by Max Barry

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The Most Alphabetically Ascendent in Cities

Linguistic experts debated late into the night to place nations in alphabetical order.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The City of CahorsInoffensive Centrist Democracy Fascists“Liberté, égalité, fraternité”
12.The League of CambraiRight-wing Utopia Corrupt Thieving Uneducated Fascist Fundamentalists“Liberté, égalité, fraternité”
13.The City of CarmonaInoffensive Centrist Democracy Fascists“Sicut lucifer lucet in aurora ita in Vandalia Carmona”
14.The Diocese of CastresRight-wing Utopia Corrupt Thieving Uneducated Fascist Fundamentalists“Liberté, égalité, fraternité”
15.The City of ChemnitzMoralistic Democracy Narrow-Minded Backwoodsy Bigots“Chemnitz - Kamjenica - Saská Kamenice”
16.The Fiefdom of CloppenburgMoralistic Democracy Narrow-Minded Backwoodsy Bigots“Gott, Heimat, Familie”
17.The City of ColmarRight-wing Utopia Corrupt Thieving Uneducated Fascist Fundamentalists“Capitale des vins d'Alsace”
18.The City of DelftInoffensive Centrist Democracy Fascists“Ik zal handhaven.”
19.The City of DigneRight-wing Utopia Corrupt Thieving Uneducated Fascist Fundamentalists“Bienvenu!”
20.The Duchy of DreuxInoffensive Centrist Democracy Fascists“Dieu et mon Droit”