by Max Barry

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Region: The Great Monarchical Nations

Here is David Harris Nation on MAPS in full including the new Capital HARRIS and there states. It very detailed a full report without pictures will arrive in a few days.

It was 1970 David Harris is a country made up of 7 states to help rebiuld it to a sustainable standard David Harris borrowed 300 trillion from the world banks at very low long term rates. These banks included the Singapore bank, OCBC Bank Singapore, Commonwealth Bank Australia, DBS bank Singapore, Arab Bank, US Bank USA, Bank of China, Banque De France, Bahk Pocchh Russia, Bank of London.

These states were :

* Thailand.
*The New Capital HARRIS
* Burma.

The new capital Harris

Military Solders and Budget

The David Harris Military will be based in Laos with a regular army of 3 Million all the existing soldier from the other states would be transferred to Laos keeping down military costs. All the military would use the one uniform only. This was structurally placed in between China and Vietnam.

All Ship's / Vessels will be docked in 2 states Indonesia and Malaysia.

Full army : 3 million solders
Reserves/ Conscription :2 million Solders rotating every 2 years
Total army 5 Million during war time.

Army Yearly Budget

32 Trillion Dollars

Army Equipment

5 million rifles

2000 Bazooka's

Transport Equipment

2000 Jeeps

100,000 Transport vehicles

300 Tanks

10 aircraft carrier

50 battleships

100 frigates

200 combat ship

50 Submarines

500 transport boats

5000 small transport boats

Plane Equipment

200 Bombers

500 Fighters

1000 Helicopters

500 Defence Missiles ( Mobile )

Each state would be issued 25,000 police to look after all local issues.

These states are positioned so there product are not duplicated and it to the benefit of David Harris as a whole.

The new pay system introduced is for the benefit of all employers and its working in condition with the government. If a business makes a profit 50% of that profit will go to the workers, the harder they work the more profit the company will obtain.

There will be the following Tarif's

Mining Tarif 30% to country
The Casino Tarif 25 % to country
Sex worker Tarif 20% to country

Each state broken down

* Thailand.
*The New Capital HARRIS
* Burma.

* Thailand

Sex Industry

I have an understanding and experience in Asia that prostitution to make a profit for a family is needed and wont stop. But the sex industry will only happen in Thailand, there will be no slaves or binding contacts these men and women need to work to support family income.

A 20% sex tax will be collected by the individual before leaving the club. The club book will be inspected to make sure all tax is payer to government or the business will close.

No worker will work from street all worker must be registered and licensed to work at an authorised club.

Being a sex worker in Thailand will be legal and taxable.

Bangkok and Phuket will have female sex workers.

Pattaya will be for men and Lady Boys.

Thailand Car /Bike Industry


Thailand Pushbikes


The full army including tanks and planes as well as a large timber industry

Timber Industry


Burma is a state that has mines gold and Uranium as well as Rice Fields , Coffee , Tea plantations

Rice Fields

Gold Mining

Uranium Mining

Tea Plantations

Coffee Plantations


This is the banking hub of David Harris and the main business centre but isn't the capital which is HARRIS situated in Thailand. The benefit of have business in Singapore is it is tax free. But only businesses are tax free. Worker who work in Singapore have a flat tax of 10%.

All embassies are in Singapore except for its Capitial HARRIS.


Business Centre Singapore



Cambodia was the hotel and casino precinct the new no 1 holiday destination. As well as Oil and Gas Wells.


Tourist Hotels

Oil wells

5 x oil wells

Gas Wells


This is the beauty Hud includes modelling courses, make up, Dentist , Implants thing like breast , ass and face, reducing skin folds. Beauty Clinics


Beauty Care Face

Beauty Care Breast


Malaysia holds Iron Ore Mines battery power economy including mining as well as food and vegetables farming. The clothes industry

Iron Ore Mining

Clothes Industry

Vegetables Farming

Animal Farming

Lithium Ion Battery Mining

*The New Capital HARRIS

HARRIS is the new capital of David Harris . it is posioned in Thailand just above Bangkok. It is a new City with an mining outer.

This is were The David Harris Parliament is held, the Governors Office and accommodation of a large international Airport. We have several banks and embassies as well as tobacco and marijuana field for medical use, oil and gas networks, and electricity generation through solar power, battery, uranium .

The David Harris Parliament

Governor General Building

HARRIS International Airport



A few important countries wanted a Embassy in the new capital HARRIS they were America, China, Germany, Vietnam, England.

Cotton plantation

Electricity Power Generation

This electricity is mix between nuclear , solar, battery, oil, electrical






Tobacco and Marijuana field

A complete summary will follow of all our fiancial and Resourses will follow without pictures and with be a complete financial report.

Read dispatch

Estonul, Severolslavia, and The iberian peninsular kingdoms
