by Max Barry

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by The Harbinger of Destruction of J o J. . 47 reads.

The Green Banner

The communists have The Red Banner , but we have something far better: The Green Banner. Our great and proud flag flies above every conquered and destroyed enemy region, it flies with pride in every business and home, and it flies day and night above our beloved homeland. We stand against the red menace in solidarity with our allies, and we fly our green banner along with their banners in unison against the enemy. You know what they say: “ Red means stop, Green means go!

Remember, the next time you see that green flag flying high above the enemy’s ruin, that we are fighting the right fight, and we shall not surrender to any enemy, foreign or domestic. We shall defend our honor, values, and way of life against those who wish to suppress and change us in their demented vision. Long live J o J! Let the Green Banner fly!

The Harbinger of Destruction of J o J

