by Max Barry

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Region: Fifth Empire

Estado novo de marcelo caetano

Atsuria wrote:We do not have one concurrently. A few ones in the past, such as ERA's "Ameno" and "The Mass", both very spiritual tunes. If you have any on your mind, let me know.

This one was proposed in the past, by a certain someone I won't mention by name. I like it and it has our region's name in it, but I fear it's not anthem-like enough. The words are said more than sang from the way I see it.

Atsuria wrote:We do not have one concurrently. A few ones in the past, such as ERA's "Ameno" and "The Mass", both very spiritual tunes. If you have any on your mind, let me know.

This one was proposed in the past, by a certain someone I won't mention by name. I like it and it has our region's name in it, but I fear it's not anthem-like enough. The words are said more than sang from the way I see it.

"Von Thronstahl - Quinto Império"
Seems perfect, it's a simple beautiful melody with the beautiful House of Kingdom of Portugal, my beloved country.. And with a touchy Poetry and sounds a lot to Fashwave, it's perfect..

P0rtvgal, Atsuria, and Neo-cuba
