so pass over (their faults) and ask for (God's) forgiveness for them; and consult them in affairs (of moment). Then, when thou hast taken a decision, put thy trust in God. For God loves those who put their trust (in Him.)”
Al' Imran 3:159

and His other words,

“Those who respond to their Lord, and establish regular prayer, who (conduct) their affairs by mutual consultation; who spend out of what we bestow on them for sustenance.”
As Shuraa 42:38

And following the Sunnah of His Messenger (PBUH) who consulted his Companions and urged the Nation to engage in consultation, Majlis Ash-Shura shall be established to exercise all tasks entrusted to it according to this Law and the Basic Law of Governance while adhering to the Book of God and to as sunnah of the Messenger (PBUH), maintaining brotherly ties and cooperating in kindness and piety.

Majlis Ash-Shura shall keep to the Book of God and pledge itself to the sources of Islamic legislation. All members of the Council shall serve the public interests, and shall preserve the unity of the community, the entity of the Region and the interest of the Nation(s)

Majlis Ash-Shura shall consist of a Chairman and members chosen by the Caliph from amongst scholars and men of knowledge, expertise and specialization. Their rights, duties and all other affairs shall be defined by Caliphate Decree.

It is stipulated that every member of Majlis Ash-Shura shall be:

-A citizen of Council of islamic states
-A competent player of recognized good character,
Knowledgeble in fiqh, hukm and Islamic aqida.

Any member may submit a request to resign his membership to the Chairman of Majlis Ash-Shura, who in turn shall refer it to the Caliph

If a member of Majlis Ash-Shura has neglected the duties of his work, he shall be investigated and tried according to rules and measures to be issued by Caliphate Decree.

If a member's place in Majlis Ash-Shura becomes vacant for any reason the Caliph shall choose a replacement and issue a Decree to this effect.

No member of the Majlis Ash-Shura may exploit his membership for his own interest.

The membership of Majlis Ash-Shura may not be combined with any governmental post, or with the management of any partisanship, unless the need for such an exception arises and the Caliph deems it necessary.

Majlis Ash-Shura shall express its opinion on general policies of the Region referred by the Grand Vizier. Specifically, the Council shall have the right to do the following:

-Discuss the general plan for social and regional development.
-Study laws and regulations, international treaties and agreements and concessions, and make whatever suggestion it deems appropriate.
Interpret laws.
-Discuss annual reports forwarded by Vazirats and other governmental institutions, and make whatever suggestions it deems appropriate.

No meeting held by Majlis Ash-Shura shall be considered official without a quorum of at least two-thirds of its members.

Majlis Ash-Shura's resolutions shall be forwarded to the Grand Vizier as WA Delegate for consideration by the cabinet of Vazirats. If the views of both councils are concordant, the resolutions shall come into force following the Caliph's approval. If the views are contradictory, the Caliph may decide what he deems appropriate.

Part Two

Voting And Adoption Of Resolutions

Council resolutions shall be adopted by majority as provided for in Article 12 of the Law of Shura Council. In case a majority is not attained, the topic shall be rescheduled for voting in the following session. In the event the topic does not win a majority in this session, the issue shall be brought before the Caliph along with any relevant study as well as the results of the voting in both sessions.

No discussion or presentation of new opinions shall be allowed during the voting process. In all cases, Al Wali shall vote after the members have voted.

Part Three


The Shura Council shall, at the outset of its term, form the necessary specialized committees from amongst Council members to exercise its powers. Each members shall hold one committee

Any Council member may express his opinion on any committee that has been referred to the one of the committees, provided that his opinion is presented in writing to Caliph or Al Wali of the Council.

When the members completes the review of a certain topic it shall write a report that includes the basis of the topic referred to it, the committee’s point of view, its recommendation and the reason on which the recommendation was based and the opinion of the minority if any.

