by Max Barry

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by The Archive of TEP Information Center. . 802 reads.

{ARCHIVED} Index of TEP Roleplay Maps

Index of TEP Roleplay Maps


Click here for the RMB RP rules.

Valsora RMB RP

Click here for the official Valsora factbook.


Valsora: 2032
A publication by the Society of Valsoran Cartographers

Est. October 8th 2018
Current Cartographer: Plazland


Welcome to Valsora...

Valsora is the premier roleplaying map of the East Pacific RMB, and is home to a wide variety of nations created by people all around the world. These factbooks contain all the information you need in order to get started, as well as much more! Hold conferences between nations that have had years of writing put into them. Go to war to increase the size of your empire. Develop a space program, flying to the far off moons of Eta and Iota. And most of all, join a warm and welcoming community of people who are passionate about worldbuilding, roleplaying, and just having a good time. To navigate the pages of this factbook, simply click on the various links contained above.
The Claim Process:

In order to claim a spot on the Valsora map, follow this process:
  • Decide what you want your nation will be. This is the first process of making a claim, as it will impact several key decisions. Do some worldbuilding. It doesn't have to be super in-depth, just think of the basic cultural values of your nation.

  • Once you have a basic understanding of your nation, compare its culture with that of cultures in the real world. Try to figure out what culture it most closely resembles.

  • Match this culture with the culture of one of the continents on the map. Each continent on the map roughly corresponds to a culture group in real life. Nonscio, Araseos, and Solitas are all inspired by Western Europe, with Araseos being generally more Germanic, Solitas being more colonial, and Nonscio having no specific leaning. Yastreovakia is inspired by Eastern Europe and Slavic culture. Orientalis is inspired by the Far East, whether that be China, Japan, Korea, or whatever other Far Eastern nation you can think of. Usnistan is inspired by African and Middle-Eastern culture. Antarctia is a frozen wasteland, and generally is not open to claiming except under specific circumstances.

  • Finally you are ready to send a telegram to Plazland detailing your nation, where it will be located, and why it will be located there. Exceptions can be made for placing nations in other cultural zones, but they are rare. IF AT ALL POSSIBLE, please include a Linkpicture with your claim. This prevents confusing exchanges as the Cartographer attempts to decipher where exactly your nation will be, how large it is, and the shape of the borders. Additionally, there are a few optional additions that can only be added with an image claim. Namely, these are a capital city and internal borders.

  • Finally, why not join our LinkDiscord Server? It's just one click away, and it's where you can easily talk to the management of the map.

General Rules:


Rules on CTE: If your nations ceases to exist, you will be removed from Valsora effective immediately, your land cannot be claimed by other nations, even if you are in a union.

Removal Guidelines: If your nation is not deemed active on Valsora, and does not RP for at least 1 month, you will be removed from the map to save space. IF you need an exemption from this (eg. holiday, irl responsibilities) you should alert the cartographer.

Rules on purchasing land: Large amounts of land may NOT be purchased on Valsora, there is no direct size limit in place, the rule is up to the cartographer. For example a nation may purchase a tract of land the size of a small city / county IF they extensively RP the purchase.

Rules on Nuclear Weaponry: Nuclear weapons ARE permitted on Valsora, but with a cap of 50 kt and a limit of 1 use per conflict. For example Nation A can fire a nuclear missile at Nation B ONCE and no more, and it must be of a 50kt size or below. Please note nuclear weapons CAN be and often are shot down, so use it wisely.

Rules on Metagaming: IF you come across information about say, a planned invasion on Discord, you may NOT take IC action upon such. You RP as an IC nation, and if you gain information OOC you may NOT act on it in roleplay, if you are found to have metagamed, you will be investigated and run the risk of being banned.

Rules on Godmodding: Godmodding is strictly prohibited on Valsora. All roleplay must be within the realms of normality and reality, for example with a population of 100 million, your likely standing army would be around 1 million, not 10 million. Another example of godmodding is controlling another nations characters or actions, if you fire a missile at Nation B, they must decide what they do to counter the missile, not you. If you are found to be godmodding, you will be investigated and run the risk of being banned.

Rules on Fantasy / Magic: In some rare examples, fantasy elements are permitted in Valsora, such as currently dragons and diety's in RP. Please note that any and ALL fantasy elements MUST go by the cartographer before use in RP. It must be approved before you are permitted to use it.

Rules on Alliance Size: There have been multiple problems in the past due with the size of alliances; if there was no limit, then the map would be dominated by mega alliances. If they were too harsh, then they wouldn't allow for any substantial alliances to take form. With the current iteration of this rule, alliances are limited to around 8 members each. Additional, but separate, alliances cannot be created to subvert this ruling. This limit does not apply to observer states, as long as they are prohibited from activities an alliance might commence in its lifetime (Voting on bills, military conflicts, directly taking part, directly influencing, etc). This also prohibits a nation to be within multiple alliances at once, though this does not apply to treaty's as long as they follow the guidelines above

Allowed Technology:

Technology on Valsora follows MTRP guidelines (Modern Tech Roleplay). The general ruleset to follow, is that technology utilized in Valsoran RP is what can be used today, and in the near future (2030 max.) Specific examples are included below, but if you are unsure of a technology's use on Valsora, please contact the Cartographer before use.

Examples of BAD MTRP:

Robots / Cyborgs
Advanced Laser Weaponry
Advanced Genetic Modification
Most space weaponry

Natural Expansion:

Natural Expansion involves growing your nations borders through RP. You can utilize natural expansion in many ways, such as roleplaying colonization, land purchase or invasion! Natural Expansion is permitted as to give players an opportunity to grow themselves over time, though there are rules in place to avoid abuse of this.

Natural Expansion is only permitted once every 2 months. This is to stop nations from abusing natural expansion and growing too quickly

Here are some examples of Linkfair natural expansion, and Linkbad natural expansion

Natural Expansion must be heavily roleplayed, natural expansion requests will not be accepted if the expansion is not roleplayed extensively. By such, I mean to recommend multiple fairly long posts, or a dispatch outlining how the land was gained, why it was gained, and so forth.

Please note that the Cartographer(s) hold the right to refuse natural expansion requests if they so choose, whether it be due to size, a nations inactivity, or other reasons reliant on fairness.

Leaving the Map:

If at any time you would like to leave Valsora, please contact the Cartographer and let them know. Please note that you cannot reserve land for yourself later on, or a friend, nor any specific nation. You may not also transfer any land, weapons, currency or anything that may act as a positive to another nation before you leave unless specified otherwise by the Cartographer.
Read factbook


Valsora: 2030
A publication by the Society of Valsoran Cartographers

Est. October 8th 2018
Current Cartographer: Plazland





Read dispatch


Valsora: 2030
A publication by the Society of Valsoran Cartographers

Est. October 8th 2018
Current Cartographer: Plazland


The Species of Valsora:


Humans (Homo-Sapiens) as we know them today. Humans are the sole dominant race on Valsora, and make up for over 99% of it's humanoid population.



Most of the times considered to be evolutionary brothers and sisters of the so-called 'pure humans', and usually considered to be just another human species with cat traits by scientists of egalitarian countries. The Homo-Felis is a near-human species with few feline features, those being feline ears, whiskers, tail and often personality, while having most of it's human features like smooth skin and 'human' voice. The types and subspecies for the Homo-Felis is diverse, with the most common ones being the more human-looking Mathaliin and more fuzzy Mathalnam, both based on common house cats. In different cultures and continents, they also have different names, such as: Alcatus, a name used in Nonscio, Unistan and most likely Solitas; Catfolk, a name used in Araseos and other-continental countries with Arasean culture; Koshka, a name used in Yaestrovakia and finally; Most likely Neko-jinn, a name used in Orientalis.


Kitsunes are a rare, often considered mythical creature native to very few areas of Valsora, Kitsunes are prevalent in Oriental cultures for their ability to morph into fox-like creatures. Kitsunes, by the modern worlds standards, are considered to be either extinct, or an outright myth by most non-oriental cultures.



Dragons do exist in Valsora, though rare in existence. The Dragon was considered to be a myth by many, and later thought extinct, but Dragons continue to exist today, though severely bred and tamed to be less of a threat. They can be found most commonly in the nation of Brethren


Not much is known of Fortiscarbs, they are rare burrowing creatures that live underground in hive nests. The Fortiscarb is small in both size and numbers, and are hunted across Valsora due to their nature as a pest and a threat. Fortiscarbs are most commonly found in cooler, temperate climates, though are now considered extremely rare.

Night Furies:

Night furies are a Class of organisms that are known for being mostly passive, but protective, they are distant relations of dragons, but are marked out by Oppose able thumbs and their unique playful attitude, Intelligence, and leadership skills, they are mostly confined to the Night Fury republic, and are smaller than most dragons, at a 16 FT max wingspan, but can sometimes grow bigger.

The Languages of Valsora:

Nonscian Languages:

Equivalent: English

Equivalent: Latin

Equivalent: Russian

Equivalent: Spanish

Equivalent: French

Equivalent: Northern English
Arasean Languages:

Equivalent: German

Equivalent: German

Equivalent: Irish

Equivalent: Greek / D

Solitasi Languages:

Equivalent: Aboriginal Australian

Yastrean Languages:

Equivalent: Serbo-Croatian

Usnistani Languages:

Old Royabadi/Báshar Bhasha:
Equivalent: Farsi

Notur Bhasha/Nu(o)tún Ż[J]ubán (نوطون زبان):
Equivalent: Bangla, Urdu, Hindi, Arabic and Farsi

Oriental Languages:

Equivalent: Japanese

Equivalent: Korean / Chinese

Equivalent: Korean

Equivalent: Simplified Korean

Equivalent: Russian / East European Variants

Agiorean :
Equivalent: Tibetan / Slavic

Equivalent: Tagalog

Antarctian Languages:

Equivalent: Chinese / Korean / Japanese

Equivalent: German

Read dispatch


Valsora: 2030
A publication by the Society of Valsoran Cartographers

Est. October 8th 2018
Current Cartographer: Plazland


Further Information:

In the vast twirls of matter and emptiness lies a star. One of many but the one and only provider of the only known planet to bear life in a cold, desolate, beautiful universe; her name is Sulia. She is a star billions of years old, though she is young compared to her peers in her galaxy of Galileo. Her passionate fury and flames make her temperatures rise up to 5.7 thousand Kelvin; yet, she is careful to give only her best light and softest warmth to her children. Sulia is known to bathe herself and her surroundings in a splendor of colors ranging from bright purple to burning blue to brighten up the Suliasystem and the life she watches over. She is a burning pillar of strength in the darkness.
Description written by Zukchiva
Salibe, a warm planet, covered in a dense, swirling mist. A rotating cloud belt swathes the planet in a soft grey pallette, and the tips of mountains poke out tantalizingly, forming swirls of turbulence in the clouds. A dense magnetic field protects the planet from the rays of the sun, making it seem temptingly suitable for life. A rocky belt, with one moon, surround it, along with metallic shards and glittering clouds of fragments of crystal. This results in brilliant rings, that shift and break apart over time, before returning to their natural place in what is reminiscent of a slow dance.
Description written by The Angel of Charity
A burned world, set amidst a slow orbit that effectively melts the planet as it approaches Suilia. The slow rotation of the world has made the surface uninhabitable, melting against the sun's heat and cooling as it turns away. As such the surface is ashen and covered in swirling surface metals and large plateaus, ravines, and lumpy hills from the constant cycle of melting and cooling into place. The world has no atmosphere or ozone, making it functionally inhospitable to any form of biology-aside from the never-ending lava flows, of course, which make the world even more violently inhospitable. However, while entirely uninhabitable, Rtascina as a result has beautiful swirls of color due to the incompatible metals and elements swirling between each other. The surface is constantly shifting and changing with each pass of Suilia. It offers a unique opportunity to see how certain metals interact, though.
Description written by Agrykkyskas
The brighter of Valsora's two moons, Iota is a world far warmer than its frigid Sister Moon, Eta, though the abundance of silver ore and other especially shiny materials give it a distinctive brightness in the night sky. Iota is theorized to once have harbored water and possibly life, though now whatever water was once on Iota is surely either dried up or frozen. Iota is home to one of the highest peak in the solar system as well, nearing 39,000 feet in the air. This titanic formation is volcanic, and can be seen from some locations on Valsora.
Description written by Agrykkyskas
Eta is Valsora's farthest moon, and as such its dimmest-but also its most intriguing. Eta, though a frigid wasteland on the surface, has a planetary ocean under the ice composed of Ethane, Methane, argon nitrogen and a small amount of Hydrogen. It is believed that Eta may harbor life under the ice at theorized geothermal vents or possibly freely swimming in the waters of the distant moon itself. Regardless, Eta is a world of great opportunity and even greater mystery.
Description written by Agrykkyskas
Phylos is a rocky inner planet made famous by its proximity to Valsora and the "guardian angel" moon of Dibegria that has sucked in many would be apocalypse asteroids. Unlike its moon, Phylos has weak gravity, only strong enough to hold in Dibegria and a few smaller natural satellites. The atmosphere of Phylos is thick and filled with unbreathable nitrogen, although some theorists say that there might have been life adapted to its conditions. Generally dark grey, Phylos is covered in strange and marvelous rock formations, and a thin veil of ash from an ancient supervolcano's eruption. Mountains, volcanos, canyons, and other natural structures are outshone by the extensive and seemingly connected cave system, deep holes in the sides of mountains worn out over time by ancient water that has since evaporated. These caves are so deep that no signals can be transmitted through the thick rock, and the few probes that have been sent are storing data for an eventual return to the surface. Some have suggested that these caves might even reach past the crust into the dormant supervolcano under Phylos. Conspiracy theories about the planet are numerous due to the "guardian moon," and some believe it to be the home of a pantheon of powerful celestial beings- gods, while others say it is the home of advanced and ancient aliens. These are just crackpot theories, however, and any past life on the planet has been snuffed out.
Description written by Lerasi
Dibegeria is a moon known for being covered in great dry calderas and immense craters. Dibegria holds a special magnetism, unlike other worlds, and seems to drag in even more asteroids than its anchor world of Phylos or the titanic worlds of Accam or Aurora. As such, the small rocky moon that is otherwise uninteresting have a small, thin, dark grey ring. Some believe that Dibegria may just be lucky-or unlucky-and just be in the right place to drag in asteroids and all manner of space junk from the Belt of Tears, some believe it to be a blessed protector of life on Valsora and Phylos by a divine being or several divine beings, and some believe that is may be implanted with alien tech to drag in asteroids, for whatever reason may be to do such. Regardless of what causes this phenomenon, it is deeply appreciated by the Valsorans for keeping possibly apocalyptic asteroids at bay.

Dibegria has no atmosphere though a thin ozone layer constantly punctured by Asteroids. The world itself is a solid grey hue, and the surface is extremely uneven and completely covered in asteroid impact craters. Dibegria is also in an advancing orbit, and might one day break free from Phylos and begin to orbit Suilia or drift off into the void of space as a rogue world.
Description written by Agrykkyskas
The Belt of Tears:
Named as such because of its glimmering abundance of asteroids covered in crystals and ice, the Belt of Tears is more infamous for having mass collisions that can send asteroids hurdling towards unprepared worlds.

The Belt of Tears also is known to emit a low, wailing sound due to ancient vibrations that are mysteriously radiating through the field, similar to a tragedy-stricken wail of gravely terror or sickened mourning.

The Belt of Tears is, though a wonder to the outsider, an annoyance to the spacefarer or astronomer, since the vibrating wails of the asteroid field disrupt sensitive equipment and the vast amount of space rocks tend to snag and severely damage passing probes.
Description written by Agrykkyskas
Aurora is a gaseous Outer Planet made up of swirling orange gas, lined with yellow highlights, and accented by occasional splotches of brown— storms. The brilliant rings of Aurora, made from space dust and an overcoat of crystals and ice torn from the Belt of Tears at moments in Aurora's orbit where it leans towards the belt and its strong gravity takes hold, or when asteroids destined for the Belt of Tears lean too close to the strong gravity well of Aurora.
Description written by Lerasi
Erecuni is a brilliantly yellow moon, mottled with hues ranging from a brilliant orange to a dull brown which, although beautiful, are an ongoing legacy of inconceivable violence. As the moon orbits its parent world, Aurora's unrelenting gravity alternately stretches and compresses its innards, melting the rock within. This oozes up through cracks in the blistering regolith and spreads across the surface, hardening into a fresh crust which is in turn buried by freshly expelled molten rock. As one gazes across the churning limb of this moon, they may observe etheral jets of vapor and lava spewing into the dark void of space, mushrooming out into a rainfall of cooling sulfur. But as the moon drifts across the remote disk of beringed Aurora, some of the material ejected by Erecuni diffuses along its orbit, forming a mist of dust which slowly builds up upon the hulls of unwary passersby.
Description written by Stellar Colonies
As its name suggests, Azure is a bright blue moon. Due to its distinctive color, astronomers have been able to many times without sending instruments past the Belt of Tears, and the combined images yield a Linkfairly high resolution reconstruction. From that image, they have discerned a complex storm system around the equator and a high concentration of azurite mineral on its surface. It may also be home to boronated diamonds. Azure is almost 1.7 times larger in diameter than its sister moon Chorus.
Description written by Evrigenis
in the wings,
Chorus always sings
a lovely lethal mel’dy
To unlucky passerby of every
Kind. Its mysterious cosmic serenades
will last even after humankind waxes, wanes, and fades.

Description written by Evrigenis
Namesake of a historical Valsoran continent, Mefugris is well-studied. Due to its highly eccentric orbit and difficulty of observation, there used to be some debate among the scientific community as to whether Mefugris was a planet, an asteroid, a dwarf-planet, or something else. However, the 1976 calculation of mass (2.6758085e16 kg) and 1984 discovery of Navir cemented its planetary status. Its boring pale grey surface of hematite, magnetite, and acanthite can be deceiving; a few craters reveal a brilliant rainbow interior of corundum and lapis lazuli deposits. Home to the Suliasystem's largest cryovolcano, Mefugris occasionally supports a thin ammonia-water vapor atmosphere.
Description written by Evrigenis
The most recently discovered moon, Navir is an enigma. No satellite has been able to orbit it for more than an hour, and most evidence of its existence is indirect. Gravitational disturbances in Mefugris' orbit suggest Navir has nearly two thirds of the mass of its host and that it may orbit retrograde with a period of about 8.4 Valsoran days. Due to its spectroscopic signature, many astronomers conjecture Navir was a renegade asteroid that was ejected from the the Belt of Tears in the early stages of the Suliasystem's development. If so, Navir could help explain the origins of the wailing. Only two grainy photographs of the planet have been seen in Valsora, and their source—a terraforming spacecraft—was mysteriously destroyed during the transmission. Some speculate intelligent life-forms exist on Navir and their wish for privacy is the reason for the craft's demise.
Description written by Evrigenis

Read dispatch


Valsora: 2032
A publication by the Society of Valsoran Cartographers

Est. October 8th 2018
Current Cartographer: Plazland


Political Map

Right-click and open in a new tab in order to view in maximum resolution.



Of Centralist Brexit (As Cardonia + Consoetium)
Estande ( As Estande + The Church )
Romanoddle Republic
Yukkira (As Nui'a)
Volinovia (As Volinovia + Merlgould)
The death syndicate
Aionia aftokratoria
The norge kingdom
Libright libertarianism
Konig Empire
New North America
New Westmore

The Foraois (As BAT)
Kampf Empire
Osterreich und ungarn
Lahnhof (Under Terrabis)
Order of the Saint Dumas
Restoration of Eastern Kaiserreich (As Easarion)
Slagenseter forn
Terrabis-Seran (+ Consoetium)
Terreich und Preussen (+ the United Keltic States)
United commonwealth of american states (As America and the United Keltic States)
Greater Rostoria
Phosphores (Unity sisters)
The death syndicate


British calradia (As British Valsora)
Flers-Douai ( As Corgaigh )
Gran Yucanoa

Kaonas (Western Kaonas)
The Marlands
Yukkira ( As Nui'ao )

AuthRight Authoritarianism (as Mustva)
Empire of Dabiristan (as Dabiristan )
Restoration of Eastern Kaiserreich (As Easunistan)
Order of the Saint Dumas
Taparistan (and Azeghistan)
The Holy Utopian Republic
Dancia (Danelaw Scandinavia)
Karatol-Advenra (As Shaamistan)
Sciencizon proximin
Mosmalian empire
Greater Rostoria (colony)
Setubalde (colony)

Aivintis (As The Directorate)
Ancobristan (Also as Vazgorod Rep.)
Belekria (Kurikia)
Republic Of Texas And Chihuhua (As Belkan Empire)
Rage mage (As Ragea)
Karcovshkie (Under Zaporia)
Tethian territories
The Angel of Charity (colony)
Orbov (AI)
Strima (AI)
Fukuda regime (As Chihatan)


The Angel of Charity (+ Crysentia)
Kavanos (as Gyrodia)
Empire of Dabiristan (As Karagan)
Holy columbia empire (As Pakuningratan)
The sho regency
Kiau cho (Under Sho)
Tatar horde (Under Uttareekila)
The gorudochi shogunate
West Pangasinan
Myehn (colony)
Greater felter


The Unity Sisters

Read dispatch

LinkValsora Discord

Windsor RMB RP


Windsor is a map project started about 3 months ago now By Volinovia but now sadly, he passed his reins to Technocratic tagalog and Distro-Spartica. It was to add more elements to the Regional Roleplay that the East Pacific has known for so long. Sadly the first time we tried we got a little too jumpy, and it fell apart. Now we are going for round two. This time we are going for a more controlled experiment and we are going to make it great. We are TechTag and Distro and welcome to Windsor!

Rules on how to join!


To make a claim on the map, just telegram either one of us, Technocratic tagalog and Distro-Spartica. In the claim you must include the following:
1. The location of the claim, via either a detailed description of the location or a picture of the location highlighted. Please keep the claim a reasonable size.
2. The name of your country (you may make it different from your NS name)
3. The name of you official religion and culture.
4. The name of your capital city and 4-5 regular cities.
Optional: You can give a detailed description of your provinces, i.e. their location within your country, name, size, and the provincial cities.

The names of these cities/religions/cultures/provinces may be changed at any time, so do not hesitate to ask!


1. You must keep up with your countries information. So please make a factbook. If you do not have a factbook you will not be able to function on Windsor.
2. Keep stuff as realistic, we will have a time period and a timeline. We will advance to cover all of your niches for technology.
3. If you have a question about it, it will be best to ask. Some things can be difficult so if you have a question it is always better to not assume. We will always be willing to answer any you have!
4. Roleplay is to be done differently. Focus on the minor details. 1 Day IRL = 1 Week on Windsor. Take it slow.

Please read the Mechanics section to understand more!

Epic Mechanics and Fun Informations


Trade works by being a huge source of a nation's income. If a nation establishes a trade agreement with another nation it will earn +1 dollar each day. Trade can be upgraded by building railroads and merchant fleets.


Railroads work by being a route for trade. Two nations must agree to set up a railroad between them. When the two nations agree then both of them will earn a +1 dollar per day benefit from the trade. Because more goods are being moved at a faster rate then normal.

Merchant Fleets

Merchant Fleets work by being a route for trade. Two nations must agree to set up a merchant fleet between them. When the two nations agree then both of them will earn a +1 dollar per day benefit from the trade. Because more goods are being moved at a faster rate then normal. Each nation can send 1 merchant fleet. That means each end of the route can send 1. Which means there is a possibility for a +2 benefit with Merchant Fleets.

^ All of the above mentioned items cost $1

Establishing Infrastructure

You can build infrastructure. Infrastructure is; Highways, Fortifications, Airports/Zeppelin Yards, and Markets.

Highways and Airports add a +1 bonus for all trade. (For every 50 miles it takes 1 IRL day to build.)
Markets add a +1 for Trade and City Tax. (+2 Overall) (1 IRL Day to Build)
Fortifications add more defensive positions for War RP. You can build 3 levels of fortifications. Each level corresponds with how long it takes to build IRL. 1 = 1, 2 = 2, 3 = 3.

^ All of the above mentioned items cost $5.


Cities are founded by a country that reaches out to Distro-Spartica or Technocratic tagalog. By doing that we will put your city on the map. Once we do that you will collect $1 per day from taxes from the city. Cities could also be provincial capitals making it a +2 bonus. City limit is set at 1 city per 5 Azgaar cells (unit of measurement on our map's software)


Military will be done by buying in bulk. The following are the conversion rates for Military Items. All things cost $1

10,000 Infantry
(You can assign them into these subdivisions)
Shock Troops

1,000 Artillery
(You can assign them into these subdivisions)
Light Artillery
Heavy Artillery

5 Tanks
(You can assign them into these subdivisions)
Light Tanks
Heavy Tanks

5 Zeppelins

10 Planes
(You can assign them into these subdivisions)

1 Battleship

15 Cruisers
(You can assign them into these subdivisions)
Battle Cruisers
Light Cruisers

5 Destroyers
(You can assign them into these subdivisions)
Normal Destroyers
AA Destroyers

5 Submarines

Military Upkeep

Military Upkeep is half of the total money you spent on your military, and you should round up. So if you buy $14 dollars worth of military units then you spend $7 worth of upkeep per day. If you bought $15 for military police then you will pay $8 per day. Always round up.

Troop Expertise

Battles, and Battles only, will give the surviving units in the battle more expertise. There are 4 levels to troop Experience.
Level 1: Trained (everyone starts here)
Level 2: Seasoned
Level 3: Battle-Hardened
Level 4: Veteran

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion will now factor into something called "Unity Points" each nation will have 3 unity points. Having 1 Religion, 1 Culture, and a Strong Military all factor into making it so that a country is completely stable and unified. If a country falls into the negative then they will begin to have negative events.

-1 = Loss of Income
-2 = Fracturing of Cultural, Religious, and Militaristic Groups
-3 = Civil War


Religion will have a subsection called "Religion Strength" the strength of a religion is determined on the number of followers of the religion, the religions crusading strength, and the overall unity of the nations who worship the religion. The more strength a religion has the more it can spread through the world.

The spread of religion is determined on the strength of the religion, the spread can be slow for religions with little strength, stable for those with average strength, and fast for religions with above average strength. Religions will also lapse if they have negative strength.


Culture will bread different types of people through cultural differences. Countries must accept these cultural differences and attempt to assimilate under one combined culture or they will begin to have negative effects because of multiple cultures that seek to undermine and get ride of each other. (Relating to Unity Points)

Heritage Center: allows you to buy Archaeologists. Increases your Culture Spread(The Culture Editor Spread) by .1 Per 3 Heritage Centers.
^ Heritage Center Costs $5, Archaeologists costs $5 aswell and a one-time use to prevent the influx of Archaeologists
Takes 1 days to build

Archaeological Site: A place where you can use your Archeaologists to find a historical artifact for you nation. which will be decided in a dice roll. 1,3,5 are fails while 2,4,6 are a success. YOU CAN ONLY DO A ARTIFACT RECOVERY ONCE PER ONE DAY
^Archaeological Sites cost $10, to prevent Archaeological Sites spam, You can only build A archaeological site pertaining to your number of Heritage Centers. 1 Archaeological Site = 2 Heritage Centers
Takes 1 day to build

Museums: The heart of your culture, this is where you can store historical artifacts found by your archaeologists, has a space for 3 artifacts and when its filled. The Museum will now produce $2 everyday. It increases you Culture defense by .1
^ Museums costs $15
Takes 2 days to build

Here's the formula for calculating the culture spread when spreading cultures,

YOUR Number of Heritages Sites MINUS THEIR number of Museums = Your culture spread to that nation, if it results in a positive, you can spread, but if negative, it will fail, Note that you cannot buy more Heritages Centers while spreading Culture for your advantage, your latest count of Heritage Centers before you started to spread will be used instead.


Establishing a Colony - To establish a Colony, you must build a Colonial Fleet, this will let you establish 1 colony per fleet, and you must pay $10 to give the colony the money it will need to build its first buildings. Colonial Fleets cost $5.

YOU DO NOT, have to pay the $10 if you are establishing a colony that is an extension of your border. Meaning, if the colony you are establishing is connected, by land, to your current borders then you can just pay the $5 fee. And the roles for this type of colonization is different. 1-2 is a failure but 3 or higher is a success.

Expanding a Colony - To expand a colony you must fund a expedition outside the colonies current borders with a Expedition Party. That costs $5. They have a chance of being killed by natives, if they survive you can pay an additional $5 to expand your colony.

Natives - Natives are people who do not live in a country. They can be hostile and can be peaceful. Natives can attack you, rise up, disrupt your trade, stay silent, do nothing, or can submit to your rule. This will be handled as a dice roll. (1-6 in the order stated)

The Magical Maps

World Map

Height Map

Biome Map

Temperature Map

Suprisingly, a Military

Nations on the Magical Map

Distro-Spartica (Spartica)
Technocratic tagalog (Valhalla)
Isanastivia (Altai)
Of Centralist Brexit (Brexit)
Aldenbourg (Aldenreich)
The death syndicate (Prussia)
Kampf Empire
The western sun syndicate (Keeth Trago)
British calradia (British Windsor)
La Xinga

Minor Nation Info





Total Population

Rural Population

Urban Population


United Provinces







Quadratic Monarchy


717 ,700km











Keeth Trago






















United Provinces






British Windsor

Grand Duchy

Windsor City






Free City

Intoriorem City







Fisnalk City





La Xinga

Benevolent Dictatorship














Free City

New Talon







Neue Konigsburg







Zidam City












Table might change from time to time.
Read factbook

Awaiting updated links.

Historic/Retired RPs

Just because no one is currently active on them doesn't mean they aren't a part of TEP's culture! Some of them may be revived, and they serve as an exhibit of what once was.

The New East Awaits...
Yeah.. It doesn't really make sense for space age civilizations to just now be finding the "New World," but whatever, just go with it!

Change Log:

New-carynth Added
Heimatgrenze Added
Kian nova terra Added
Gaohai Added
New wiranath Added
Grubensfeld Added
Braveden Added
New zukchiva Added
Dubokia Added
Neue baden Added
United north american Added
Virgolia Added
The New Arcadian States Added
Galactic empire of the new order Added

Previous nations have been expanded.
Gaohai given more territory to better signify it's place as a native empire
Nevo island Added
New tryole Added
Hohenzburg Added
The great union of serbian states Added (St. Sava's Land)
Osterreich-niederlande Added (O-N)
Ghanmids Added
Belzeskus Added
Font size adjusted
Changed "EDITS" to "Change Log"
Added "The New World Awaits" Header

All nations have been expanded
Nation of elementia Added
All of Osterreich und ungarn's colonies have been unified into the "IF" >:(
Sea routes have been made more visible
Scale has been made more visible
Added Fellog

All nations have been expanded
Las anod Added
United north american color changed to purple
Portion of Dubokia's coast has been transferred to the IF
Las anod Moved

All nations have been expanded
Seanadia Added
American federal commonwealths Added

All nations have been greatly expanded.
United north american Removed
The IF has been split back up into the 3 colonies of Hohenzburg, O-N, and New Tryole
Dubokia regained control of its coast
New Tryole has annexed the colonies of Virgolia
Typo in the name of Seanadia has been fixed

Read dispatch

The original dispatch was deleted by its owner, Plazland.

To join the map, mention me in an RMB post or send a telegram. This must include the name, a detailed claim, a government type, the capital city, and the leader. A short history is recommended but not mandatory. If a claim is too big it will be trimmed, but I'll contact you and tell you the problem along with my intended solution. Any territory you think is necessary for your nation, you could tell me then, and you can even suggest a course of action to trim it enough while keeping essential lore. You cannot, however, say that all territory is essential, as that would basically mean I cannot trim it. At that point, I would just trim it according to my own thoughts on the matter.

The tech is 1939 or before. If it is after 1939 and you think it should be allowed, telegram me. Any WWII technology developed AFTER 1939 will be allowed as long as you write one research and development RP post a day for twelve days before announcing it and then at least four days of production before including it in your military. In this world, instead of a World War there was a World Arms Race that is still going on today, so each state is trying to be more technologically advanced than their neighbors.

Natural Expansion is banned. Do it the old fashioned way, coward.

Each day IRL is one month IC. Just like Tierrarde. This may change later.

If you are putting an OOC puppet, also known as an Alt, on the map, you must inform me of this upon claiming your land, or else all of your claims will be removed and you will be banned from the map. Up to 2 OOC accounts can join the map.

You may be subjected to a test involving the WA to prove that you are not a puppet of someone else on the map at any time. Don't break the rules this way, I specifically allow you to have an extra account.

IC Puppets cannot break free without war.

You can join no more than one faction. Factions can have unlimited members.

Non aggression pacts must be broken an IC month before attacking. There are no default NAPs and Grace Period does not exist.

You may be subjected to a Tribunal where you help the Cartographer decide a new rule at any time. This Tribunal includes three people, including at least one person that has participated in 1551 and at least one person that has participated in Conquering Kings. Outside opinions may also be included.

Current Rule At Vote: NPCs
Current Votes: 2/3 For, 0/3 Against, 1/3 No Response Yet

The Austro-Hungarian Empire

    OOC Nation: Aslaconrad

    Color: Dark Blue

    Capitals: Vienna, Budapest

    Ruler: Kaiser-König Karl Von Habsburg

    Government Type: Dual Constitutional Monarchy

    Alternate History: Without WWI's devastating influence on the Austro-Hungarian Empire, it never fell, leaving the Empire in immaculate condition.

The Democratic States of Deseret

    OOC Nation: Slagenseter forn

    Color: Orange

    Capital: Salt Lake City

    Ruler: President Jacob B. Hilkin

    Government Type: Democracy

    Alternate History: When America fell into its Second Civil War in 1886, Alaska, Hawaii, the New CSA, Cascadia, and Deseret all broke free. Fighting this great war on so many fronts was taxing on the American Republic, so they released the independent territories. Deseret sprung from Arizona and Utah, but conquered California, which, cut off from America, could barely fend for itself. When America tried to fight back, Deseret captured New Mexico before America surrendered the lost territory. Later, Deseret set its sights on Cascadia, which easily fell to the newly forming Democracy. The next step was to send their growing navy to Hawaii, which fell quickly. With this new launch point, Deseret launched a campaign to colonize Oceania and Southeast Asia. A run-in with Japan quickly left Deseret to keep its colonies but not spread any further. For now. Mexico, too, was in a large civil war by now, so Deseret and the CSA seized Mexican states of their own to add to their collection. Still hungry for power, Deseret launched its invasion of Panama, which swiftly surrendered and was annexed. The President's goal was to finish the Panama Canal, originally taken on by France in the 1800s and then targetted by America before the Civil War erupted. Completing the Canal in 1919, the Democratic States of Deseret are now a superpower to be reckoned with. The Democratic States of Deseret is a capitalist democracy based out of the Utahn city of Salt Lake City.
    The current president of The Democratic States of Deseret is known as Jacob B. Hilkin. Jacob was born and raised in a small, Californian, suburban community, so he grew far removed from the beliefs and traditions that Deseret was built upon. Jacob was a very rambunctious child, and had problems behaving in school, however with a lot studying and a bit of luck he eventually made it to a Californian university in the year of 1896. Jacob is a staunch expansionist and was furious when he heard about Japanese intervention essentially halting Deseret's expansion across the pacific, and vowed that he'd run for president as soon as the opportunity showed itself. That opportunity arose with the assassination of President Waller in the year of 1926 by a possible confederate assassin. Jacob convinced many with his rousing and energetic speeches, ranting against those who'd interfere in Deseret affairs. Eventually winning in a landslide victory.

The Empire of Greater Japan

    OOC Nation: Lerasi

    Color: White

    Capital: Tokyo

    Ruler: Emperor Hirohito

    Government Type: Absolute Monarchy

    Alternate History: Without WWI or the League of Nations weighing them down, the Japanese Empire invaded Korea no problem, before setting their sights on China and the Philippines, taking all islands and coastal states so they could develop their navy more and increase their economy, and puppeting the inland states, forming a new Japanese Dynasty to rule China out of the line of a prominent and loyal Japanese politician.

The Grand Republic of Belgiandige

    OOC Nation: Imperial corusant

    Color: Dark Grey

    Capital: Brussels

    Ruler: President Häns Leopold lll

    Government Type: Democracy

    Alternate History: When the Greater German Empire decimated France in the Franco-Prussian War, Belgium and Luxemburg grew ever more terrified, and authorized a Union in 1872. Due to a greater population and greater willpower, Belgium quickly dominated the Union as the clear leader, and Luxemburg was officially incorporated in 1886. In 1890, Belgiandige started a massive shift towards democracy, and the First Parliament authorized a naval invasion of the German Puppet State of Denmark in 1904, and it was a success. After the recent Second Schleswig War, Germany had kept the Danish Army small in order to not cause any problems on the Peninsula. This, coupled with Germany's lack of interference in fear of international backlash, won the war for Belgiandige in 1906. The territory was officially incorporated into Belgiandige in 1922, allowing their citizens to vote. When John III came into power in Germany in 1938, Belgium feared retaliation for the invasion of Denmark and called a meeting in Vienna with Austria-Hungary and Germany to form non aggression pacts.

Greater German Empire

    OOC Nation: Fetudersialand

    Color: Dark Green

    Capital: Berlin

    Ruler: Kaiser John III

    Government Type: Absolute Monarchy

    Alternate History: Germany wins the Franco-Prussian War, forcing the French to cede Eastern and Northern lands, including Paris, and pay war reparations. Using the reparations to fund another military expedition, Greater Germany invades Poland and takes German lands, forming the Greater German Empire. In this war-frenzy, the Kaiser authorized the invasion and annexation of Switzerland and the subsequent Second Schleswig War, where Germany took South Schleswig but puppeted Denmark. Unfortunately, Belgium invaded it in 1904, and the Puppet was annexed. Afraid to cause a World War he was not ready for, Kaiser John II didn't retaliate. When John III came into power, however, he was angry at his father's failure in Denmark and vowed to take back Denmark. Belgium, afraid of retaliation, called a meeting between Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Belgium in 1939, looking for a non aggression pact.

Reformed Incan Territories

    OOC Nation: The new wisconsin empire

    Color: Aquamarine

    Capital: Cusco

    Ruler: Sapa Mala

    Government Type: Aristocratic Parliamentary Monarchy

    Alternate History: After the Spanish Empire lost its hold on its South American holdings, a large number of natives rose up against the minority Spanish rulers in the north and set up the Reformed Territories of Inca. Over time, they pushed southward in an "Incan Reconquista" which was officially completed with the conquest of the Falkland Islands in 1920. Since that time, Sapa Mala has dedicated his time to the consolidation of power in his territories, and the building of families fully dedicated to the military and the state.

Polish-Lithuanian Federation

    OOC Nation: Aanlik

    Color: Pink

    Capital: Bribonia

    Ruler: Alesky Brunochev

    Government Type: Democracy

    Alternate History: Instead of collapsing, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth merely weakened, and lost territory until it was what it is today. A governmental reform early in the Decline led to the Commonwealth becoming a Federation, but not much changes have been seen since then.


    OOC Nation: Rage mage

    Color: Lime Green

    Capital: Zooptia

    Ruler: Kiwol

    Government Type: Zoo-esque Anarchy

    Alternate History: Animal lovers throughout the world, repeatedly failing to win the fight for animal rights, fled to Madagascar where they built a larve Zoo, a safehaven for all animals. Animal Cruelty is the highest offense, and the Anarchy is controlled by an Oligarchic Council of Zookeepers, led by the Supreme Animal Lover.

The New Order of the British Empire

    OOC Nation: The death syndicate

    Color: Light Red

    Capital: London

    Ruler: Martin Richter

    Government Type: Dictatorship (Absolute Pseudo-Monarchy)

    Alternate History: When a weak monarch and a weak Prime Minister came into power at the same time, it was a crippling blow to the Empire. Colonies and protectorates alike revolted, and broke free of the British Empire. What used to cover 1/4 of the Earth was now limited to its core territories on the British Isles. Taking power with a strong guiding hand, Martin Richter abolished Parliament and vowed to restore the once great British Empire, by force if necessary.

Krigea Afrika Arms Company (Puppet)

    OOC Nation: Fetudersialandia (Fetudersialand)

    Color: Green

    Capital: [N/A]

    Ruler: Hans Smith

    Government Type: Corporate State, Puppet Government (Germany)

    Alternate History: After annexing its current lands, Germany began to envy the Age of Colonization and struck out on an Afrikanischer Blitzkrieg to claim large territories in West Africa, putting it under the Corporate dominance of the Krigea Arms Company, a german company completely loyal to the German crown.

The Northern Empire of Ursus

    OOC Nation: Ancobristan

    Color: Yellow

    Capital: Nuuk

    Ruler: Tingiyok Ublureak

    Government Type: Tribal Governance

    Alternate History: [N/A]

The United Republic of Iceland

    OOC Nation: One green nation

    Color: Purple

    Capital: Runnymede

    Ruler: Magnus Gunnar

    Government Type: Democracy

    Alternate History: While the Norwegians and the Danish had ruled over Iceland for centuries, the English came and split the country into three regions Norfolk, Southfolk and Surrey, with the intentions of giving a region to the norwegians and a region to the danish. This idea fell apart when the Icelandic claimed independence in 1918, which then lead to the native language changing to English, as the English had changed so much of the country it was the only logical thing to do.

The Union of Sovereign Soviet Republics

    OOC Nation: The Holy Utopian Republic

    Color: Dark Red

    Capital: Petrograd

    Ruler: Stalin

    Government Type: Communist Union

    Alternate History: When the Bolsheviks took power in Russia, a massive independence group in Siberia rebelled, forcing the USSR to release them due to their lack of ability to wage any long term campaigns in Siberia, with factors such as the size, the cold, and the current state of the Union.

Turkish Kingdom of Saplandia

    OOC Nation: Saplandian empire

    Color: Brown

    Capital: Sapland

    Ruler: Saptarshi Sarkar

    Government Type: Absolute Monarchy

    Alternate History: In the early 1930's, a person named Saptarshi Sarkar launched a successful coup d'état against the Turkish Republic, and installed himself as the Supreme Leader of Turkey. Since then, Turkey's military has been constantly on the rise, and a secret police named the Safar-E-Hind has been established by the Supreme Leader to decrease unrest and stop dissent from becoming open defiance. Saptarshi renamed the country after himself in 1936, cementing his rule even further, and rechristened the capital as Sapland.

Suzuki China (Puppet)

    OOC Nation: Aivintis (Lerasi)

    Color: Peach

    Capital: Chang'an

    Ruler: Suzuki Kisaburō

    Government Type: Absolute Monarchy/Police State/Puppet Government (Japan)

    Alternate History: When Japan conquered China in the early 20th century, they took the coastal states for themselves but established a puppet government in the Inland States, forming the Suzuki Dynasty out of the family of a prominent Japanese politician. This Dynasty claims control over all of China, although Mongolian independence groups have arisen and Tibet isn't under their de facto control.

The Commune of North Guinea

    OOC Nation: Anglican unitary pacific states

    Color: Light Blue

    Capital: Greater Lodonia

    Ruler: Ayres

    Government Type: Commune

    Alternate History: Despite many European incursions into the area, the natives always managed to defend their home with guerrilla warfare, meaning European influence came not through conquest but rather diplomacy. In 1938, they organized themselves as the Commune of North Guinea.

The United Baltic Commune (Puppet)

    OOC Nation: The Free American Fascists (The Holy Utopian Republic)

    Color: Red-Orange

    Capital: Riga

    Ruler: Premier Yemelyanov Gaspar

    Government Type: Commune/Puppet Government (USSR)

    Alternate History: After the Livonian Order of the Sword united Estonia and Latvia under their banner, the USSR saw a potential threat, and invaded, installing a puppet government under Premier Yemelyanov Gaspar.

The Dutch-Swede Federation

    OOC Nation: Swednorland

    Color: Light Pink

    Capital: Uppsala

    Ruler: [N/A]

    Government Type: Federation

    Alternate History: [N/A]


  • Paragon is a military-political alliance emphasising values of monarchy and royalty, dynasty and aristocracy, and acting as a "Paragon of Excellency and Power in this modern world", according to Emperor Hirohito of Japan, who created the alliance.

    • The Empire of Greater Japan

    • The Suzuki Dynasty of China

    • The Empire of Greater Germany


  • One Year Non Aggression Pact between Paragon and the USSR

  • One Year Non Aggression Pact between Japan and North Guinea.


  • Japanese Delegation to Austria-Hungary

  • German-Belgian Relations

  • Austrian-Belgian Relations

  • Japanese Delegation to Belgium

  • Japanese Delegation to Inca

  • Japanese Delegation to Deseret

  • Russian Delegation to Iceland

If you are banned, you have broken a rule and a Tribunal has voted you guilty enough to be banned from my map. All your puppets are banned as well, and you may be subjected to WA checks to make sure you are not dodging a ban.

Current Banned Accounts:


Read dispatch

I have retired this map. I simply wasn't dedicated anymore and truthfully no one on the RMB really cares about it either.

I'm extremely happy that I was able to maintain this for what, almost half a year? And then have it continue with others until it's final resting place.

The first RMB rp map for itself, not some earth AU. And like all great first things, someone else made the map! (From a alternate future of Europe wiki)

Now it is the time for new maps to appear. While I am against multiple default maps, nothing is to be done.

Sweet memories... ah....

Well, that's that!

I left this the way it is because you never know, maybe people will wanna use it again someday! I really doubt it though.

Main reason is that people can look back on this and see how bad it was! Lol!

Well, all good and bad things come to an end.

Adios amigo! Be sure to say hi to me on the RMB if you haven't met me yet!


Welp, this is the map for TEP RMB. As for WHICH rp, this is for the one where everyone has colonies and wars everyday. Right now there will be none of that, as I need to think about how to expand nations though I have an idea.

If you wanna submit a claim, TG or DM me on discord (derp#9479), or quote one of my posts on the RMB. Please give a screenshot as well, that is more helpful.



1. Must be a resident of the East Pacific
2. You must have posted at LEAST once a month on the regional message board. This post can be roleplay related or not. First time you will loose your claim, second time this happens you will loose your claim forever. You will receive a warning both times.
3. Claim size MUST be about the same size as Kampf and Kilkire. OVERLY LARGE CLAIMS WILL BE DENIED.
4. Claims are a first come, first served basis. Therefore, in claiming a spot on the map, you acknowledge the fact that someone may have already reserved where you want to claim, and you shall leave or give up that claim willingly to the person. (Usually if this happens, it will be my fault, and I'm sorry for that.)
5. If you CTE, your nation will be removed from both maps and given to people bordering you or completely removed.

If you want to claim territory from an inactive nation, then you must send me a TG notifying me, and I will remove them from the map after validation.

So, the map! Yay!

Free Not Oppressed People
New Wisconsin
Inland Empire
Communist Commonwealth
Vultuca to GCE(Great Christian Empire)
Luthoayania to a different spot.
Broke Kampf into states to reflect current roleplay events.
Kampf into a unified nation again.
United North America's Color to dark blue, and changed font color to white.
Free Not Oppressed People to Free Not Oppressed Madagascar (FNOM)
Federation of United North America(UNA)
Aiyia to Artheria
New Birblands
Relocated Sarkis
Marrabuk (reasoning: it's a small island which was definable, and with his bounds to expand)
Kia Khe
Communist Commonwealth as Kampf Protectorate (CCC)
Nagatar expanded into old CCC homeland.
Shavara expanded.
Kia Khe to Kian Khe
Sarkis and Thsana to different colors (orange nation cluster group; looked horrid)
Expanded Terrabis-Seran
TGSC's location
Kian Khe
The Great Wisconsin-Birbland railroad
The 12th Marxist Union
Removed Wisconsian land to Kampf, to represent Kampf gaining a small amount of land in NWE.
Arrow Indicator to Fellon
Artheria and Kastynia into nature reserves (NR)
Taco Country (Taco)
Kampf now has a small claim next to Siminishia
Kian Khe has been partitioned
Frebane is now purple.
Southern East Coalition (SEC)
New Baumholder (NBH)
Danelaw Scandinavia( Danelaw)
Expanded Delvon
Build Nagatar Islands
Expanded Luthoayania
New Navada Republic (NNR)
Junkyard America (JA)
The Imperial State of Francia (Francia)
The Third Republic of France (TRF)
Re-added South Eastern Coalition as a protectorate of Zukchiva
Fraxhemark to brown
Added island territories to Fraxhemark and Rusenyia
Expanded Sarkis
Expanded Shavara
Expanded Taco County
Gave Pronalle former TGSC (later to be split between Marxist Utopia, CCC, Pronalle, and Nagatar
Expanded Wersh
Changed Wresh into Wersh (WH near CCC is Wersh territory)
Changed Airaajul to Airrajul
Added Island Territory to Kian Khe
Expanded TRF
Removed GCE (Great Christian Empire)
Gave Kampf Neo's Nation (Due to request by Neo)
Split Warmond
Spelling of Peatiktist
Canal between Sarkis and Marrabuk
Expanded Delvon
New Delios (ND)
The Marionette Player (MP)
The Alex Islands
Dumjukila Territory (DT)
The Imperial Russian Federation
Osterreich und Ungarn (OU)
Expanded UNA to two islands
United Siminishia with Kampf occupation being noted.
Expanded Shavara
Expanded Plux
Expanded Polvoska
Expanded Fraxhemark
Greater Ungarn
Look I Just Like A Poet
Expanded Taco Country
Switched Warmond and East Warmond
Expanded both Warmonds, changed color to green for both
Sapphire Islands(SI)
Split Wersh
Changed Wersh's color
Gave Wersh territory to CCC
Expanded Nagatar
Nagatar inherits the map
Expanded Grand Termina
Expanded New Teribithia (Bithia)
Split Polvoska between Shavara (Middle), Ungarn (Bottom), and Wersh (Top)
Finally split former TGSC
Gave Kampf Kian's Island (Sale)
Connected MarxistUtopia
Added New American Republic of States
Expanded CCC
Added Knights
Added Vultuca
Handed Marrabukan ports to Algerstonia and Nagatar
Expanded Nova-Columbia (NC)
Handed Sminishia to Greater Ungarn
Added New Sminishia
Expanded Fraxhemark
Expanded Algerstonia
Expanded Kilkire
Split Nagatar
Split Ducklandya
Zukchiva regained map, redid map to match former temporary map keeper's
Expanded NR
Changed Opstan's borders and colors
CCC and Kian Khe borders
Moved Algerstonia
Expanded Bithia
Added: Antirriah
The Unified Italiana
Expanded Shavara
Expanded Sminishia
Expanded Zukchiva
Changed railroads to a thick brown line
Restored Kampf's island
Changed joint Akabat-Zukchivan island to show primary Akabatian ownership
Added a map key
Changed CCC to Kampf territory
Expanded UNA
Removed Inland and Luthoayania
Expanded CCC and Wiranath
Shavarian-OU railroad
Das Gross Deutsche Reich
Expanded Terrabis-Seran
Expanded OU
Gave Asendavia back his land
Changed the color of multiple nations.
Las Anod
Removed SEC
Removed Brigandacia
Removed Ruseniya
Gave Kian Khe most of their land back.
Split abandoned territories
Expanded Zukchiva
Moved Las Anod
Expanded Kilkire
Expanded OU
Expanded Danelaw
Expanded Opstan
Moved Ruseniya
Changed NS to a Nature Reserve
Moved Las Anod
Expanded Algerstonia
Northwestern Louisiana (NL)
Holland Lorraine (HL)
North Lomak(N. Lomak)
Expanded Wersh
Russian Empire (1st Russian Empire)
Socialist Holy American Empire (SHAE)
North Kchina
Commonwealth of Astoria
Moved Antarritah
Changed OU's color
Annexed and readded Sminishia
Changed colors of multiple nations
Gave Wersh land sold by Kampf
Changed OU to AUS
Black spots in Zukchiva and Sminishia to show radioactive zones.
Annexed Sminishia remains
Relocated Sminishia
Northwestern Louisiana's colors
Changed North Kchina's color
Expanded North Kchina
Expanded Sarkis
Readded Peatiktist
Recolored AUS
American Federal Commonwealths (AFC)
Northern Darilyum
GRK( Greater Roman Kingdom)
Expaned OU
Expanded Sarkis
Expanded UNA
Abandonded Akabat, Algerstonia's Former Territory, Colderun
A few nations
Readded Ruseniya
Log will restart starting next update.
Elementia (Reason Elementia wasn't given an honor is because I have no idea how to give her one)
Knights of Time (Territory given to Marrabuk due to close relations, plus he was an honorable person)
Bunch of Territories
Holland Lorraine
Northwestern Louisiana
Look I Just Liked a Poet
BR (Name unknown)
Texaria (Nation given to Kampf due to heavy Kampf influences after genocide)
PCI (Nation name unknown)
VC (Nation name unknown)
WP (Nation name unknown)
Warmonds into Warmond
Few nations expanded and/or shrunk to fix borders.
Kampf a whole lot to give back land
New Baumholder
Angel of Charity
Natural Expansions, starting today, are no longer allowed.

NR= Nature Reserve
CCC= The Communist Commonwealth
JA= Junkyard America
WH= Wersh
WD= Warmond
AUS= Osterreich und Ungarn
MNC= Nova-Columbia
SI= Sapphire Islands
NC= Nova-Columbia
AA= Algerstonia
SHAE= Socialist Holy American Empire
JU= Jaelurian Union
GRK= Greater Roman Kingdom
GUS=Great United Seribean States
VC= Vultuca

Brown Line= Joint-Nation Railroad
Dark Green= Nature Reserve
Dark Grey= Abandoned Nation
Yellow= Imperial Federation
American Federal Commonwealths = AFC

People with claims on reserve:

Note: 800 reads! Wow O_o

Read dispatch

An older version of the ongoing Valsora map.

Valsora: 2059
Est. October 8th 2018



In order to claim a spot on the Valsora map, follow this process:
  • Decide what you want your nation will be. This is the first process of making a claim, as it will impact several key decisions. Do some worldbuilding. It doesn't have to be super in depth, just think of the basic cultural values of your nation.

  • Once you have a basic understanding of your nation, compare its culture with that of cultures in the real world. Try to figure out what culture it most closely resembles.

  • Match this culture with the culture of one of the continents on the map. If your culture is generally similar to Western European ideals, then you will be on Nonscio. If your culture is generally similar to Western European ideals, but is particularly inspired by Germanic culture, you will likely fit in on Araseos. If your nation is similar to Slavic or Eastern European culture, it will be on Yastreovakia. If your nation is Asian or Eastern themed, then it belongs on Orientalis. Finally, if you are one of the few nations to utilize African or Middle Eastern culture, then you will be among the small number of native Usnistanian nations.

  • Finally you are ready to send a telegram to the Cartographer, currently Nova-Columbia, detailing your nation, where it will be located, and why it will be located there. Exceptions can be made, but they are rare. IF AT ALL POSSIBLE, please include a picture with your claim. This prevents confusing exchanges as the Cartographer attempts to decipher where exactly your nation will be, how large it is, and the shape of the borders. Additionally, there are a few optional additions that can only be added with an image claim. Namely, these are a capital city and internal borders.

  • Finally, why not join our Discord Server? It's just one click away, and it's where you can easily talk to the management of the map.



Technology on Valsora is based in the very near future, with few exceptions. For example, you can have spaceships, and these spaceships can be more advanced than something like the Space Shuttles. You can even put guns on these spaceships and call them warships. However, no nation can have a massive space armada will laser guns and energy shields. Essentially, before introducing a technology, ask yourself one basic question. "Is this something that could hypothetically be developed within the next 50 years?" If you are unsure, just ask around, and people will have no trouble helping you out.


- Railguns: Railguns are beginning to enter more mainstream use, but are still plagued with several problems. From their massive power requirements, to their relatively slow fire rate, a wide range of problems has prevented the use of large caliber railguns in anything beyond fixed defensive fortifications and the largest of naval capital ships.

- Lasers: TBC

- Mechs: Mechs are still in the very early stages of development. Mechs utilizing four legs or more have proven to be a stable, albeit slow alternative to caterpillar tracks, and have entered limited use. Mechs utilizing three legs or less have thus far been less reliable, and the only truly succesful model thus far has been the Zaku's of Demiurges



Space Travel:

- FTL Drives: No FTL drives have been developed or gone anywhere past theoretical concepts.

- Colonization: Colonization is limited to small, enclosed settlements. Additionally, you must consult the Cartographer before attempting to establish a colony, to ensure that the standards of realism are maintained.


Expansion is handled on a case by case basis by the cartographer. If you feel you have a claim you wish to submit, send a telegram to the Cartographer. To handle expansion in a

Godmodding: TBC


The Suiliasystem:

Suiliasystem Map

In the vast twirls of matter and emptiness lies a star. One of many but the one and only provider of the only known planet to bear life in a cold, desolate, beautiful universe; her name is Sulia. She is a star billions of years old, though she is young compared to her peers in her galaxy of Galileo. Her passionate fury and flames make her temperatures rise up to 5.7 thousand Kelvin; yet, she is careful to give only her best light and softest warmth to her children. Sulia is known to bathe herself and her surroundings in a splendor of colors ranging from bright purple to burning blue to brighten up the Suliasystem and the life she watches over. She is a burning pillar of strength in the darkness.
Description written by Zukchiva
Salibe, a warm planet, covered in a dense, swirling mist. A rotating cloud belt swathes the planet in a soft grey pallette, and the tips of mountains poke out tantalizingly, forming swirls of turbulence in the clouds. A dense magnetic field protects the planet from the rays of the sun, making it seem temptingly suitable for life. A rocky belt, with one moon, surround it, along with metallic shards and glittering clouds of fragments of crystal. This results in brilliant rings, that shift and break apart over time, before returning to their natural place in what is reminiscent of a slow dance.
Description written by The Angel of Charity
The Belt of Tears:


Continental Map


Regional Map

Formosan Archipelago:
Western Antarctia:
Central Antarctia:
Eastern Antarctia:

Ocean Map

Furens Ocean:
Exteriorem Ocean:
Interiorem Ocean:
Pacalis Sea:
Norlany Sea:
Susurrus Sea:

Political Map

MER = Merlovich
AOC = Angel of Charity
NC = Nova-Columbia
KMP = Kampf
HUR = Holy Utopian Republic
OU = Osterreich Und Ungarn
USL = Upper Saust Latiegebestica
NWE = New Wisconsin Empire
NT = New Terabithia
DNL = Danelaw Scandinavia
TU = Tenkyoku
OC= Operion Corp.
ARP = Arpino
PLZ = Plazland
FTR = Felter
WSH = Wersh
DVL = Devlon
WFC = Wolfenchan Sudeutcherland (The socialist republics of combrekniza)
NJ = New Jamisonia

Atlia sonis
Caudian state
Cloud matrix
Danelaw Scandinavia
District h
Great algerstonia
Greater saskatchewan
Kampf Empire
Kian khe
Mystic forest
Neo afro caribbean order
New Terabithia
New union of sovereign soviet republics
North cichocie
Operian corp
Osterreich und ungarn
Pearl River
Repubblica armonica
Restoration of Eastern Kaiserreich
Seventh sanctum
Slagenseter forn
The Angel of Charity
The cult of the great cthulhu
The Holy Utopian Republic
The new wisconsin empire
The remnant of the enclave
The sanada clan
The socialist republics of combrekniza
Upper saust latiegebestica

Read dispatch


Because of confusions, disbalance and arguments between FTRP and MTRP nations, also due to some godmods which is the abuse of usage of futuristic technology. Given the widespread and vocal request for rules, it is in the interest of the RMB to officially set the main rules of the Terra RP.

Godmodding stuffs
  • Definition: Godmodding is breaking the established rules of the RP, controlling the actions of another player, or breaking the laws of reason to gain an advantage over another player.

  • Consequences: This is ILLEGAL, and actions such will be VOIDED

  • Other terms:
    OOC: Actions that occur out of roleplay. This means one on one conversation that can affect you in real life emotions. OOC should have no effect on RP, besides from planning.
    IC: Is any roleplay action or statement. Should have NO EFFECT on a person's emotions OOCily. As In-Character means, the person is acting as their character/person/nation/organization and thus should not involve OOC conflicts into the roleplay.

  • Situations considered godmodding:

    1. Control over other player's mind and actions

    2. Using vacuum decay, black holes and Big Bang.

    3. Metagaming, defined as using information available OOC, but not IC.

    4. Moves without giving the other player the ability to respond, often detrimentally.

    Technology and Weapons

    All technology in Terra RP shall be started at 2050 and further. This provides a cool, true and fun environment for FTRP-ers. Also, here is the example of sources of the futuristic technologies can be taken from:
    • Warhammer 40k

    • Star Wars

    • Star Trek

    • Independence Day

    • Terminator

    • Futuristic arts on Artstation and Deviantart (basically drawing sites)

    • Total Recall

    • Pacific Rim

    • Gundam

    • Ender's Game

    • Red Alert

    • HALO Nations

    Alliances and Pacts

    No member limit mentioned here, however alliances should ensure that they can keep their members' actions in control, preventing unwanted actions


    New nations are exempt from wars, or predatory practices, until a one week period is up. This grace period is null and void if a war is declared by the new nation. This is calculated from the time they join RP, not founding.


    Stats should be based on NSTracker:
    • Total number of troops

    • Strength of troops

    • Exchange rate to NS$ (aka USD in common)

    • Commodities

    Stats should be based on NS Stat:

    • Population (combined with puppets and colonies if have)

    • Economic Output

    • Definition: Act of removing the voided object from RP canon. It is typically used when a nation has persistently godmodded, or has godmodded in a post. It can also be used to remove posts or elements of a post, that have clearly violated RP rules.

    • Situations of voiding:

      1. When a nation has godmodded, assuming there is clear evidence of it, the posts in question can be voided by the other participant in the RP. This allows the RP to continue, while clearing out the issue. When voiding, a concise reason should be given for the voiding, to help the other player learn from their mistakes.
        If a nation godmods frequently, or is troublesome during RP. A Terra RP officer can void them from Terra RP. Afterwards, any action they do is not canon to the Terra RP.

      2. Also, the voiding of wars can be done before the war starts. If in a war, one side doesn't want to RP, the war can be voided.


    Due to Terra RP has the feature of inter-galaxy motion, so about mapping the player can make his own map and then add it to the List of maps of Terra RP players. (I will make the dispatch later, along with instructions)

    1. No unplanned wars.

    2. Wars only occur when both sides online.

    3. On the situation of one side offline, ensure that any action of one side must follow the other side's action. Meaning that no one-sided war. Pause time for actions in the war is unlimited, however one again, no one-sided.

    NOTE: 1. U can do anything not forbidden here, including making puppets for Terra RP (for MTRP nations, aka Mainstream)

    2. Since this is FTRP world, so application of physics is optional here. Eg: plasma guns normally can fire from 50m at most but u can fire plasma from 500 meters.

    3. Due to the 2nd note, so please before entering Terra, be sure to have courage face the non-physical stuffs here. Fun but hacking

Read factbook

This is the map for Terra Roleplay, aka FTRP.


  • Planetary nation

  • Interplanetary nation


  • Red : Asia

  • White : Afrikana

  • Purple: Europa

  • Brown: Amerikanskaya

  • Gray: Australien


  • Grossvietnam. Red

  • Saplandian empire. Red-Yellow

  • Socialist holy american empire. White

  • Caphriel. Purple

  • Great algerstonia. Gray

  • British star empire. White-Red

  • Reorganized independent nevada. Gold.

  • . Blue

  • Deorum imperii. White-Yellow

  • Fetudersialand. Brown

  • Laohnara. Blue-Green

  • Newark aristocracy. Green

  • Arpino. Red-Black

  • Protora. Black

  • The death syndicate. Maroon-scarlet

  • Third Soviet Union. Maroon

  • Gallacite. Beige

  • The Holy Utopian Republic. White-Blue (planetary)

  • The Militarius Imperium. White-Blue (inter-planetary)

Rules for Terra RP


  • Please download the map in full resolution and then spot claim before TG to me.

  • Tell the type of nation wanted to be tagged as. Choices above. And remember to tell the claim color and region

Read dispatch

Alternate Histroy Maps

Created by a single player, these maps are examples of other forms of storytelling in TEP.

G r ö ß e r e s - M i t t e l e u r o p a

" Politics is the art of the possible. "
— Otto von Bismarck

Jubeln! It's the 10-year anniversary of the end fo the Weltkrieg! The Kaiser has announced a military parade be held in Deutschlands' biggest cities in honor of the war. Parades are thought to start around, with the first one said to start in Wien, while the last one, at the end of the third day, would happen at Berlin. The kaiser himself is said to be witnessing the event.

In other news, the Italienisches Reich ( Impero Italiano ) has most recently removed troops from the Italienisch-Jugoslawisch border. This action's reason is still unknown, but it's thought that the Italiener is going to start working together with the Jugoslawen.

Europäische Wirtschaftsmächte

  1. Großdeutscher Bund

  2. Federación Hispana

  3. Impero Italiano

  4. Förenad Entente

  5. Царство България

Europäische Militärmächte

  1. Großdeutscher Bund

  2. Impero Italiano

  3. Federación Hispana

  4. Союз русских социалистических республик

  5. Förenad Entente

Read dispatch

S O M E W H A T - R E A L I S T I C - A L T E R N A T E - W O R L D
Based off a Factbook by The Bridge of New Terabithia

"When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do."
— Walt Disney

World News; More and more protest's have been occuring in the "collapsing" state of the Chinese Federation, after years of decline and drought have hit the nation. Once being in the top 10, going to a max of 3rd, the nation has been on a decline ever since the independence movments have hit the nation, making East Turkmenistan and Tibet declare their independence from the mainland, even the SUE has had a larger GDP than the Chinese Federation. Many have called to an end of the government, while others want to break away from the nation as a whole. The SUE and her allies bordering China, Mongolia and Manchuria, have militarized and prepared troops at the borders of China and Korean Republic, though claiming these are for support purposes.

Euronews; Infamy! The Dutch regions of the Untied French Republic, which had recently annexed the region known as Benelux, have declared independence from the rest of the french nation. Only after a year since the annexation took place. The French have not responded to this declaration on independence, but is of the most part recognizing their independence and treating them as such, with troops pulling out of the region and onto the supposes broder. The region around the historical nation of Luxembourg has been given autonomy in light of this recent conflict in the dutch regions.

Top 10 Economic Powers

  1. United Commonwealths of America

  2. Federation of Oceania

  3. Korean Republic

  4. Confederation of Austro-Germania

  5. Republic of South Japan

  6. Federative Republic of Brazil

  7. French Republic

  8. Socialist Union of Eurasia

  9. Federal Republic of India

  10. Commonwealth of Great Britian

Top 10 Military Powers

  1. United Commonwealths of America

  2. Federation of Oceania

  3. Federal Republic of India

  4. Socialist Union of Eurasia

  5. Chinese Federation

  6. Grand Empire of Zaire

  7. Federative Republic of Brazil

  8. Confederation of Austro-Germania

  9. French Republic

  10. Commonwealth of Great Britian

Read dispatch

Original Dispatch Credit: Stellar Colonies
Edited by: Nociav
Header and Footer Credit: East Malaysia

The Archive of TEP Information Center

