by Max Barry

Latest Forum Topics



Region: The Western Isles

Shidei wrote:In my room near my window: Aloe Vera, ZZ plant, Christmas cactus, a small Firesticks plant (still a small green boi, no orange yet), and a few other miscellaneous succulents

Downstairs in living room: Pothos, Variegated Peperomia Obtusfolia, Ginseng ficus, Money Tree (pachira aquatica)

In kitchen: Umbrella plant, another Aloe, a much larger Peperomia of some kind (might be the one before? But leaves are green and dark green instead of green and ivory), kangaroo paw fern

Aquarium 1: Vallisneria, pogostemon stellatus octopus, dwarf aquarium lily, cryptocoryne lutea, ruffle sword

Aquarium 2: cryptocoryne wendtii bronze (and crypt. wendtii tropica), anubias nangi, red flame sword, mayaca fluviatilis, another dwarf aquarium lily, and java moss. And a single stubborn leaf on an anubias nana petite

Do you have any experience with herbs? I was thinking about maybe setting some up in my kitchen.
And can anyone tell me what those vines are that people hang in pots? i've kinda been eyeing them for years and years.
