by Max Barry

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Region: South Pacific

Densaner wrote:Well...if people like Extinction Rebellion and other greenies were really serious, they would start talking about sensitive topics. One such topic is global population control. Having children in the first place is the single most environmentally damaging thing an individual can do, unless you’re one of the Koch brothers or something. Someone who is around 45 today has seen human population nearly double during their lifetime.

“Warning Bell for Developed Countries: Declining Birth Rates

In developed countries today many women receive educations and earn salaries that are on a par with those of men. The fact that women are no longer socially or economically dependent on men has radically altered young people’s lifestyles. A woman can now choose to remain single, marrying only when a man adds value to her life or when she desires to have children within such a framework.

This is creating big changes throughout the developed world. The replacement rate–the reproduction rate that keeps a population stable–for developed countries is 2.1, yet nearly half the world’s population has birth rates lower than that. The U.S. has a total fertility rate (TFR) of 2.0–nearly the replacement rate–with Hispanic immigrants leading in birth rates. The U.S. is aging but not as fast as many other countries. A 2010 census showed that 31.4 million Americans live alone–27% of all households (equal to the percentage of childless couples). Living alone allows people to pursue individual freedom, exert personal control and go through self-realization, but these people have fewer children.

Western European countries have low fertility rates, below the replacement rate of 2.1. Germany: 1.4 (its total population is 81.9 million, of which 8.2% are foreigners). Holland: 1.8 (16.5 million, of which 4.4% are foreigners). Belgium: 1.8 (10.8 million, of which 9.8% are foreigners). Spain: 1.4 (46.1 million, of which 12.4% are foreigners). Italy: 1.4 (60.2 million, of which 7.1% are foreigners), the Pope’s views notwithstanding. Sweden, which provides deep support for parents, has a high TFR of 1.9 (9.4 million, of which 6.4% are foreigners), but that’s still below the replacement rate. Ireland and the U.K. also have high TFRs, at 2.1 and 1.9, respectively, but these rates are derived from non-European immigrant parents.

During the 21st century the U.S. could become the slowly aging leader of a rapidly aging world.”


This was all from this article I found on Forbes

I also put a link to an image showing the population growth rates map down below comparing the world and as you can see the highest population growth is in undeveloped countries in Africa not Europe, Asia or North America

So the key to the population explosion or at least a solution to help slow and maybe even one day stop it, is modernization. Africa will get there one day but they are not quite there yet.
