by Max Barry

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Region: Kantrias

Anarco-america wrote:(Anarchist in corner plotting.)

The Seraph Foundation wrote:Yeah, it's not nearly as bad as people make it out to be.
(Foundationist in other corner, also plotting.)

Too-technical japan wrote:I read the foundation part at first as like Seraph using foundation (he makeup to have your face look one color, then blush and stuff goes on) then figured it out later on.

But seriously though, what would all the varieties of foundation and makeup colors for nations even LOOK like!!! The color chart things must be so long!

But makeup jokes aside,
(Chocoholic/Pacifist in the 3rd corner, planning a heist of the pantry/cupboard for chocolate.)

(Intelligence agent in disguise in the 4th corner, watching them plot.)

Bruderschaft Des Deutsche Volkes, Too-technical japan, and Uclosa
