by Max Barry

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1234. . .910»

Post self-deleted by Cuttle.

Wighting about.

Wanton disregard, Von Clausewitz, Golden fur, New boxi, and 5 othersFederalist papers, Crumpet, Cuttle, As it was, and Hurt by altruism

Post self-deleted by Crumpet.

Post self-deleted by Cuttle.

Yes the Danish are only welcome on a platter in lieu of the superior baked goods.

Wanton disregard, Von Clausewitz, Crack, Golden fur, and 7 othersNew boxi, Federalist papers, Crumpet, Cuttle, Freiherr, As it was, and Hurt by altruism

Post self-deleted by Turbaio.

We enjoy the influx of embassies, and nations to our little corner of paradise! Welcome!

Wanton disregard, Von Clausewitz, Crack, Golden fur, and 5 othersNew boxi, Federalist papers, Freiherr, As it was, and Hurt by altruism

For anyone reading this who has never been, Isle of Wight is so much fun! Take the hovercraft ferry from the Mainland, because when else will you rise a Hovercraft? The kayaking is super, with the chalky rocks looking a bit like pointed icebergs! And the people are great as well! If you have never been you really should try it out! Will not disappoint! And the beaches....

Alpha wolf, Wanton disregard, Von Clausewitz, Arch Bishop, and 7 othersCrack, Golden fur, New boxi, Federalist papers, Freiherr, As it was, and Hurt by altruism

The united federation of amestris

The Wolf Clan

To everyone in this region interested, over in TWC, we are hosting a war games competition. Please notify me by Telegram by Saturday if you are interested in joining.

Wanton disregard, Turbaio, Arch Bishop, Crack, and 6 othersTrembling aspen, Golden fur, New boxi, Federalist papers, Freiherr, and As it was

Tresspassers should leave now or you will be booted soon.

Wolfhogg, Turbaio, Arch Bishop, Corsairs, and 4 othersCrack, Trembling aspen, Golden fur, and Freiherr

Apologies for CTE, a clutch of infants got in I see...

Wolfhogg, Alpha wolf, Adesiem, Arch Bishop, and 7 othersCorsairs, Crack, Trembling aspen, Golden fur, Federalist papers, Freiherr, and Hurt by altruism

Turbaio wrote:Apologies for CTE, a clutch of infants got in I see...

It's all good.

Turbaio, Arch Bishop, Corsairs, Crack, and 6 othersApostate, Trembling aspen, Golden fur, Federalist papers, Freiherr, and Hurt by altruism

Shakes furry gold everywhere

Turbaio, Corsairs, Crack, Apostate, and 5 othersTrembling aspen, Federalist papers, Freiherr, As it was, and Hurt by altruism

As it was...

Alpha wolf, Turbaio, Von Clausewitz, Corsairs, and 6 othersCrack, Apostate, Golden fur, Federalist papers, Freiherr, and Hurt by altruism

We have ourselves a very slow RMB here do we not?

Alpha wolf, Von Clausewitz, Corsairs, Apostate, and 4 othersGolden fur, Federalist papers, Freiherr, and Hurt by altruism


Alpha wolf, Corsairs, Apostate, Golden fur, and 3 othersFederalist papers, Consort, and Hurt by altruism

Charmingly so.

Corsairs, Apostate, Federalist papers, Freiherr, and 2 othersConsort, and Hurt by altruism

Federalist papers

Beautiful in its simplicity!

Alpha wolf, Corsairs, Apostate, Crumpet, and 3 othersFreiherr, Consort, and Hurt by altruism

Federalist papers wrote:Beautiful in its simplicity!

Yes, yes it is

Corsairs, Apostate, Trembling aspen, Federalist papers, and 4 othersCrumpet, Freiherr, Consort, and Hurt by altruism

I am Freiherr. No one else is.

Turbaio, Corsairs, Apostate, Trembling aspen, and 4 othersFederalist papers, Crumpet, Consort, and Hurt by altruism

Hurt by altruism

Indeed, tis true. There are many like you, but you are the only true Freiherr.

Turbaio, Corsairs, Apostate, Trembling aspen, and 4 othersFederalist papers, Crumpet, Freiherr, and Consort

The Isle of Wight is such a beautiful place to visit!

Turbaio, Corsairs, Trembling aspen, Federalist papers, and 1 otherEripolis

Crumpet wrote:The Isle of Wight is such a beautiful place to visit!

It is!

Turbaio, Corsairs, Trembling aspen, and Federalist papers


Congratulations on being featured, friends! :D :D :D

Congratulations On Being Featured, Turbaio, Von Clausewitz, Corsairs, and 3 othersTrembling aspen, -Allemeine, and Federalist papers

Birthday cake herby

Beep beep! Congrats on being the featured region of the day! Anyone for some cake?

Turbaio, Von Clausewitz, Corsairs, Trembling aspen, and 3 others-Allemeine, Federalist papers, and Rmsboatymcboatface

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