by Max Barry

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Region: Thalassia

Hopal ii wrote:Sorry I was supposed to do this earlier but I haven't had access to my laptop yesterday and it doesn't let me post on the R.M.B. on mobile so here we go. Also what were the results of the vote on discord?
Yesterday Prime Minister Jerry Manion held a press conference about disaster relief from hurricane Amy while still in New Camelot of Avalonia trying to negotiate a space demilitarization treaty. In the press conference he put newly appointed Minister of Disaster Relief Kayla Libbitts in charge of the response to hurricane Amy. He said that the government of Hopal will work with the government of Grey county to track and respond to the hurricane. He also said that he will lay out a full proposal regarding the demilitarization of space soon.
Today Minister of Disaster Relief Kayla Libbitts layed out a full disaster response plan and will release a disaster recovery plan soon.
Regions Affected
Hurricane Amy will come from the west, Grey county. The hurricane will first hit the desert plains. The first remnants of the hurricane will cross the border at 9:00PM on Saturday July 4, 2020, but the eye of the hurricane will not cross until 6:00AM the next morning and by then the hurricane would have weakened to a Category 3 hurricane. There is a small possibility that it affects the grasslands to the north but this will most likely come in the form of thunderstorms. The hurricane though poses to threat to the townships of the interior valley. But just for good measure we are putting the towns of the southern valley on high alert, particularly the towns of St. Mark, Rydershorn, and Petuil Lake but if and when it does hit the southern valley the hurricane would have weakened to a Category 2 hurricane. Hurricane Amy will hit the seaside town of Lobokare on Monday July 6, 2020 at 2:00PM, and then the under construction city of Port Trede soon thereafter by then it would have strengthened to a Category 4 hurricane. But it will not hit the city of Port Hope until the next morning. After which we believe that the hurricane will turn towards the Bay of Hope and the sea. But there is a possibility that it goes over to the city of St. Francis and towns on the northern side of the Bay of Hope before going out to sea.
Evacuation and Short Term Impact
All of the regions above mentioned as on alert or in the path of the hurricane will be evacuated. There will be buses from the towns of the southern valley carrying people north to shelter in the Don Mountain Range. Flights from Port Hope, St. Francis and Lobokare will bring people to Hopton where they will shelter in nearby mountain tunnels, and buses from neighbouring towns will bring people to these cities where they will be airlifted. People will be allowed to bring 3 suitcases per person of items of significant personal value, that add up to less than 200kg, people will be able to swap suitcases for objects of the same size as long as all the items to add up to less than 200kg. People and their luggage will be screened for any weapons and any other objects banned from airplanes, if weapons are found a passenger will be refused flight and possibly even arrested, if a more minor offence is found a passenger and their luggage will be watched closely and placed in an area where they will be isolated from the rest of the plane and cannot do any harm, other than that passengers will not have to go through any of the other airport procedures. The southern border with Grey county will be closed and border guards will move to the northern border as expanded traffic is expected as people are redirected from the southern border, people are coming home after leaving because of the hurricane, people are leaving because of the hurricane, or people are going to help in the reconstruction. Anyone attempting to cross the southern border will be detected by heat sensor technology and will be shot. Trade at Port Hope will be suspended until further notice and trade with Grey county will only go through the northern border and trade through our other land borders will continue. The market of Port Hope will also be suspended until further notice as well as any other market or event. People will be given the rest of the day to board up and prepare their buildings while understanding that even if the do board up the hurricane could just knock the building just as easily as a non boarding building and that it really is a matter of chance whether your building is knocked.
Recovery and Long Term Impact
The rebuilding will take many months and come in many stages, most likely ending by early 2021. Landowners will still own their property, unless they sell it off. The government may offer to buy their property for market value and landowners will be able to be transferred to any piece of unowned land the equivalent size of their previous property. The city of Port Hope will be totally rebuilt as a much bigger metropolis and the Port will be much bigger and thus be able to hold more capacity, therefore killing the need for Port Trede. The government also plans to expand the market. The government will also rebuild homes for free. As well as build a big new library right on the water meant to be both a museum and a library, as well as being a kind of science centre, archive, community centre, and school. A big new international airport is also to be built meant to be Hopal's second hub airport even bigger than Hopton International Airport. Lobokare will also be completely rebuilt also with a new international airport and library meant to be Hopal's 4th largest city. St. Francis will be refurbished to become a resort town and will also have a new international airport. The Southern Valley and more specifically Poteuil Lake will be made as a sort of cottage/resort region with St. Mark being it's centre, that being where the new St. Mark-Southern Valley Airport will be built. The area around Poteuil Lake will be refurbished giving it this kind of old town, fishing town look. While this is all being built people will still be able to live in the mountains until their homes are finished. This is all expected to cost somewhere from $2-5 trillion, with the best estimate being $3.18 trillion. A joint fundraising campaign will be held with Grey county with half of the funds going to Grey county and half going to Hopal.
Read dispatch

The hurricane has made landfall as a catagory 5 with wind speeds over 250 mph

Nationific and Monkelandd
