by Max Barry

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Finland News (from yesterday)
Finland Daily News - Suomen Päivittäiset Uutiset

The Minister of Education, Antton Mäkitalo together with the leadership of the city of Turku has held the founding ceremony of the University of Turku. "Our aim is to increase education standards, education quality and the number of educated people in the country. That's why we're founding this university in the Southeastern part of the country. Our next goal will be implementing the "School Tuition Abolishment Act" to make schools more accessible for everyone" - said the Minister of Education.
The Prime Minister invited the Agriculture Council Representatives to Helsinki to start conversations about increasing the food output of Finland. The government wants to minimize the chance of another famine. The Prime Minister wants to have a strong agricultural industry too. After the meeting, the government will make the necessary decisions.
International Relations
The President is happy to announce that the Finnish-Spanish Cooperation Agreement was signed between Spain and Finland. The treaty includes the following:
- Free trade without tariffs
- Constructing embassies in both countries
- Joint military exercises, exchanging military trainers and specialists
Other classified military and monetary acts.
The preparations for integrating Sweden into the Scandinavian Union are going well, meetings shall start soon.
The new, reorganized Finnish Defense Force was officially put into charge as the defending organization of Finland. Further military news coming soon.

International Relation news for today
The Foreign Ministry of Finland sends delegations to the United States of America JB and to Mashriq SECP to improve diplomatic relations and discuss further diplomatic opportunities.

Vennola-Chicherin Pact
This agreement was drafted to grant fruitful relations between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Republic of Finland. Both nations face the same problems, issues and believe they can find the best solutions together, as comrades. The pact:
1. Non-aggression treaty for 10 years, until 1932.
2. Free trade deal: no tariffs on products, the customs offices will not control as much as before.
3. Education partnership: the USSR and Finland can exchange scholars and professionals between each other to boost the USSR's and Finland's education.
4. No border control for those individuals who live within 50 kilometers from the borders.
5. Military partnership: Finland and the USSR will exchange 5000 officers during the next 10 years to improve the military training diversity and quality in both nations.
6. Soviet warships will be let into the inner Baltic sea for patrol purposes and defending trade ships.
7. Both Finland and the USSR helps each other in ensuring their borders' integrity. They will help each other in case of war, militarily, financially and in humanitarian ways. (military alliance)

President Ståhlberg’s speech on the Suomi 1 Radio channel, July 19th 1922:
“I understand everyone’s concern. The recent hostile behavior of the Reich is a realistic threat to Finland, we can’t take it as a joke. German imperialism is a real thing and we must be prepared for it. The government has started taking conscription into consideration, but I can’t tell anything solid yet. We are very afraid of an open conflict with the Germans. We want peace, not war. But the current expansionist German government thinks differently. We’ve had bad relations with the communists in the recent years, but now that our issues are common, we put apart the ideological differences and try to solve the problems together. We’ve built up a really strong alliance with the Soviets, and I’m very proud of that, especially because a couple years ago we were in a civil war against the Reds. But these times are different, and the threat is coming from the Vaterland… To all Finns, be strong, be proud of your country, accept the Soviets as allies. The leadership of Finland will do everything to prevent a Finno-German conflict. God bless Finland.”

Second italian roma

Italia Declares War On The Kingdom Of Sicily!

Italia's prime minister, Antonio Armando, walked upto the porch of the town hall of Rome. The people of Italia looked up at him, expecting a speech from him. "Hello, citizens of Italy. As you all might know, the Kingdom of Sicily rejects being apart of Italia. However, today... following a discussion, the officials of the Italian government have come to a GREAT idea. The men that run the Kingdom of Sicily are sly thieves of the beautiful South East Asian nation, Malacca-Singapore, vassalizing them for goods and large amounts of money. So, I work together with Malacca-Singapore to liberate them from these overlords, and rightfully earn back Calabria and Sicily, islands that have rightfully belonged to Italy, to which nobody had objected to besides the evil conquerers of Spain, so, from this speech and on wards, a state of WARis official between Italia and the Kingdom of Sicily."

The newly formed Italian Armed Forces had made their movements towards Calabria, sending 2,000+ soldiers from the Potenza military base marching down to Calabria, and on the signal of the military general, the soldiers would charge into Calabria, occupying it as fast as possible. Finally, the Apennine peninsula was fully unionized into one country! "Do not worry, people of the city of Catanzaro. There is no need to worry, no need for shock. The Kingdom of Sicily is going to be defeated, and you will be put in the hands of a proper country, a proper democratic nation, we welcome you as new citizens of Italia!"

Troopships would sail on over to the southernmost tip of Calabria, where the 2,000 soldiers would board the troopships and sail out for Sicily. Similar procedures would be held out, but what awaited them at the biggest city of Sicily, Palermo, was a gunfight between the large police force of Sicily. Sicily did not have a military, but they did have a strong police force to boot instead. However, due to them only having a police force, they would not be able to handle the force of a strong army of soldiers, which had more advanced and stronger weapons then the police force.

A great picture would be taken, an Italian soldier stepping on the last police officer of Sicily as they bled out, aiming his rifle between the eyes of the officer, ending the officers life with a loud bang. Finally, the last matter of destroying the Kingdom of Sicily, the monarch, the king of Sicily would be tied up to a pole. A shooting range execution would commence, his body filled with 28 bullet wounds. Following July of 1922, the provinces of Sicily and Calabria would officially become part of the great Italia.

El Haluf Mourns over the loss of the Asauroaust, makes claims in the Arabian Peninsula!

Where once in the great Victory Plaza of Colombo in Ceylon the Halufiites shed tears of penitence and rejoice to their enemies-become-friends of the Asauroaust Empire's dignitaries, now they shed tears of mourning and resent. King Khodavandi II was assassinated, and with his death came the fall of his empire.

Vicemarshall Alcadazar Quint of the Indian Oceans Protectorate chokingly gave his speech to give luck on the Asauro citizens that are now left to themselves as the empire further descended into anarchy; but he also made a promise to his people:

When Chairman Lucero first set sail, conquered Ceylon and found an agreement with the Asauroaust, he pledged that the Arabians and the Muslims shall forever be protected from the dangers of extremists and xenophobes. Now, with his death did not come the end of that promise, and with this trying times, our pledge will forever be fulfilled.

The Dominions shall stake a claim in the former Asauro territories of Qatar, The Emirates, Bahrain, and Kuwait in order to protect its citizens and Halufian interest in the region. By my will as Vicemarshall of the Indian Oceans Protectorate, I establish the Arabian Protectorate!

The Gran Armada sets sail to home.

Almost 90,000 individual Dominion Guards and 80 ships comprised the Halufi Expeditionary Force that assisted the Vandalian and later Coalition Forces in the wars against Spain and Austria-Hungary. But as the fight against Spain has ended, and the battle in the Alps too coming to an inconclusive end, Catherine Sinclair, Supreme Commander of the Gran Armada, is ordered by the Casa Nobela to set sail and come home to the Home Islands in the Antilles, where new orders are awaiting the ships, and she to return as the country's Minister of Foreign Affairs and drop her position as Supreme Commander of her Forces.

She ordered the fleet and all transport ships to dock in Brittany as she makes a quick detour to Belgium in order to visit her friend and former president of Vandalia, President Gene. They had tea and crackers, and exchanged stories, with Catherine's war stories and Gene's battle in his recovery in the gunshot wound he is still in turf with.

Two days later, she took a train and set boarded to her flagship, the DNV Don Paez, and set sail for Samarkand, not once looking back.

The Casa Nobela Responds to the growing threats of the Memeovirus!

Hon. Arturo Blanca, Spokesperson for the Casa Nobela, made a statement regarding the increasing numbers of Memeovirus cases and deaths in El Haluf, particularly in the Indian Oceans Protectorate where the cases are most numerous. Hon. Blanca stated that El Haluf will start implementing strict Quarantine protocols in major urban cities, and any dissenters and individuals who do not follow the rules of Quarantine and social distancing protocols would be reprimanded twice and a thousand fold.

The extremity on the measures the government is taking is a response on the numbers of case-death ratio, which is one of the highest in the world. Roaming Hospitals are now beginning mass testing in the area, asylums and mental institutions are give more funding, while the more superstitious organizations started acts of harsh penitence and rituals of self-immolation in the provincial areas of El Haluf, as it is seen that the virus is a punishment sent from the Blood Moon itself.

General Vincent Moreno's Trial!

The wide avenues of Victoria Highway was empty, save for the thousands of people that are standing in the sidewalks, eagerly waiting for the terrible man that led a militia army to terrorize the Mexican regions, and made rapine the towns and claimed people as slaves and their lives as sport.

He walked out from the iron doors of Castle Montecasino naked and bruised, and shackles on his limbs limitting his movement, and he is marked with a scarlet letter "A" on his chest: the insignia of a man who is beyond repentance. As he made the Walk of Shame into the Kastila de Retendor where he will be tried by the Court of Justice, he was thrown eggs, rotten vegetables, and even harder objects like animal flesh and fat. Curses were shouted, wishing for his death and other more foul and creative language was said by the populace. 45 minutes, General Moreno walked the street naked, and 45 minutes he wept on public, but he was given no respite. He walked onward.

After arriving to the public plaza where, in the balcony of the Kastila the Court of Justice is located, they made a hasty trial against Moreno. He was guilty for murder, genocide, drug and human trafficking, sodomy, pedophilia, ennacting slavery, and profiteering in the black market. He is sentenced for an entire month of social isolation, before he is given torture through Scaphism, only known as "The Boats."

Moreno can only lower his head in horror in the fate that is about to befall unto him as he is dragged by guards put inside a carriage where he will be locked in a dungeon for an entire month. The torture ordeal will be televised when it happens. Until then, we'll keep you posted.

Das deutsches vaterland

Kingdom of the united

The Economic Plan

Despite being independent from the rule of its European masters for about 5 years, the economy of Kenya was seemingly not existent. Almost never ending civil wars and coups had destroyed any infrastructure the country had. Its cities lay in ruins, farmland destroyed and mineral deposits and mines looted and left in ruins. At the moment, Kenya was among one of the poorest nations in the world. In order to achieve his goal of transforming Kenya into the next world superpower, Jonas Abebe and his new staff planning to implement a massive economic plan to truly transform Kenya into the power it should be.

Agriculture Reforms

Agriculture was by far the biggest part of the economy before independence. Arable land covers 10% of Kenya. All arable land will be covered, with Tea, Coffee and Corn being the primary grown crops. Coconuts, pineapples, cashews, cotton, sugarcane, and sisal will all be grown and available for export as well. The majority of crops will be grown on a series of plantations, in order to provide work for the population. Smaller crops like coconuts and pineapples will be grown on smaller farms. Families will be allowed to grow crops for subsistence, however they must give up a quarter of their crops for sale to the population.

Livestock also takes a huge part in Kenyan agriculture. Cattle, pigs, sheeps, goats, poultry and camels are the main livestock. All are used as either draft animals or for food and dairy. Like the crops, the majority of animals will live on already existing crop plantations or special animal farms. Animals will be allowed to live on subsistence farms as well, albeit with the same conditions as subsistence crops.

Industrial Renewal

In order to spur further agriculture production, food processing industries are needed. These industries will process various crops into further agricultural products. This is where the cities of Kenya will contribute.

In Nairobi, grain milling will take center stage. All grain will be sent to the Kenyan capital and from there, will be turned into flour or exported as is. There is also an underlying idea behind this, as it is hoped that the excess flour going to the population will spur a rush of citizen run businesses like bakeries. Beer production is also expected to rise, due to the vast amounts of corn and grain available.

In Mombasa, sugarcane crushing will be the main industry. Mills are being constructed to produce both brown and white sugar. In addition to the sugar industry, Mombasa’s ports are being expanded to include over 100 merchant ships at any one time. All trade traffic will flow through the city and its ports, and be pushed inland. As such, numerous new federally recognized trading companies have been set up, to establish more jobs and add competition to the economic landscape.

Smaller versions of all these industries will also be prevalent in Kisumu, along with a port to fuel inland trade with its neighboring countries. Kisumu will also be home to the majority of animal processing plants, with all animals available for export and animal products will be shipped before exportation.

Minerals and Mines

Unlike much of Africa, Kenya does not have abundant mineral reserves. Of the minerals Kenya possesses, Soda Ash and Niobium are the most abundant. Soda ash is primarily used in the production of glass, and it can purify air and water. Niobium is used as alloys in Steel, proving useful to the Kenyan armed forces.

Soda Ash production around Lake Magadi has significantly increased, with it now carrying the responsibility of being the most important/exported mineral from Kenya.

Several new Niobium mines have been built, each charged with either export matters or keeping the Niobium for Kenyan use.

The other available minerals like gold and fossil fuels will be kept for Kenyan use.

I strongly urge every citizen to vote against this obstruction of our system!

The swan coastal plain

Shakedown in the Sahara
Emperor Habré sat back in his chair, gazing over the map in front of him, depicting the northern region of the country, its towns, bases and enemy encampments. As he looked, his Vizier Hassan Arabana outlined the situation for him.

"The Bedouins caught our garrisons off guard, occupying two towns, including our armoury at Faya Largeau before we could organise our response. Right now, they're sieging out the town of Fada, our last remaining outpost in the Sahara about 900km from here. To liberate it, we'd need to make the march there within three days and clear out the Bedouins, then march hundreds of kilometres across the desert through Bedouin lands where we'd doubtlessly be ambushed, then liberate both towns and execute the ringleader."

The Emperor looked up and simply said, "Then that's what we shall do. Dispatch a brigade of cameleers, two brigades of infantry and a brigade of camel artillery to Fada, tell them to march fast enough to arrive within two days."

And so, the brigades left that afternoon, marching through the night and sleeping in shifts to maximise marching time. This all paid off as they arrived near Fada after only two days of marching. As most of the soldiers set about establishing camp, scouts were dispatched to a tall sand dune with a view of the town, as well as the Bedouin siege encampment. When the scouts returned, the commanding officer, Colonel Mzumbe set about establishing a battle plan for the next day, outlined below.

Artillery, towed from N'Djamena by camel, would be set up on the dune used by the scouts, raining explosives onto the camp. Below them, a division of infantry would be set up, hidden behind a smaller dune to ambush the camel or infantry charge the Colonel expected would happen when the Bedouins realised they were under attack. As the artillery drew out enemy forces, the cameleers and the second infantry division would charge into the enemy camp from the side, clearing it out and forcing a rout. Mzumbe, satisfied with his plan, issued orders for the next morning to his underlings, then retired to his camp to prepare for the next morning.

As the first rays of sun began to bake the sands of the Sahara, the artillery was towed up the dune and began to open fire, the explosions carrying for miles across the desert, signalling the start of battle.

Address to the Region


Start of a new era
After the Kallio Government had stabilized the country (reorganized the army, opened the embassy program, alliance with USSR, economy and education reforms) the Cabinet held a meeting on the Scandinavian Union project. Finnish, Swedish and Icelander politicians came up with the idea of a unified Scandinavia back in the early 1900s, but it never happened due to the Russian Empire. Now, that all of the Scandinavian nations are independent the project became possible.
The Kallio Cabinet invited Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and Icelander officials to present the Scandinavian Union idea. Some of them were very supportive, some of them not really. Iceland, Denmark and Sweden agreed that this Union is needed, especially nowadays when imperialistic nations are getting more and more powerful.
The entire meeting was 7 hours long with 4 breaks. All of the possibilities and concerns were brought up, the pros and cons of the Union. After the meeting, there was a ceremonial dinner with the delegations.
The results? The Danish and Icelander delegation told that both of their countries are ready would be pleased to join the Union. In Sweden they will hold a referendum on joining. The Norwegians refused to join any kind of Union saying "remaining independent and neutral" is the most important for the Norwegian people.

America JB and Das deutsches vaterland

Embassies and Trade Established with the Republic of Finland

Tag: Omnise

Catherine Sinclair, reinstated Minister of Foreign Affairs for El Haluf, set sail once more with a fleet as she is aboard the DNV Jamaica, one of the two Antilles-Class Light Cruisers that are en route together with escorts and transport ships as part of a diplomatic campaign for the Republic of Finland by establishing Embassies between the two nations and selling the two light cruisers as part of a trade deal between El Haluf and Finland.

Additionally, aboard the transport ships that are sailing together with this fleet are 600 sailors who would train the Finnish Navy with modern naval doctrine as well as the latest trends in naval logistics, such as the advancement of hydroacoustics and the usage of catapult fighters for Reconnaissance.



Finland Daily News - Suomen Päivittäiset Uutiset 2020/7/17

The Parliament has voted the Education Reform Act II legislation which will make schools from age 6 to 15 mandatory for everyone. The Minister of Education has also prepared a new legislation called Minority Education Act which will grant the Swedish and Russian minorities the possibility of opening schools with Swedish and Russian teaching language.
The Helsinki Orchestra would like to invite orchestras from all around the world to participate in the 1922 International Orchestra Event in Helsinki. In the event the orchestras can show do their best and bring prestige to their countries.
President Ståhlberg has signed Executive Order I, which mandates all unemployed citizens to do Public Work. In practice, all unemployed people will have to register for public work at the nearest Ministry of Social Affairs department. They will be rewarded with a monthly 500 Finnish Markkas which is enough for housing, medicine, food and other basic needs. Those who are registered as unemployed people will be put on a queue, and the MoSa will search a suitable workplace for them according to their skills, education, age and location. This program involves around 150 000 people.
The Minister of Agriculture, Juho Sunila has reported that the crop yields are at record-high. The overall Finnish 6 month agricultural production peaks at 1 million tons. Last year the yearly production was 1,8 million tons, the farmers are expecting at least 1,9 million tons.
The Minister of Finance released the national budget for 1922 which which is 6.8 billion Finnish markka. Total expenditure is 6.5 billion Finnish markka.
The Minister of Trade and Industry Erkki Pullinen has signed a contract with Singaporean officials to ship 50 tons of coffee to Finland. He said „Coffee will not be a luxury product in Finland anymore. Everyone will be able to buy it and enjoy it. We will increase the life conditions of the average Finnish people. Also, this is a great deal for the Government because we can generate a little income for the National Treasury.
International Relations
The Ministry of Defence had ordered one Bismarck Class Dreadnought for 3,1 million USD as a sign of goodwill from Finland to Germany. However, the German Empire told us that as a sign of goodwill from them, we will be given five Bismarck Class Dreadnought for free! This is a truly great deal for Finland. Now, we will be able to fully secure the Baltic Sea and won’t rely partially on Soviet ships.
Statement from Prime Minister Kyösti Kallio:
„This is great news. We misjudged the German Empire. I would like to thank Germany for this generous offer in the name of Finland and the Finnish people. I would like to invite the Kaiser for a meeting to Helsinki. It would be a true game-changing moment in the German-Finnish relations.”
Statement from Minister of Defense Bruno Jalander:
„These are big ships. And very powerful. This is a huge upgrade for the Finnish Navy, but also a challenge. We will have to somewhere store those ships, we will need crew to operate them and we will have to maintain them. We are going to have further talks with German officials about possible training program for our Navy cadets.”
The manufacturing of the Finnish-built VR-1 light tank has officially begun in our Oulu plant. Between 70 and 80 tanks are going to be built monthly in Oulu, but we are planning to construct one more tank plant. Artillery, machine gun and airplane research is progress too.
The military manufacturing will be conducted by one national corporation, the Finland State Armament and Machinery Company.

Das deutsches vaterland

Omnise wrote:Start of a new era
After the Kallio Government had stabilized the country (reorganized the army, opened the embassy program, alliance with USSR, economy and education reforms) the Cabinet held a meeting on the Scandinavian Union project. Finnish, Swedish and Icelander politicians came up with the idea of a unified Scandinavia back in the early 1900s, but it never happened due to the Russian Empire. Now, that all of the Scandinavian nations are independent the project became possible.
The Kallio Cabinet invited Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and Icelander officials to present the Scandinavian Union idea. Some of them were very supportive, some of them not really. Iceland, Denmark and Sweden agreed that this Union is needed, especially nowadays when imperialistic nations are getting more and more powerful.
The entire meeting was 7 hours long with 4 breaks. All of the possibilities and concerns were brought up, the pros and cons of the Union. After the meeting, there was a ceremonial dinner with the delegations.
The results? The Danish and Icelander delegation told that both of their countries are ready would be pleased to join the Union. In Sweden they will hold a referendum on joining. The Norwegians refused to join any kind of Union saying "remaining independent and neutral" is the most important for the Norwegian people.


While those in the Danish, Swedish and Icelandic government were quite in favor of an economic union, noting the substantial growth of competing European Nations - a substantial amount of its populace were not. Protests erupted across the country, especially in areas made up by the working class, farmers, and miners. Additionally - the movement saw heavy backing by both nationalist and communist parties in the respective regions. An odd partnership, that regardless saw major backing from the non-middle class/elite population. On July 15th, as the Danish meeting concluded and it was announced that Denmark would join the Finnish union - massive protests broke out across the country. In the capital city of Copenhagen, a coup d'etat took place under the command of the communist party. It was widely supported by the workers but not by the military nor the government. Mogens Fog, one of the head leaders of the Danish Communist Party declared the Danish Peoples Republic.

The following morning, Danish military forces responded by besieging and attempting entry into Copenhagen. This failed, and they were forced back by major civilian resistance. The Danish entry into the Finnish union could go disastrously wrong if the Finns don't intervene.

Oh - and Iceland accepted the alliance without descending into civil war.

The Danish Crisis
1st August - Upon hearing the events in Denmark, Prime Minister Kyösti Kallio immediately called Minister of Defense Bruno Jalander. "Resolve the situation with the least civilian casualties. I don't want to start this Union with killing innocent people." said the PM and ordered Mr. Jalander to command an offensive operation to take back Copenhagen.
A couple hours later Minister Jalander called the Generals of the branches of the Army, Air Force and Navy for a meeting. They agreed on directing forces from the Helsinki Division because of logistical purposes. The 14th Infantry Division, 1st Armored Battalion and the 8th Artillery Battalion had been commanded to Denmark. The forces were transported via the Navy's battleships and logistical ships.
3rd August - The forces reached the Danish coasts, two zones had been marked as places for landing. Mosede and Sovang were the two parts of Copenhagen where our forces begun the deployment. A pair of allied Danish reconnaissance planes reported the locations of enemy rebel forces. There were two rebel armies which were not stationed in a crowded place, so the Artillery Battalion started shelling enemy forces in open areas with the 150mm towed field guns. Infantry and armored forces started securing parts of Copenhagen.
4th August - After 9 hours of constant shelling, our artillery was ordered to stop because of allied forces' proximity. By noon, the Amager Ost, Vanlose, Bronshoj and Kobenhavn NV districts were under our control. The partisans managed to kill 98 Finnish soldiers and wound 196. Mines and secret explosives were the greatest threat to marching columns. Sometimes partisans built machine gun nests on the streets so our tanks had to literally crush them. We've managed to neutralize 590 partisans until the end of the day.
5th August - The rebels put themselves into a defensive stance in the city center. If our forces had started an offensive, it would have caused hundreds of Finnish casualties, so we ordered the artillery to strike the town center with fire and fury. The once great Copenhagen town center became a land of destruction and the cemetery of hundreds of communist partisans. Our forces managed to take over the city in three days, suffering 165 casualties and 470 wounded soldiers. After the victory the Finnish forces flooded local pubs, enjoyed the triumph with vodka and some Säkkijärven polkka.
6th August - We've left a small contingent in the city for safety reasons, the rest of the soldiers were brought back home. Other smaller communist rebellions were reported in Denmark but those were quelled by local police and military forces. The Finnish flag was raised on the tower of the Copenhagen City Hall - there is no official flag for the Scandinavian Union yet.

President Juho Ståhlberg's speech on the events:
"Communism won't dominate in Finland. We have experienced last week what communism is capable of. We shouldn't let the red terror reach the Finnish people's hearts and minds. As an Executive Order, I'm banning all Communist newspapers, events and organizations in Finland. We will stay with our national values. Finland will be forever the land of the Finnish people! Hail your army for protecting your homeland and hail your leaders!"
The crowd: "Hail Ståhlberg!!!"

Finland Daily News - Suomen Päivittäiset Uutiset (2020/7/18)
The 1922 International Orchestra Event in Helsinki was postponed to December due to the possible threat of Memovirus. The Helsinki Opera's official statement:
"Ladies and Gentlemen,
At the order of the Ministry of Interior we must postpone the 1922 International Orchestra Event in Helsinki due to the Memovirus pandemic. The Ministry's concern was the possibility, that foreign musicians might be infected with the virus and this could lead to an eruption of cases in Finland. The new date is December 20th but this is subject to change."

Healthcare officials do not recommend travelling to the following countries:
Malacca-Singapore, Neo-Mughal Empire and El Haluf. If you happen to travel to these countries, you should wear a face cover in crowded areas (piece of cloth for example). Currently there is no registered Memovirus case in Finland.
After the President's Executive Order regarding unemployed people, 156,000 citizens are mandated to work on national projects for food and payment. The program works, and the new Helsinki-Sodankylä railroad's construction has begun on time. The 870 kilometer railroad will be the first double-track railway to the Northern regions of Finland. It is expected to be finished between April and May 1923. This railway will let people travel much faster to northern regions, boost the economy and trade (especially fur trade) and the military will have a solid logistics line. 40,000 people will work on the project from the Unemployed Program. with Additional 3,000 experts and experienced workers.
The Singapore Coffee deal's first 50 ton shipment has arrived and mass distribution will begin in the following days. The coffee will be sold on a bit higher price, but 90% of Finnish people will be able to purchase it. The slogan: "Drink coffee, get more work done!"
The military has successfully quelled the communist rebellion in Denmark, and is ready to respond to other rebellions as well. "We're on a high alert. Transition to another system is not easy, but we want it to be peaceful" said Minister of Interior Vilkku Joukahainen.
After the recent rebellions, President Juho Ståhlberg ordered the creation of the National White Guard (nationalist-fascist paramilitary group).
"The National White Guard will serve the people's needs. It will do humanitarian service, distribute food, medicine and other products. It will help the military and the police. It will protect the Homeland when needed. The NWG will have centers in all larger towns, recruitment is open between ages 16-45
In the first month of recruitment, 163 000 men and women joined the National White Guards. The slogan is "One nation, one Finland, one Leader" and "Heil Ståhlberg". The President's approval rating is skyrocketing at 86%, while the socialist government's rating is only at 58%.


Matt Land has won the July Tennis Open

Matt laand 3

Total teams: 16
Most Championships:
Cutroajan Sharks (3 Titles)

Welcome to the Regional League Baseball (RLB)
In this league there shall be two conferences, containing eight teams each with a total of one-hundred and seventy-six games being played in the regular season. The top four teams in each conference will make the playoffs, with the winners of the conference championship series heading to the world series as the best teams in their respective conferences. The playoffs will start at the divisional series, then the conference championship series and finally the world series.
Check out the LinkLeague Song.

Each game in the League will be decided through an official league simulator each season. In the Regional League Baseball there shall be a limit of sixteen total teams, with teams being evenly distributed into two separate divisions. If a member nation of The Democratic Republic, leaves the region then either their team shall be transferred to a new player or will be an independent team until transferred to other player.

Regional League Baseball

League Information-
LinkStandings & Matches | LinkPlayoffs

Western Conference


Eastern Conference


Past Champions

Team Name

World Series Titles

Conference Titles

Matt Land

Seasons ....

Seasons ....


Seasons ....

Seasons ....

Orca Islands

Seasons 8

Seasons 8

Capital AL

Seasons 3, 5

Seasons 3, 5

America JB

Seasons 1

Seasons 1, 2


Seasons ....

Seasons 9


Seasons 4, 6, 7

Seasons 4, 6, 7


Seasons ....

Seasons ....





Seasons ....

Seasons 8


Seasons ....

Seasons 5, 6


Seasons 9

Seasons 9

Soap SBL

Seasons ....

Seasons ....


Seasons ....

Seasons 7


Seasons ....

Seasons ....


Seasons ....

Seasons 4

Porto Verde

Seasons 2

Seasons 1, 2, 3

Teams rivalries-
Teams that are competitive against each other and face each other in the post season on a fairly regular basis. Teams that also fight against each other for the divisional crown on a regular basis. A team can only have one real rival. Rivalries may change.
America JB VS Capital AL
Valator VS Porto Verde
Orca Islands VS Matt Land
Jac27 VS Tarkna
Vitsipan VS Cutroajan
Timjoa VS Soap SBL
Amacoly VS Huron
Myriadiak VS Flixar

Read factbook

Season 100 of the Regional League Baseball starts tomorrow

Realizing that in this modern world, the pirate Sultanate cannot survive on piracy on the high seas for longer- it is believed that it will die out by 1932, Morocco must look to the future. Every province with 10,000 people, or a Kata has a factory sanctioned to be built there, in order to be able to employ 1/10th of the population.

One school is sanctioned for every 2500 people, as well as one hospital for every 5000. This is excpected to be completed by 1925, allowing for a smooth transition from its piracy to the modern era. Public works projects on roads are proposed, but due to the debt that would be accumulated they will start by 2030.

The pirate sultanate of Morocco however will not stop its piracy offers, and again advertises its services.


Bringing You The Latest News in the Dominion

Mexicans Flock to the Banner of El Haluf!

After the defeat of the tyrant General Moreno at the hands of our glorious forces of Dominion Guards in the Mexican Protectorate, led by its Vicemarshall Miguel Salazar, former towns, villages, and cities have begun sending emissaries and representatives of their own to Mexico City and begun swearing allegiance to El Haluf, either motivated with triumph as the largest warlord of the broken Trevian Republic was defeated by the Dominions, or through apprehension as they fear that if they do not submit, then they might be the next target on the cross hairs of El Haluf's targets.

The IOP Under Lockdown!

A huge spike of individuals who contracted, as well as died, while suffering under complications of created by the Memeovirus led Alcadazar Quint, Vicemarshall of the Indian Oceans Protectorate, to put Ceylon under Lockdown, and implored the entirety of his domain to follow strict Quarantine procedures and social distancing protocols.

Ceylon has the highest recorded amount of cases and deaths in El Haluf. As such, it is only vital that the local government has enacted stricter measures to ensure that the spread of the disease is limited. Meanwhile in Curacao where the headquarters of Weapons X is located, Scientists are still on the process of creating a more potent and desirable cure for the disease.

Just a Little Something Something

Finally the request from Field Marshalls Farouk Salah al-Din’s request has been approved. With funds to Egypt starting to end the new funds and centers of industry are available for the expansion of the national industry. The new factories in Egypt have already started to show their promise using the power of the Nile Delta as their source of power. Literal tons of steel have started to be pumped out being fed by the iron and mineral reserves of the Middle East. The steel being produced here has already started to be pushed into service from anything from construction of further factories in the Nile and Mesopotamian areas to basic units of metal to be processed into commercial use. These factories will be what helps push Mashriq into the modern age.

New projects are being spurred on by the government as well, namely the changing of some sectors of industry. The textile industry has been huge in the Middle East for centuries and nowadays seems mostly useless in the face of further industrialization of the region. As such a new law was created, a “licensing” law for the sale of textile products. In all honestly the law was created to be difficult for smaller home textile workshops to stay in business forcing a larger pool of unemployment. However, if these smaller businesses are guaranteed a three months of welfare benefits and offered a job into the new growing industrial sector, after the three months are over they will no longer receive the welfare benefits. Naturally this causes some outrage among people of extreme rural areas, yet that will be taken care of in the near future by the government.

Besides the heart breaking shutdown of dated industries to help build the modern industries, there is a major project at hand in the construction of the Middle East’s first conventional hydro powered dam. The Kalak Dam will be a 113 m tall and 3.4 km long earth-fill embankment type with a clay core. The width of the crest is 10 m. At an elevation of 330 m above sea level, the reservoir, named Lake Zab, withholds 11,100,000,000 m3 of water. Of that capacity 8,100,000,000 m3 is active and 2,950,000,000 m3 is inactive (dead) storage. On the east side of the dam is the service spillway which is controlled by five radial gates and has a maximum discharge capacity of 13,000 m3/s. Further to the east is a fuse-plug-controlled emergency spillway with a 4,000 m3/s capacity. At the toe of the dam on its west side is the main hydroelectric power station. It contains four 187.5 MW Francis turbine generators for an installed capacity of 750 MW. Behind the power station are four surge tanks. Downstream of the dam is the Mosul regulation dam, which serves to regulate the tail-waters of the main dam but to generate electricity as well. The hydroelectric plant has an installed capacity of 62 MW with four 15.5 MW Kaplan turbine generators. Immediately upstream of the dam is the 240 MW pumped storage power station. It serves as a peaking power station by pumping water to a small reservoir above Lake Zab, storing it, then releasing the water back down to two 120 reversible Francis turbines during peak energy usage. The entire Kalak multi-purpose project is projected to have an installed capacity of 1,052 MW bringing a much needed sense of modernization to the Mesopotamian and help shorten the unemployment gap in that rural area.

When people look at the Middle East they don't see a worthy military power as compared to European or other Western nations; however, they can not be further from the truth. The Middle East has been the center of warfare for centuries and have just simply lacked the required amount of supplies to stay ahead in the military race; however, with the new progress made by Mashriq this gap is about to drastically change. Due to being part of a large front during the Great War Mashriq has witnessed first hand tactics and strategies from just about every great power in the war along with having an arsenal of mixed amount of German, British, French, and Turkish weapons not even including the small amount of Russian, Austrian, and US weapons captured or loaned to/from named above powers. This has created a logistical nightmare in the current Mashriq military, but at the same time has created a unique template for Mashriq to start to create its own domestic arsenal. Due to Field Marshalls Farouk Salah al-Din’s request finally being approved many different individual projects have started to appear from the ground up. With the support of the new industries and the allocated funds to the military a whole new fighting force the world has never seen may be just over the horizon.

~“Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds will have gardens beneath which rivers flow that is a great attainment | Surah al-Buruj 85:11”~

Minister of Defense Bruno Jalander's speech - Suomi 1 Radio station
"Ladies and Gentlemen,
We're living hard times. The nation has never been as polarized as now. The first side is the nationalists or even fascists, the other side is the left wing socialists. As a man of war, I'm not taking sides. I'm on the side of Finland. I urge the nations to put aside our differences and try to work on solutions to our problems. We are a strong nation, and we can't lose this trait."

Yesterday a terrible event happened. A group of radical fascists attacked the Prime Minister's home while he was leaving his car with two of the Ministers. The five attackers opened fire at the Prime Minister and his car. The Palace Guards immediately started shooting at the attackers. After 8 minutes of firefight on the streets, the Military Police has arrived and neutralized the targets. One of them survived the firefight, and was taken to the nearest police station for investigation. He confessed that they were members of the National White Guards, and that the President ordered the attack. The law enforcement officials were shocked.... After the investigation an order came from the Minister of Interior to execute the remaining attacker.

The President denied all the conspiracies saying "I'm serving the Finnish people, why would I murder their Head of the Government?"
The Prime Minister received three bullets. One in his left arm, one into his chest and the last one to his neck. He died at 11:45 in an ambulance while on route to the Helsinki Central Hospital.

Jalander continued: "I was nominated to be Acting Prime Minister until 1924. I will not let us descend into a civil war. The Soviets and other communist allied forces are waiting eagerly on the border. If any other aggressive incident is conducted by the National White Guard, it will be designated as the enemy of the Finnish State and the Finnish Defense Force will deal with them. For the sake of national stability and peace I urge the National White Guard to accept that Finland is an ideologically diverse country. I’m inviting the President to the Prime Minister’s Palace, to talk about the future of Finland.

A three day long national mourning for Prime Minister Kallio was declared.

Finland Daily News - Suomen Päivittäiset Uutiset (2020/7/19)
“There is still no registered Memovirus case in Finland” said the Minister of Interior in his press conference on the Memovirus pandemic. “We’re making decisions, very tough decisions actually. This virus is a very deadly one. We can’t let it inside Finland. Currently there are no travel restrictions, but this might change. The list of countries which are considered unsafe stayed the same: Malacca-Singapore, Neo-Mughal Empire and El Haluf. We are not sure yet about letting the Singaporean soldiers into the territory of Finland. There is a high chance that they might be infected, or at least some of them.”
The government suggests not visiting foreign countries and crowded places. Use face cover if you travel to an unsafe foreign country.
The integration of Iceland and Denmark to the Scandinavian Union is going well. The Finnish markka as currency was established in both nations. The Finnish laws and Constitution will be soon adopted. The Danish Armed Forces are going to be integrated into the Finnish Defense Forces. Iceland has no army so we will have to dispatch an infantry regiment over there. Mass recruitment will start soon. We’re expecting that the army will reach 300,000 in number of trained professional troops.
The Helsinki-Sodankylä railroad’s construction is going well. We’re expecting no postponements, the railroad will open in time. The Government’s preparing to purchase locomotives and various carriages from Germany, with their respective licenses so we will be able to produce them in Finland later.
The steelworker’s union demands higher payments, as they stated it in an open letter to the Acting Prime Minister. The Finnish Economy is growing very well, pays are increasing as well, however steelworkers haven’t received a salary increase yet. “We think this is unfair. Steel for Finland is really important, especially for the arms manufacturing industry. If we want good weapons, we need steel. If you need steel, we need money.” – said Henrik Rantala, the Chairman of the Steelworkers’ Union. Minister of Finance Risto Ryti was tasked to allocate 6 million Finnish markkas for the raise.
The fur industry experienced a huge boom since the announcement of the Helsinki-Sodankylä railroad. Several new companies were established and hundreds of fur maker and hunter lodges are being built in the Northern territories. The fur industry has a potential of making 20 to 50 million Finnish markkas every year.
Reconstruction of Copenhagen has been started. It will take around 4-6 months to demolish buildings, clear the rubble and reconstruct the old town. “We do not regret the shelling of Copenhagen. It was a good idea, we saved a lot of lives with it.” – said Major General Kimmo Junnila of the Finnish Army.
The Finnish Defense forces are put on high alert due to recent national events. The National White Guards’ number of members reached 200,000 but only 50,000 of those men are well trained and armed. The number of members is expected to drop, the President’s approval rating decreased drastically after the assassination of the Prime Minister. The pro-democratic government’s approval rating rapidly increased.
The fascist front demoralized upon hearing that thousands of Soviet and Singaporean troops are waiting on the borders. Rebellions and deserting became very common in the lines of the National White Guards.
Approximately 60% of the Finnish people stand strongly with the Government. There were several protests against the President, his agenda and the NWG. Strangely, the NWG didn’t counter-protest. A chance of a civil war has decreased because of the moral loss of the fascist movement, however we never know what the President will order.

Das deutsches vaterland

The swan coastal plain wrote:Shakedown in the Sahara
Emperor Habré sat back in his chair, gazing over the map in front of him, depicting the northern region of the country, its towns, bases and enemy encampments. As he looked, his Vizier Hassan Arabana outlined the situation for him.

"The Bedouins caught our garrisons off guard, occupying two towns, including our armoury at Faya Largeau before we could organise our response. Right now, they're sieging out the town of Fada, our last remaining outpost in the Sahara about 900km from here. To liberate it, we'd need to make the march there within three days and clear out the Bedouins, then march hundreds of kilometres across the desert through Bedouin lands where we'd doubtlessly be ambushed, then liberate both towns and execute the ringleader."

The Emperor looked up and simply said, "Then that's what we shall do. Dispatch a brigade of cameleers, two brigades of infantry and a brigade of camel artillery to Fada, tell them to march fast enough to arrive within two days."

And so, the brigades left that afternoon, marching through the night and sleeping in shifts to maximise marching time. This all paid off as they arrived near Fada after only two days of marching. As most of the soldiers set about establishing camp, scouts were dispatched to a tall sand dune with a view of the town, as well as the Bedouin siege encampment. When the scouts returned, the commanding officer, Colonel Mzumbe set about establishing a battle plan for the next day, outlined below.

Artillery, towed from N'Djamena by camel, would be set up on the dune used by the scouts, raining explosives onto the camp. Below them, a division of infantry would be set up, hidden behind a smaller dune to ambush the camel or infantry charge the Colonel expected would happen when the Bedouins realised they were under attack. As the artillery drew out enemy forces, the cameleers and the second infantry division would charge into the enemy camp from the side, clearing it out and forcing a rout. Mzumbe, satisfied with his plan, issued orders for the next morning to his underlings, then retired to his camp to prepare for the next morning.

As the first rays of sun began to bake the sands of the Sahara, the artillery was towed up the dune and began to open fire, the explosions carrying for miles across the desert, signalling the start of battle.

[NPC Response]

Rather surprisingly - the Bedouins returned fire. Unbeknownst to the Emperor's forces - the Bedouins had their own detachment of field guns and artillery along with a small detachment of horse cavalry - using Spanish horses. They artillery returned fire on the Chad positions but it paled in comparison to the show of force that Chad had brought upon them and although it shook the command structure, the Bedouin artillery was quickly silenced. While the Chad forces were focused on the enemy encampment - they noticed a large cloud of dust spawning to their right flank. Little did they know - Bedouin cavalry was charging them with over 200 soldiers on horses.

(Sorry for the short NPC post but I'm lacking in terms of info)

Memoavirus New Cases Report
El Haluf: 6860
America JB: 689
Vandalia: 686
Spain: 300
Greece: 599
Serbia: 3600
Italy: 60
Mashriq Dawlah Islāmiyyah: 3000
USSR: 3600
Neo-Mughal Empire: 19500
Malacca-Singapore: 120000
Caucus Union:37
Chad: 60
Germany: 200

New Deaths:
El Haluf: 7000
America JB: 29
Vandalia: 4
Spain: 85
Greece: 306
Serbia: 875
Mashriq Dawlah Islāmiyyah: 347
USSR: 5000
Neo-Mughal Empire: 10000
Malacca-Singapore: 50 000
Caucuses Union: 3
Kenya: 8
Chad: 50
Italy: 21
Finland: 157
Germany: 30

I am running for Consul

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