by Max Barry

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Region: Knowhere

Volaworand wrote:(plenty of international comings and goings in the South Shetlands... it's where most foreign research stations are based, along with the Alert military station. plenty of unregulated little bush plane flights and cargo ferry's coming and going... Hopefully the police will nab those pesky midand spies)

The team leader glanced nervously at the team and then back at the door to the ferry.
The ferry terminal bustled with travelers, shouting families, and screaming people complaining about the ticket price.
"Stop being nervous; if we get on the ferry, the cops are long gone", one of the team members said, chewing on a toothpick.
"That's exactly what I'm nervous about. If we don't get on the ferry, the cops catch us!" she said, sweating.
"Quit worrying, what's 2 minutes going to do?"
"Now boarding Class C, ferry to South Midandia - Airport Island Port."
Maybe he was right. Maybe they could make it.
There were reports of police searching the Shetlands, and they were going to suffer the same fate as the "Forgotten Three" if they weren't quick.
(LOL, got memories of The Last Crusade...I should watch that again)
