by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Most Stationary in the World

Long-term World Census surveillance revealed which nations have been resident in their current region for the longest time.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Big Tex Nation of NewTexasCivil Rights Lovefest Brave Progressives“Howdy!”
2.The Holy Empire of PogariaScandinavian Liberal Paradise Normal“Join us or go to hell.”
3.The Chromodynamic Flavor of Gell-MannhattanNew York Times Democracy Corporate-Dominated Sham Democracy“Causality can be traced to a simple initial condition.”
4.The Empire of LayartebMoralistic Democracy Narrow-Minded Backwoodsy Bigots“So I dub thee Unforgiven”
5.The Haderanian Polity of Star CityDemocratic Socialists Ordinary Caring Intelligent World Citizens“CELEBRATING 20 YEARS: JANUARY 3RD 2003 - 2023”
6.The Defensive Pacifist Nation of Sneaky BastardsCivil Rights Lovefest Brave Progressives“Don't underestimate the sneaky sneaky!”
7.The Phantasm of Afi-AftosIron Fist Consumerists Imperialist Pig Dog Oppressors“Eschew Obfuscation”
8.The Frybarec of LacmhacarhDemocratic Socialists Ordinary Caring Intelligent World Citizens“Carsarh gereulacr”
9.The Very Masculine Nation of Rands ObjectivityCapitalizt Self-Congratulatory Merchant Bankers“Gargantuan Love God”
10.The People's Republic of Vanilla BillIron Fist Consumerists Imperialist Pig Dog Oppressors“No one cares about chocolate pudding.”
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