by Max Barry

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Happyland featured

Nonadian featurland

yay you're featured
here's some cookies

Northeast xeritae

Congratulations on being featured, thule!

Hey Hey! You're Featured Today! Congratulations My Friends!
\_O_/ Yay! :D

Congratulations on being featured!

Solharcht kirale

Ahoy matey, I am here from the West Pacific, then I went to the Internationale (that didn't work out as well) and now I'm here. It is nice to meet everybody here.
*sips tea* Nevermind, but nice developing region. See you

Congratulations on being featured!

Hello, You Have Been Featured, Congratulations!

Congratulations on your featuredness.

Ahoy! RV Peaceful Sea is passing through to explore your featured region!

A cardboard box

Congratulations on being featured!

*hop hop hop*

Congrats on being featured! Anyone seen a carrot?

Make America Great Again! 🎉🎉🎉

Vote for TRUMP in 2024! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Red Wave! Will be Wild! 🥳🥳🥳

We have arrived at our next region: Thule
*Passenger Doors Open*
Some history on this region: It's the featured station region of Nationstates! Congrats on behalf of Train Conductor JACJ!
Our next stop is: [Insert next featured region]
*Passenger Doors Close*

*Here comes a pack of painted dogs*
they have come to you with a message to tell you the pack of painted dogs say
*congrats on becoming the featured region of the day thule*
Want some meat?
Also here is something

Kkorea is opening a disney world soon since there are pavilions for different contreys at epcot IRL
there will be 19 pavilions at Kkorea epcot if you want one of the pavilions to repersent you just telegram me
nations that are in it
1. Kkorea
2. St Scarlett
3. Unogonduria
4. Atomic Energy Defence Council
5. Scytharum
6. Soclania
7. Kandaland
8. Hazahmkong
9. Swordslayers
10. Larefo
11. Berlin and Hanover
12. Soviet Yoshilandia
13. Skeggeland
14. 0cala
15. Boston Bagels (and also Novus Ineptias)
16. JACJ
17. Osnela
18. Nigeriao Kingdom
19. British empire of malaya
Read dispatch

Who is the featured region? It is you!
Congratulations on being featured on behalf of Soviet Yoshilandia.


Congrats on being the featured Region!
Peace, Land, Bread

I'm the first! Finally!

Repurposed ekranoplan

A rumbling sound is heard from the surrounding waters, growing with each second. As more and more people gather on the coast to witness its origin, they begin to see a looming silhouette of a... ship with wings? Almost! This is the one and only ekranoplan "Lun'", known to NATO as "Utka", the destroyer of aircraft carriers and the testament to the engineering glory of the USSR. Fortunately, it did not come here to destroy aircraft carriers, but to congratulate the nations of this region with being featured!

The crew of 10 people exits the vessel, all dressed in parade Russian navy uniforms. Having cleared a little circle for themselves, they begin signing Russian folk songs and dancing gopak! This is, however, not the only sight they gift to this region. There is a maginificent piece of technology right behind them, with 6 massive missile silos and 8 giant engines on top of it. Whoever built this is truly a genius.

Having finished their performance, the crewmates apologize for not bringing a gift, since the previous region didn't send anything!

- We hope to bring the regions together, so have decided to give this a bump by delivering presents from one featured region to another! After all, what else do we have to do if the ekranoplan project was scrapped? Dear regionmates, please tell us what you want the next featured to gifted with and load it right in this giant of a watercraft! Please, make sure it's lighter than 300 tons, also.

Congratulations on your featuredness.

You Have Been Featured, Congratulations!

Feature traveler simonia

Simonia loses residency stats? Oh well. At least it still isn’t that big.
As a reward, here are some spare fireworks for you.

Embassy Archipelago. That's what popped up when the FTS looked at the magic crystal searching device in Thule, the featured region of February 2, 2024.
“What's that? What does that mean?”, Jeka asked, “Did the device break?”
“I think so”, Lina said, “‘Embassy Archipelago’ is nothing like ‘Extremely cold’”. Just then, the screen faded.
“OH NO!”, Jeka screamed.
“It looks like the device did break”, Lina said, “But luckily, this quasi-mythical phantom island is small.”
“Let's start searching!”, Emily exclaimed. So the FTS spent the rest of the day searching for the magic crystal. In the end, all they found was a note saying “Operation Beliflation; Simonia inflated a card”.

Congrats on being featured! Does anybody want some pizza?

HOOOOOOOOOOONK! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONK!! The MV Feature Cruise has arrived at Thule! Welcome aboard! Hmm, seems like it has been featured twice, and the second time, I'm here. The MV Feature Cruise will depart when next region gets featured.


Congrats I suppose.

Also last featured 248 Days ago? Huh, fun I suppose.
And then before that this place was featured 3 years 263 days ago... hm seems this place has a history of being feautred

