by Max Barry

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Region: Geopolity

Party Rescript of the People's Sacred Duties

Members of the valorous Far Eastern Unionist Party, brave soldiers of the People's Defense Force, loyal citizens of the Far Eastern Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, this rescript will be your life. It will guide you to the ends of the earth. It will be a key component of your education. It must be memorised, for it will be the most important document you will ever know. Whether we can guard the vast Union and prove ourself worthy of our Ancestors' blessings depends upon the faithful discharge of your duties, listed here, as workers of this great nation. If the majesty and power of our eternal Union be impaired, you will inevitably share with us all sorrows; if the glory of the Union shines brightly, you will also share with us riches and honour. If all do their duties, act as one with cohesion in spirit, and do your utmost for the protection of the Union, our people will long enjoy the blessings of peace. Your children will enjoy wondrous educations and a plentiful environment. Your spouses will enjoy a safe society. As such, our fellow comrades, our Supreme Leader, Eternal Revolutionary Leader, and the Shining Star of the Paektusan and Mount Atlasov gives to you the following precepts:

    1. All must consider loyalty their essential duty. All must be strong in spirit. One who is not strong in spirit, however skilled in art or proficient in science, is a mere puppet; and a body of soldiers wanting in loyalty, however well ordered and disciplined they are, is no better than a rabble. Remember that, as the protection of the state and the maintenance of its power depend upon the strength of its arms, the growth or decline of this strength must affect the nation’s destiny for good or for evil. Therefore, we must all with a single heart fulfil our essential duty of loyalty, and bear in mind that duty is weightier than a mountain, while death is lighter than a feather. We must continuously keep ourselves strong, as to protect ourselves and the ones around us. No one shall be jostled around by foreigners like the previous century.

    2. All should show the respect and obediance due to your fellow man, for we are not one, but we are many. Each human is nothing without our parents, our society, our teachers, and others to act on our behalf. Considerations must be shown to the Party, for it will always take a role of leadership to ensure your ability to improve and thrive in modern society.

    3. All should esteem valor and honor. Those who are incited by impetuosity to violent action cannot be called valororous. All must have a sound discrimination of right and wrong, cultivate self- possession, and form their plans with deliberation. None shall despise an inferior enemy or fear a superior, but all shall do their duties as workers of the state, as masters of the nation. This is true valor.

    4. The soldier must value faithfulness and righteousness. Faithfulness implies the keeping of one’s word, and righteousness the fulfillment of one’s duty. Ever since ancient times, there have been tales of great figures who, overwhelmed by misfortune, perished and left a tarnished name simply because they failed to discern right and wrong with reference to fundamental principles. We must not ever lose sight of the true path of public duty, and we must keep faith in the nation, each other, and to our divine Sovereign. This is the way.

    5. All will make simplicity their aim. If you do not make simplicity your aim, you will become effeminate and frivolous and acquire fondness for luxurious and extravagant ways; you will finally grow selfish and sordid and sink to the last degree of baseness, so that neither loyalty nor valor will avail to save you from the contempt of the world.

    6. Members of the Party must uphold its revolutionary program, observe the provisions of the State and Party Constitution, fulfil one's duties with unyielding integrity, carry out its decisions, strictly observe Party discipline, guard the Party's secrets with their lives, serve the people loyally, fight for Juche throughout one's entire life, be ready at all times to sacrifice all for the Party and the people, and never betray the Party. Admission to the sacred institution known as the Party is for life. It is an honour, a privilege, but also a service to your communities.

These articles should not be disregarded even for a moment by all. The all important element is sincerity. These five articles are our souls, and represent our ethos. If the heart is not sincere, words and deeds, however good, are all mere outward show and can avail nothing. If only the heart is sincere, can anything can be accomplished. These five articles are our Union's pathway to success, and as the universal law of humanity, are designed to be easy to practice. If you, in obedience to socialist instruction, observe and practice these principles and fulfil your duty of grateful service to the country, it will be a source of joy not to yourself, but to all the people who rely on you of our eternal Union.

All must remember, the Union is a state made for the people, by the people. Only man can determine the direction of its destiny, and we must field the forces at our disposal to ensure a prosperous one.
