by Max Barry

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by The Isles of Student Loan Debt. . 42 reads.

DSA Day 10 Year Celebration Interviews

Hello, comrades. In honor of the 10th Anniversary of the DSA, I figured that a celebration of the region's history was in order. With that, I source my history through the players themselves. Over the past month, I have been conducting interviews with members of the DSA, both those within the current government and those from the days of old. Of the ones I attempted, 13 DSA members have responded and here are their interviews. I will start with the oldest members and conclude with the current government.

Opalaland, Founder of the DSA
⦁ When did you first join NationStates? How did you first hear about it?
I joined NationStates about a year or two before founding the DSA. I had a friend who founded the now defunct nation of Quatchetolli, and she told me about NationSates and helped me found Opalaland.

⦁ What was it like in the early days of the DSA (the current one)?
It was very exciting in the early days. There was a lot of happiness to be in a new region with a Founder who was willing to accept and respect the elected government of the region. I helped to set up the original judicial system and served as a Tribune in the Tribunal that was established.

⦁ What are some favorite memories you have of the region?
My favorite memories come from the founding era and working to set up the region.

⦁ What do you do outside of NationStates? Examples: what your job (if employed)? Hobbies? Talents? etc
Outside of the game, I’m generally a quiet and cautious person. I work in the legal sector. My hobbies currently include learning Spanish and reading for pleasure.

⦁ What keeps you logging in? It's amazing that you've stayed on here for this long and it's always been something I've wondered
I stay because I made a commitment to the DSA by taking up the mantle of Founder. I started this region to get us away from tyranny and I have been drawn back to make sure this region doesn’t fall prey to those who’d like nothing better than to see us invaded and destroyed. I don’t travel much to other parts of NationStates anymore, but I get the impression that we are somewhat unique in having such a long-lived region with a benevolent (I hope) but remote Founder and a region otherwise run by democratically elected members.

⦁ Are there any players you remember over the past decade that you remember fondly? People you enjoyed?
I am sad that my friend who founded Quatchetolli left the game. I am also sad that the person who founded Juventine left the game. They were a kind and thoughtful soul, and I miss them.

⦁ What are your plans for the future in your life? What do you hope to be or accomplish before you die? Or more simply and less macabre, within the next 20 years?
Yikes, well, I’ll give the same answer I’d have given ten years ago: to find and marry a man who is kind, intelligent, loyal, honest, and funny. To find success in my career and bring a positive impact to people’s lives and to my community.

Herrebrugh, 2nd and 4th Minister of Foreign Affairs for 3 terms, 7th Minister of Role-Play, and 13th Minister of Immigration & Regional Promotion
⦁ When did you first join NationStates? How did you first hear about it?
This is my ever nation on NationStates, so I joined on the 24th of August 2007. At the time I was twelve, and I was already fascinated by politics and, especially, the idea of nation building. I drew maps for a fantasy nation I called "De Republiek Jozevia" ("The Republic of Jozevia"); though this map was basically an island shaped like a perfect oval with a channel running from about two-thirds of the left to the right. The Jozevian "language" was simply Dutch switched around.

This fascination meant that I would occasionally search on Google to see if there were any sites that allowed you to make your own nation. I had heard of other games, like Ginges/Ganges/Jinges (something like that) from friends, and had found CyberNations. They couldn't hold my attention at all, though; I stopped playing after a week or so and would occasionally come back again. The part that interested me, nation building, was pretty much non-existent in these games. It was all about war.

As such, I kept searching for a game that would allow me to live out my fantasy of having an own nation, and I eventually ended up finding NationStates. I created the "Democratic Republic of Herrebrugh" (I had chosen the nation type from the list as I hadn't hit 500 million citizens), which I based on the Brotherhood of Nod from Command & Conquer. The fact that I am still here shows pretty well that this game could scratch an itch that no other game could.

⦁ What was it like in the early days of the DSA (the current one)?
Well, considering we had left what we saw as a tyrannical region to found a new one, the atmosphere was very optimistic. From what I remember, we grew quite well over time and placed a lot of emphasis on interregional relations. There was a strong feeling of having built something together, though I was only very marginally part of that.

⦁ What are some favorite memories you have of the region?
I suppose coming over here from the old DSA is the nicest memory. Besides that, the general good atmosphere that was always present.

It's not really a memory, but reminding myself that I have been a member of the DSAs for more than a decade gives me a pretty odd feeling :p

⦁ What do you do outside of NationStates? Examples: what your job (if employed)? Hobbies? Talents? etc
I've just started studying Dutch in university. For those unfamiliar with language studies, (at least here) it involves learning about Dutch culture and literature through the centuries, as well as language change and syntax (look up syntax trees). You could call it Dutch linguistics.

My hobbies should be fairly obvious to people who have seen me around here: I love graphic design, mainly making logos and state symbols. I also enjoy making national anthems and the like, and maps.

Apart from that I thoroughly enjoy history; currently I'm very much interested in the Etruscans, about whom I read quite a bit. Language is another topic I am interested in, mainly my native language Dutch. Unsurprisingly, my favourite topic in this context is the history of the Dutch language. Middle Dutch (Dutch as it was spoken roughly 1000-1500) is especially beautiful.

Modding games is another thing I enjoy doing. I'm currently working on mods for Imperator: Rome, mainly to (in my view) fix the way the Etruscans are represented in this game, though I've also done a mod in which Germanic characters get names based on Proto-Germanic terms (as Germanic names were generally formed by combining two terms, like in "William"/"Wilhelm" > "Wil[l]" and "helm": protector; this would make "*Wiljohelmaz" in Proto-Germanic).

⦁ What keeps you logging in? Not many NationStates players stay in the game for this long and you are one of the few who have
It has to be said that I am a lot less active than I used to be in the last decade; NationStates simply doesn't hold my interest quite as well as it used to. Still, I do indeed keep logging in, and I also still have NationStates as the homepage of my browser; for a large part because I have a whole bunch of puppets and I love each and every one of them :p

Furthermore, however, I also just come back occasionally to tinker with some elements of my factbooks. Often I will have found some inspiration to make something new in Inkscape (for those unfamiliar: a graphic design program), like medals or money; and then I'll check the RMB or the Dutch thread on the forums.

⦁ Are there any players you remember over the past decade that you remember fondly? People you enjoyed?
Plenty, though most are still present (for example the DSA oldtimers and the Dutchies over in the Dutch thread). More interesting mentions are Hippostania, with whom I was friends for a while. I also somewhat fondly look back on Leather-clad germany. For those unfamiliar: they were a nation ruling over the Greater German Reich pretending to be some kind of nazi leather fetishist. They used to be a fairly big deal, until that nation was deleted and someone in the Red Fleet stole the name of the region.

Otherwise, I introduced a life-long friend of mine to NationStates all the way back in 2007. I am sad to say he took his own life in 2008 when we were in secondary school; he was called Roef (pronounced "Roof", with a short vowel), after a nickname of his. As a personal memorial, I have always kept his nation in my Dossier.

⦁ What are your plans for the future in your life? What do you hope to be or accomplish before you die? Or more simply and less macabre, within the next 20 years?
Within twenty years I'd like to have found a job that fits with my interests, I'm thinking as an archivist but who knows. I want to be a bit more outgoing, going more often to museums and the like (Covid has showed me how much I'm missing out on). I'd also want to have a boyfriend.

Terlibe, 4th Minister of Cartography, 4th Secretary-General, 5th Minister of Foreign Affairs for 5 consecutive terms, 6th President of the DSA, 5th Minister of Role Play, and 14th Minister of Domestic Affairs
⦁ When did you first join NationStates? How did you first hear about it?
I believe I first joined in 2013 while in high school. I think I just googled something along the lines of "Nation simulator game." This was exactly what I was looking for.

⦁ What was it like when you were first part of the DSA? What drew you to us?
I joined the DSA in my first few days. Having grown up in a small rural town in the United States, 'socialism' was usually a scary word, but I wanted to learn more about it. I was new to the idea of politics, and I was determined to do research and form my own opinions. People in this region were instrumental in that. It was full of lively debates, but they were never adversarial. Everyone was always to eager to express their opinions, and even more eager to learn. That's why I stayed.

⦁ What are some favorite memories you have of the region?
I joined the DSA not long after its split from the old DSA. We were under constant threat of being raided, and we were routinely taunted by the old Democratic Socialist Alliance members and their founder, Cynthia mckinney. There was also a militant group associated with the old DSA whose name escapes me at the moment. Maybe it was The Internationale? Something along those lines. (I'm sure you are aware or have it stashed in the archives somewhere. So feel free to correct me.) This was a tumultuous time, but that made it very exciting for a newcomer like me. I was eager to get involved.

Eventually I ran for Minister of Foreign Affairs and wanted to focus on peacemaking. Cynthia McKinney ultimately ceased to exist and the old DSA was far less hostile. We held talks with The Internationale (or other name) to seek peace. At first, there was a lot of heated debate, which I found thrilling. Eventually tensions calmed and we made peace. I then focused on finding more peaceful, leftist allies. We set detailed embassy requirements and aligned with numerous new friendly regions which ultimately made us more secure and allowed the DSA to grow to one of the largest nations in the world, at one point having over 300 nations. I don't say this braggadociously. It was a massive regional effort that no one person could have accomplished. It was really incredible to watch this region go from constantly fearing invasion to being a thriving leftist influence. It was easily my favorite experience here. Of course, none of this would have happened without our gracious and ever-existing founder.

⦁ What do you do outside of NationStates? Examples: what your job (if employed)? Hobbies? Talents? etc
I am currently an employee at my local health department working in Medicaid. While hobbies have been almost nonexistent over the last year, I used to like to bowl, which I'd like to also consider a talent. I play volleyball, and I've most recently started attempting to play tennis, though I definitely would not consider those talents. We'll call them 'works in progress.' I also always enjoy a good bourbon.

⦁ What keeps you logging in? Not many NationStates players stay in the game for this long and you are one of the few who have
I did cease to exist for a couple of years. I began college and working and I just didn't really have time. But I did come back out of curiosity. I wanted to see which of my friends were still around and check in on how the region is doing. I love watching new people join and build on the work we did many years ago, like I mentioned with the maps. You have done an incredible job.

I sometimes think of getting involved again, but I lot of things have changed and it would take me while to get adjusted. For now, I'll continue to fondly observe from the background and chime in once in a while. Maybe some day I'll become more active again.

⦁ Are there any players you remember over the past decade that you remember fondly? People you enjoyed?
Oh, very much so. I like to think I became close with Suceavija, Herrebrugh, Haltari, Jotunland, Gervase, and especially Ratateague (who I see is now in the Social Liberal Union) among many many others. Ratateague, Suc, and I bonded over flag making. I designed the flag Ratateague used for quite a while, and Suc was integral in the creation many of my flags. I was also close with a country called Nordland, who I'm sure you've seen on older maps. Nordland was extremely active in all aspects of the DSA, but then one day, seemingly overnight, they weren't. They eventually ceased to exist and never came back. I still to this day wonder what happened.

⦁ What are your plans for the future in your life? What do you hope to be or accomplish before you die? Or more simply and less macabre, within the next 20 years?
The next step is getting a house. My significant other and I love to travel, so there will be plenty of that once it is safe. Beyond that, who knows. Life is a journey and I am merely a participant. I sure am excited to find out though.

Liossalde, 9th Minister of Immigration & Regional Promotion, 22nd Minister of Justice and 1st Councilor of Justice with a total of 3 1/2 terms, and 2nd Director of Regional Security
⦁ When did you first join NationStates? How did you first hear about it?
I joined NationStates back in October 2012. It was my last year in school, I was looking for things to procrastinate in between my readings for uni exams, but I have to confess that the background is far deeper: I had an obsession with Playmobil RPs where I was portraying my characters as political subjects; I have even marked with a pencil the whole wooden floor of my room to make it look like borders of the fictional countries I had in mind. I even designed small flags for those tiny states. One of these states was known as Liossalde. I was looking for a game where I could be able to make an entire state from scratch - not just RP alternative histories of existing or existed earthly nations -, and so I found out about the existence of NationStates from a random Google search. The rest is "history".

⦁ When did you join the DSA? Were you just looking at regions when you found us or did you come through recruitment telegram?
I joined DSA around May 2013. I had to check my telegrams to make sure. Yes, it was May 2013. One of my first regions was "Communist International League", which had a short-lived embassy with Democratic Socialist Alliance back in the day and later again, with our DSA. In CIL, I got involved in a rather strange situation: I didn't know quite well how endorsements work and how they were tied with the WA Delegate per se, and I endorsed everyone from the region and equally, everyone endorsed me back. The next morning I got up, I recall having 5 tgs with warnings from the then WAD of CIL and one notification that I was banned from the region. No matter how much I tried to explain them the incident, they actually accused me of a planned coup, which was hilarious for me to the point I decided to make my own region.

Seeking out for embassies, I contacted some of the "executives" of CIL embassies, one of them being our DSA. The talks I had with Haltari and but most importantly, Terlibe - the then MoFA and later on, WAD, gave me the impression of a rather healthy and non-toxic region that faced its own struggles in the near past. I joined almost 2 years after the events of DSAlliance exit, while DSAlliance was active and Cynthia mckinney was even plotting against the stability of the newly formed region, and so I felt this kind of unjustice as a personal matter, you know, and thus I found my place in this forum (exclusively then) game. I never left this region ever after, excluding the period of almost a year and half in CTE'd condition. I saw this region rising and falling, being almost separated and under critical dilemmas and circumstances all over, but the more the time goes by, the more I know and love the people of DSA.

⦁ What are some things you've come to enjoy about the DSA most? A favorite memory?
DSA is its people. It's not about the name nor anything suggesting a purely ideological stance. Quite the opposite I think: the name itself has come to suggest an empty signifier nowadays, seeing it from a long distance. I enjoy the company of people that brought me here, on Discord. The moments we have come through together - wether sharing the same opinions or not -, the fun moments, the playful moments and the vast supporting network that has become the signature of our interaction, and the collective artwork of RPs. Speaking of which, the Monster of The Week events that you put so much time, care and effort could definitely be named as one of my favorite memories around here, even if in the end, I couldn't participate in it as much as I wanted. Other favorite memories can include some night VC we had, mini spontaneous events and definitely, the debates which were held for various reasons in our server.

⦁ What do you do outside of NationStates? Examples: what your job (if employed)? Hobbies? Talents? etc
Outside of NationStates I'm occupied with many things at the same time, fortunately and unfortunately. Currently I'm a PhD candidate in History and Anthropology, where I mainly study the early colonial networks of Eastern Mediterranean with a focus on Jewish people and culture. Side to this, I'm working for the largest telecommunications company of my country cause hell, I need to feed myself xD Some hobbies of mine include writing in journals, publishing articles on my field and writing poetry.

⦁ What made you first want to enter DSA government?
Firstly, I wanted to be part of the active community as much as I could. I consider my first "government job" to be my ambassador appointment in Das Kommune iirc, a now defunct region. Later that year, I tried to enter the ride for the - also defunct- Ministry of Immigration and Regional Promotion, in which I was successful. I handled the recruitment bot for a bit, it was nice but felt like a very "bureaucratic" job for my taste, so I didn't run for it again. In the "Discord Era", the societal ties strengthen enough and the RP section under [Student Loan Debt]'s tenure was so good, that I decided to give/invest a lot of my personal time into it, flourishing it with notes of my own personality and interests (ergo the introduction of Anthropology lores and the aid I gladly gave to the space rp as well).

After the hardships I got through over the year of my absence, it was so nice to know that at least one person, Student, was there for me, accessible, ready to hear me and a whole new community was there for me to embrace me as a member and friend. It is my honor that I served as a Minister of Justice for over 9 months, 3 and a half consecutive terms, both as the last Minister and Justice and as the First Councilor of Justice - a period of intensive critical events such as the exit from the toxic affiliation with NSLeft, the banjection of numerous harmful subjects in perfect cooperation with the wider mod team of the region: one of the key-features that were introduced during this tenure. The amount of experience I got in the handling of such circumstances helped both in my real life and in my mod/admin/owner status of other social servers I am in. I'm so very grateful.

⦁ Who are some people whom you've come to consider good friends in the DSA?
I was waiting for this part to be honest, just to feel the awkward moment of "having to choose between people". No, I can't do that actually. There are so many gems in our community. I will have to mention some people though, who have always been there for me and in return, I hold them in my heart always as good friends. Student Loan Debt, you know that I love you wholeheartedly - even when we don't check up on each other, I feel the vibes as if we do. You are such a sweet, caring and kind person that I'll always look for your humorous posts to make my day, or hear a story from your day(s) or feel free to talk about my issues with you. Kathina dakani are exceptional as well. They were the first people whom I talked about my irl self in detail, we happen to share familiar horizons of understanding of things around the world and they were always good friends with me no matter what. Dekks, Mike (Bhexa) , United syndicates of sol , La pays de soliel, Dridia, Oh my god it is so hard to find a name, Sessnia, Visrava, Celle franca, and Solus unus are notable for their sweet company as well.

⦁ What are your plans for the future in your life? What do you hope to be or accomplish before you die? Or more simply and less macabre, within the next 20 years?
That's gonna be the shortest reply: I don't really have "plans" per se. My only wish is to live a bearable life within this unbearable world, for as long as possible. I'm fighting my General Anxiety Disorder and so living a quality life without many stress triggers is what I strive for. I'd love to imagine myself spending my summers in my father's village, a place between two large mountains and the endless view of the Aegean Sea.... Ahhh, yeah, that's all pretty much.

Xingal, 13th Minister of Justice, 17th Minister of Foreign Affairs, 21st Minister of Domestic Affairs for 2 terms, and 2nd High Judge for 3 terms
⦁ When did you first join NationStates? How did you first hear about it?
That was ages ago. I'm not even quite sure when, actually. Think it was 9 years ago? Something like that.

⦁ When did you join the DSA? Were you just looking at regions when you found us or did you come through recruitment telegram?
I think I joined after I CTE'd and got the telegram. that was, like. 7 or 8 years ago? Also a very long time. I wasn't very active in the beginning, mostly keeping to myself. Later, I became more involved.

⦁ What are some things you've come to enjoy about the DSA most? A favorite memory?
The community is great. We worked hard for it - I did what I could to help make it so, and I hope I managed at least a little. Favorite memory, hmmm. There are many. Some of my best are with my friends in the server, like Kathina dakani or Dekks. Those are very important to me.

⦁ What do you do outside of NationStates? Examples: what your job (if employed)? Hobbies? Talents? etc
I'm currently working as a database manager and GIS analyst. I love video games, music, books, and walking.

⦁ What made you want to get involved in governing the region? Whether back when you were a Minister or now as a Mod
I wanted to contribute. As I said above, I wasn't very active in the beginning. With the Discord era, that changed. I got in contact with people, formed connections. And I wanted to make the DSA a better place. So when I was asked if I wanted to run for an office, I took the chance. My first position was Minister of Justice - I think that was a position I could do much good in, even if at times unthankful.

⦁ Who are some people whom you've come to consider good friends in the DSA?
Kathina dakani, Dekks, and a few others come to mind.

⦁ What are your plans for the future in your life? What do you hope to be or accomplish before you die? Or more simply and less macabre, within the next 20 years?
I want to see the world. And make it better as best as I can. I would love to go back into research.

Solus unus, 17th Minister of Domestic Affairs for 4 consecutive terms, 20th Minster of Domestic Affairs for 2 terms, 12th Minister of Justice, and 24th and Final President
⦁ When did you first join NationStates? How did you first hear about it?
We first got into it near the end of 2015, would have been end of November or early December, somewhere around there. We saw a link to it when browsing the explainxkcd wiki, as there's a reference to NS on the "LinkOnline Communities 2" map Randall made a while back. We thought it sounded interesting from how it was described there, so we came and gave it a shot. This was far enough back that we were 1: still a trans egg, 2: still a plural egg, and 3: not even really all that leftist yet. Bernie Sanders was the height of our political lefthood at that point, and we also had a pretty heavy pacifist isolationist streak, hence the name "Solus Unus" and the general vibe of the country.

⦁ When did you join the DSA? Were you just looking at regions when you found us or did you come through recruitment telegram?
We bounced around a few regions in our early days in the game, but we ended up settling on the DSA only a couple weeks after we joined NS mainly because of the custom map and y'all being leftist and such. IWRC, back then, it was still the archipelago map, and that was fascinating to us, got us a bit interested in settling down and doing stuff here.

⦁ What are some things you've come to enjoy about the DSA most? A favorite memory?
Honestly for this... the most important memories we've had for the DSA were ones where we introduced people to things. When we first felt safe coming out as trans on the RMB, when we mentioned plurality on the discord, when we've just talked about areas of things we know. We feel immensely helpful in introducing new ideas to the community, and we know we've helped a couple people make selves-discovery just by being so open about ourselves, and that's super important to us.

This space has been so accepting for us and it's been nice to give back and help teach the space about things, and even help people within it learn more about themselves.

⦁ What do you do outside of NationStates? Examples: what your job (if employed)? Hobbies? Talents? etc
We do a lot of short story writing for ourselves, it's an art form we find a lot of help with (and hoping to turn into some income via commissions at some point). We're also a self-taught web developer and programmer and do a lot of that for various personal projects. Other than that, it's mostly just video games, lol.

⦁ What made you first want to enter DSA government? You got quite a roster on Minister posistions in your time here
We first got into it because we were at the time a 15 year old LARPing politics on a fantasy government. We specifically remember that we ran for MDA in the 18th Cabinet, and while we lost that election, Celle Franca said they'd nominate us for the 19th cabinet. They did end up keeping their word, and while they ran for president, they nominated us for MDA, and that was our first time in government. Ever since then, our politics and engagement with the regional government has massively shifted, though we still take much pride in being "The Last President". Even in places wholly unrelated to NationStates, we make jokes about having abolished a presidency validating our anarchist cred.

⦁ Who are some people whom you've come to consider good friends in the DSA?
This is a bit of a weird one for us, because we've been here so long a lot of the people we've considered friends have left the community and/or had fallings out to make them no longer friends. However, limiting the set to current ones, we can definitely list a few.
* It's been really nice to get to know Kathina dakani (one of them) closer after our NS hiatus, we didn't leave on the best of terms with them originally, but it's been nice to get to a more positive place.
* Alongside that, Kathina dakani (the other one) has been really neat to get to know as well, and we feel a bit of pride on the front of being so public with our own plurality in the DSA to the point of helping people make some revelations.
* Van (Sessnia) is also a really nice and cutefriend, and it's nice to chat with her about things.
* Not to mention you, Student Loan Debt, you're a good being and have been just wonderful for the community for so long.

⦁ What are your plans for the future in your life? What do you hope to be or accomplish before you die? Or more simply and less macabre, within the next 20 years?
We're getting moved in with our fiancée in the very near future, which is going to be a massive step forwards for us in many ways. In terms of longer-term plans though, we don't really know! We have vague plans with our polycule/friend group to try and bring together a gay commune which may or may not come to fruition, which would be fantastic if it did, but other than that, we're just gonna play it by ear and see what the future holds.

Kathina dakani, 16th Minister of Role Play, 2nd Director of War & Peace for 6th consecutive terms, 1st Discord Admin for 8 consecutive terms, 2nd Director of News and Information for 5 consecutive terms, and 5th Director of Immigration for 6 consecutive terms
⦁ When did you first join NationStates? How did you first hear about it?
It was in the May of 2018, when I saw a joke thread on r/completeanarchy about making the worst nations you can think of.

⦁ When did you join the DSA? Were you just looking at regions when you found us or did you come through recruitment telegram?
Oh, it had to be shortly after joining NS. I had a recruitment telegram lying around my inbox. After a brief stint with a role play region, I wanted to join a more leftist oriented community.

⦁ What are some things you've come to enjoy about the DSA most? A favorite memory?
Well the role play has been a favorite facet for sometime now. Though a lot of our ideas for it have outgrown the region and taken on their own life. I don't know if I can pick something else specific, really. The whole community is enjoyable.

⦁ What do you do outside of NationStates? Examples: what your job (if employed)? Hobbies? Talents? etc
I do freelance artwork ranging from illustrations to photography. That was a lot better before the pandemic. It can help fund my work with a graphic novel project we're working on, inspired by my role play here in the DSA. I'm also working towards a master's in art history and anthropology. A, we'll say, very close friend of mine is looking to get a guitar to put out some tracks and EP.

⦁ What made you first want to be involved with governing the DSA? What made you want to be Admin?
Being the server Admin? Well after the near implosion of the region a couple of years ago, I kind of felt that I had to. It got to a point where I felt that the previous manifestation of the community was far too steeped in their own fake political games that they totally lost sight of what having a community is all about. So I took to trying that legalistic stuff for a bit and made a framework for how to run the Discord server, where pretty much everything happens. At the risk of sounding full of it, I didn't feel that anyone else was fit to take the position since I designed it for people who didn't like to play those sorts of polisci games and there wasn't anyone I thought was fit for that at the time.

And on top of that, it was kind of nasty back then, exclusionary in some respects, and some very nice people who are still here can recall being the victims of bullying at the hands of some people back then. So I convinced people to nominate me and enough people agreed I was the best pick since I made the whole thing and I got voted in. There have been a few people who disdained to join the real world where they need to remember the person at the other end of the screen who put some bumps in the road. It seemed I've earned the ire of those people, who are long gone now, at least with regards to NationStates. I don't know them personally, so it's whatever, now that I'm recalling them. Assuming they still even care, I'd imagine they've moved on as well. It was worth it, in the end. The community today is just so wholesome and genuinely cares for each other.

⦁ Who are some people whom you've come to consider good friends in the DSA?
Those of you who I've gotten very close with over the years know who you are. Otherwise, you'll get the safe "the whole community is my friend" answer. I don't want to sound like I play favorites lol.

⦁ What are your plans for the future in your life? What do you hope to be or accomplish before you die? Or more simply and less macabre, within the next 20 years?
Finish my master's, publish our graphic novel series, help my friend release her music, and work in a museum or academic setting. I've noted I'm among a growing group of young, aspiring art historians who want to examine anything but the tired western works. I'm particularly interested in the artistic histories of pre-columbian Mesoamerica. The European colonizers erased a lot of things which deserve now to be remembered and I'd like to play my part in researching that history as well as the history and contexts of LGBTQ+ artists from around the world.

And Now For The Current Government

Student Loan Debt, 7th Director of Cartography for 14 consecutive terms, 14th Minister of Role Play for 3 consecutive terms and 17th Minister of Role Play for 1 term, 2nd Director of World Assembly Affairs, 1st Director of Immigration, 1st Director of News and Information for 2 1/2 terms, 21st President, 27th Secretary-General, 2nd Director of Sports Leagues for 3 1/2 consecutive terms, 3rd Administrator Emeritus for 6 consecutive terms, and 4th Director of Community Affairs

⦁ When did you first join NationStates? How did you first hear about it?
I joined NationStates on December 4th, 2017. I was on a (now defunct) political discussion app called We The People and people could make discussion posts on there. Someone made one about NS and i thought it sounded fun so I joined.

⦁ When did you join the DSA? Were you just looking at regions when you found us or did you come through recruitment telegram?
The DSA was the first region I joined on the same day I joined NS. It was the 2nd recruitment telegram I got, first one being from the region Europe. The telegram included a list of ideologies that were present in the DSA and mine happened to be on there and I thought it seemed more attrative than Europe's telegram. Plus it did some metagaming and acknowledge the large amount of telegrams I was getting so my brain was like "Hey, they get me!"

⦁ What are some things you've come to enjoy about the DSA most? A favorite memory?
One memory I enjoy is I believe the first conversation I had with Solus unus when she was talking about the math of using the force of ejaculations to power rocket ship launches. Overall enjoyment has been the regional government. I like that aspect of the DSA, finding it fun and engaging. Along with that, the community is lovely and the DSA has become a 2nd home for me.

⦁ What do you do outside of NationStates? Examples: what your job (if employed)? Hobbies? Talents? etc
I'm currently employed at a guitar factory, working in electronics and building the electrical components that go into eletric guitars. Hobbies include writing and learning queer history, which I find fascinating. When the weather is warm enough, I also garden. I'm currently also a college student trying to get a Bachelor's Degree in political science.

⦁ What made you first want to enter DSA government? What made you want to be Administrator-Emeritus?
I remember the first time I joined government was January of 2018. I was in a discord voice chat with the players Ivory Rhodes (then president) and 124mm10 (then Sec-Gen) and they started talking about the maps (something I wanted to get on but hadn't yet). Back then, Ivory was the one doing the maps and the borders were all straight lines and he was talking about them. I offered to make them look more "organic" and presented it to him. He then made me the Director of Cartography. I don't really know if I actually wanted the job but maybe more just got the job and I was fine with it.

As for actually wanting to enter government, that would be when I ran for Minister of Role-Play. Over the months prior, I was becoming more involved with the region, feeling that I could contribute to it and enjoyed doing so. As the cartographer, my main realm was with role play and that is where my focus was. Plus it was cool back then to be a Cabinet Minister and I enjoyed being part of the main regional governance. And with becoming Ad-Em, I wanted to continue to serve the region but did not think that I had the time to continue being a Minister as my non-digital life was becoming busy. Ad-Em was a good solution because I would remain in the Cabinet and not have all the responsibilities of Minister.

⦁ Who are some people whom you've come to consider good friends in the DSA?
Did y'all really think I was gonna fall for my trap question? Nah, I'm not gonna make the risky move and select specific people and exclude others.

⦁ What are your plans for the future in your life? What do you hope to be or accomplish before you die? Or more simply and less macabre, within the next 20 years?
Employment wise, I want to graduate from university and become involved in the political sphere of my homestate, Maryland, and my local area. I don't necessarily want to run for office, but more be in the environment. Outside of that, I'd like to find a guy to spend the rest of my days with and do the most scandelous of actions and have non-reproductive hand holding. It'd be nice to own a house with a small yard and lots of trees. Not much else for plans. I'm a little more open to possibilities to where I won't usually plan too far ahead.

La pays de soliel, 20th Minister of Justice, 26th and Final Minister of Domestic Affairs for 3 consecutive terms and 2nd Councilor of Domestic Affairs
⦁ When did you first join NationStates? How did you first hear about it?
I joined somewhere in 2001. I was browsing for a good government simulator and stumbled upon the website.

• When did you join the DSA? Were you just looking at regions when you found us or did you come through recruitment telegram?
It was sometime shortly after I joined. I saw a few regions that I thought was interesting, like the Pacific or Great British regions. Ultimately I ended up in the DSA. The original DSA, before the schism.

• What are some things you've come to enjoy about the DSA most? A favorite memory?
I love the community. Yes, we’ve had our issue and a few people come and go, but ultimately we stayed together. My favorite memory is the creation of the IIU. For those that don’t know, the IIU is the Iskarian Intracontinental Union. It is a group of some of the most powerful nations in the DSA with the goal of improving the world.

• What do you do outside of NationStates? Examples: what your job (if employed)? Hobbies? Talents? Etc
I’m currently employed full-time doing taxes, which I’ve been doing for over 6 years. I’m currently working toward becoming an Enrolled Agent, which basically means that I will have direct access to the IRS. My hobbies include hiking, drawing, writing, photography, and gaming. Not to mention my practice at being a dictator, I mean constitutional monarch.

• What made you first want to enter DSA government? What made you want to enter for this current Council?
Honestly I’d been hanging around the DSA for so long that I thought it was time to get involved. Plus with the Great Migration and Exodus we were short on leading figures. Once again with this cabinet I felt the call to service.

• Who are some people whom you've come to consider good friends in the DSA?
I consider Kathina dakani, Student Loan Debt, Mon silanes, Dekks, Oh my god it is so hard to find a name, and several others friends.

• What are your plans for the future in your life? What do you hope to be or accomplish before you die? Or more simply and less macabre, within the next 20 years?
Hopefully I will be able to finish my college degree in Architecture and become an actual politician. For those in America, I’ll expect to see your vote! Lol. As of right now, I’m focusing on the here and now, because things are changing so quickly.

Celle franca, 13th President, 16th Minister of Domestic Affairs, 11th Minister of Role Play, and 1st Councilor of Foreign Affairs for 2 terms
⦁ When did you first join NationStates? How did you first hear about it?
I joined NationStates in late 2015, if I remember correctly. I think I was just browsing the Internet randomly and I came across this website. Being a politically interested kid, I decided to create my own nation - my first one was called Ragusae. I got involved in the Coalition of Governments, an RP region. After a while I got tired of roleplaying and created Celle Franca, with which I firstly joined 10000 Islands.

⦁ When did you join the DSA? Were you just looking at regions when you found us or did you come through recruitment telegram?
I joined the DSA with Celle Franca in 2016. Back when I was still in 10000 Islands, I created my own little faction for social democrats and democratic socialists, but then I decide to join a region that reflected my political position at the time - which was reformist social democracy. The Democratic Socialist Assembly felt like the best choice in that regard.

⦁ What are some things you've come to enjoy about the DSA most? A favorite memory?
I enjoyed alot my term as President of the Cabinet. I tried my best to get the Cabinet to be more active, and I also worked with Solus unus whom I consider to be one of the most important actors within the DSA. About the region as a whole, I like the debates on real life stuff and on legislation, and I also very much enjoy casual conversations with the friends I've met here. I'd feel much more lonely if I didn't have such good relations with the fantastic people in here.

⦁ What do you do outside of NationStates? Examples: what your job (if employed)? Hobbies? Talents? etc
Outside of NS, I'm a political science student - in particular, I am currently finishing my Bachelor's Degree in International and Diplomatic Sciences. I plan to study for a Master's Degree in International Security in the UK and eventually become a scholar in the subject. I'm also the vice-secretary of the Democratic Party constituency in my home town, in Italy. I like rock n roll and metal (mostly music from the 60s to the 90s), I also enjoy talking about astronomy, and I love reading sci-fi novels.

⦁ What made you first want to enter DSA government? What made you want to enter for this current Council?
I entered for the first time the DSA government a long time ago; I just wanted to get involved in the community, expand my english skills and make some good friends.. I think my first role was that of Minister of Domestic Affairs. This is my second term as Councilor of Foreign Affairs, and the reason I decided to run for this position in the 2nd Council is mainly because I wanted to finish up what I started in my previous term - most notably, I wanted to make the Triad Agreements something that can really have a positive effect on our region and on our allies back in The Socialist Syndicalist Union.

⦁ Who are some people whom you've come to consider good friends in the DSA?
There's lots of people for whom I can only have respect, ammiration and love. Student Loan Debt (this interviewer!) is certainly one of them, given also that I've known him for such a long time. The list of course goes on: Fractal (Solus unus), Kathina dakani, Leo (Liossalde), Mikey (Bhexa), Dekks, Wiley (Wileyshire), Veno (Venovica), Veyoris and Osreton. I'd say these are the people with whom I've had extensive contact and friendly conversations, but I have to stress out that I love every single member of the DSA at this current state ❤

⦁ What are your plans for the future in your life? What do you hope to be or accomplish before you die? Or more simply and less macabre, within the next 20 years?
I want to advance the socialist cause in some shape or form. I hope to do so with my intellectual skills and my willpower. In the next 20 years I'd like to be a professor at some prestigious university and possibly be a political counselor for progressive think tanks and leftist parties/movements. Also, I'd really like to have a lovely wife and some lovely kids - not before I get to be 30 though 😂

Osreton, 2nd Councilor of Justice and Catra lover
⦁ When did you first join NationStates? How did you first hear about it?
I first joined NationStates about six and a half years ago, thought I’m not quite sure how I first heard about it. I rejoined in early 2019 after I remembered about the site.

⦁ When did you join the DSA? Were you just looking at regions when you found us or did you come through recruitment telegram?
I believe I joined the DSA in August of 2020. I actually was recommended the region by Veyoris. At first I only joined as a diplomat from Forest, but I quickly fell in love with everything.

⦁ What are some things you've come to enjoy about the DSA most? A favorite memory?
I think the thing I enjoy most about the DSA is the community. Everyone is so welcoming and friendly and has helped me in many ways. It’s hard to pick a favorite memory, but I’d say it would be getting to play [Monster of The Week] with everyone.

⦁ What do you do outside of NationStates? Examples: what your job (if employed)? Hobbies? Talents? etc
Outside of NationStates I’ve mostly been preparing for our move to Colorado and starting my farm. For hobbies I enjoy woodburning, reading, and playing video games.

⦁ What made you first want to enter DSA government? What made you want to enter for this current Council?
I suppose entered the DSA government, and more importantly the Justice cabinet, as a way to help out the region. As CoJ I knew I would be tasked with helping to keep the region, and my friends, safe.

⦁ Who are some people whom you've come to consider good friends in the DSA?
Oh man, now that’s a hard one. I don’t know about others, but I’d consider Van (Sessnia), Mikey (Bhexa), Sov (Mate Uniumburgia), River (Horseandcart), and plenty others good friends.

⦁ What are your plans for the future in your life? What do you hope to be or accomplish before you die? Or more simply and less macabre, within the next 20 years?
My plans for the future are somewhat simple, to start and run a successful flower farm. If all goes right, me and Vey plan on building our own house and adopting some children. All I can really hope for is to live a happy life and to have a suit of armor.

The Finno-Estonian Empire, 2nd Councilor of Role Play
⦁ When did you first join NationStates? How did you first hear about it?
I first joined NationStates in May of 2017. I first heard about it because I was trying to find any webgames that allowed you to make your own country, and NationStates seemed like the most popular one, so I decided to give it a whirl.

⦁ When did you join the DSA? Were you just looking at regions when you found us or did you come through recruitment telegram?
I first joined the DSA in April of 2020. I came across the DSA because I had friends whose nations had moved to the DSA from the region that I used to be in, and I decided to follow suit because I wanted to have a link to some of those people.

⦁ What are some things you've come to enjoy about the DSA most? A favorite memory?
The things that I enjoy the most about the DSA is definitely the RP. I think that we've got some of the most skilled writers when it comes to RP, and the worlds that I've seen built in our setting are absolutely astounding.

⦁ What do you do outside of NationStates? Examples: what your job (if employed)? Hobbies? Talents? etc
I'm an IT consultant in real life, but my hobbies include playing trombone, painting miniatures, and playing D&D.

⦁ What made you first want to enter DSA government? What made you want to enter for this current Council?
In my previous region, a lot of the government spots were filled up by friends of the founder (despite being advertised as a meritocracy). I had a lot of ideas for that region, but none of them really gained traction, so I wanted to implant a lot of my ideas here (particularly when it came to RP, since RP in my previous region wasn't really popular). However, I didn't really want to go through any potential drama that NS government sometimes brings, so being the Councilor of Role Play allows me to spreading my ideas while interacting with only the best parts of the community.

⦁ Who are some people whom you've come to consider good friends in the DSA?
I've come to love a lot of people in the DSA, even though a lot of them aren't here anymore. However, if I had to pick one person that I'd consider to be my best friend here, it'd be Van/Sessnia. Whether it's RP or just hanging out, I don't think that I could think of anyone better than henne.

⦁ What are your plans for the future in your life? What do you hope to be or accomplish before you die? Or more simply and less macabre, within the next 20 years?
Currently, I'm in the process of saving up some money so I can move out of my state and move to Massachusetts. I don't really like where I currently am, and I wanna reconnect with some old friends there! We'll see where life takes me from there!

Veyoris, 22nd World Assembly Delegate
⦁ When did you first join NationStates? How did you first hear about it?
I first joined Nationstates April 27th, 2019 through my puppet nation of Crojome kingdom. Alex (Osreton/Ordand) told me about NS since I'm a history nerd who always made up nations 😅

⦁ When did you join the DSA? Were you just looking at regions when you found us or did you come through recruitment telegram?
I joined the DSA in the spring last year because Forest needed an ambassador to the region and I volunteered. I was not really involved in the Region until summertime, but I'm glad I finally decided to become more active.

⦁ What are some things you've come to enjoy about the DSA most? A favorite memory?
I have really come to enjoy the active RP community the DSA has. Especially with all the great maps that Student Loan Debt makes chef's kiss. I am very fond of all of the [Monster of The Week] sessions we did manage to have. They were really fun and you always had a great mystery planned for us to solve.

⦁ What do you do outside of NationStates? Examples: what your job (if employed)? Hobbies? Talents? etc
I'm a welder outside of the DSA. I currently help make big containers, but I also help make the smaller normal trash cans that people area used to. I used to play the trumpet as a hobby, but now it's mostly just write RP.

⦁ What made you first want to enter DSA government? What made you want to enter for this current Council?
As a community the DSA was extremely welcoming and a fun environment so I wanted to give back to the region if I could. I had wanted to become the WAD since I was in Forest, so when the opportunity opened up for the DSA I took it. I wanted to help boost NS Writing, but I haven't gotten much traction in that area.

⦁ Who are some people whom you've come to consider good friends in the DSA?
uhh I have social anxiety so I have no idea if others consider me as a friend as well so I'm abstaining for now

⦁ What are your plans for the future in your life? What do you hope to be or accomplish before you die? Or more simply and less macabre, within the next 20 years?
I really hope I can finish my degree soon so that I can become a history teacher for High School in Colorado.

The Isles of Student Loan Debt

