by Max Barry

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Region: The East Pacific

Brethren wrote:Oh, Powers, he's just going to throw tantrums and start fires if she leaves him here . . . okay. Fine. This is fine, this can be worked with. Snow grabs her little ally in one massive scaly hand and takes off, instructing him as she goes: Listen, we don't know what kind of demon this is. We do know that it is capable of speech, indicating person-like intelligence, and that makes it a very dangerous opponent. Most speech-capable demon breeds also exhibit powers of mesmerism, so listen: you have to stay back. You have to stay away from it. Your sword will not help. Do you understand?

"I understand the threat. I know the abilities of multiple Demons, that is just my nature, If its a Demon you don't know but I know from my travels I could help. And also if I am correct you are thinking this Weapon here is basically a tool for me to set this place alight? No, I am irresponsible like that. If I was 5 or 14? Sure. But that was a or 2 decades ago and I lead a nation." Adrian explains before sighing. "What if you let me go with you but I stay away from it thus allowing it to not do what you say it does? I could be of help as I said, I could find out what type of Demon it is if it is of a different place and if I don't know then you can do what you want." Adrian proposes.
