by Max Barry

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Region: Sea

Koninkrijk der bataven

Froeustland wrote:Inclusiveness? The right to be respected and have an integrity? Freedom over your own life? Equality?

I say no to minimum resident requirement. I say no to fascists, nazis and religiously extreme regions. No not really, only one I feel would make sense is if the pro-LGBT+ was one required but otherwise no not really...

Idk, when you created this region what was your vision? Your theme and idea?

I agree with this assessment: no Nazis or fascists, or communists for that matter.

I myself want this region to be a place for new nations. Most nations remain in GCRs like the North Pacific after founding, and don't experience much more than that and answering issues. Sea should be a friendly, freedom-oriented and inclusive region, focusing mostly on newer nations.
